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Takuma Nuva

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Blog Entries posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Takuma Nuva
    Remember the old days when we had rules about the combined file size of avatars and sig banners? What was it, 150kb max?
    Man, I miss those days.
    Hey, all y'all. Bet practically nobody here even remembers or knows me at this point. But, for those of you old codgers that do and have possibly wondered what I've been up to lately, here's the sitch.
    First and probably the biggest, in the time since I was last around I've moved on from having jobs to finally landing a career. No longer do I spend my days washing dishes or flipping burgers. I am now the Product Support Manager for a company specializing in candidate sourcing and a jobs search/data engine. I spend my days managing a team of programmers including a rotating internship wherein I can help other up-and-coming developers learn some of the ins and outs of the industry. It is very stressful but very rewarding work and while I'm definitely not yet being paid as much as I "should" be, I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything.
    Outside of the job, I'm living it up as a bachelor in my own digs. Rather than sink money into nothing, I skipped the whole "apartment phase" and jumped feet-first into the world of home ownership. It's been a wild ride and I'm learning new things all the time. My neighbors are pretty swell and I'm actually surprised that none of them have really voiced any complaints about the state of my yard/lawn that I've definitely not been keeping up with (it's been a crazy year between the promotion and grandparents). Also, I didn't know this when I bought the place, but I have six frickin' fruit trees: 1 apple, 1 cherry, 2 plum, and 2 that I'm not sure if they're weird-looking apples or weird-looking pears.
    Recreationally, I'm still loving my time as part of the TTV Channel. It's been a wild roller-coaster ride with all kinds of ups and downs, but we've done some great stuff (go watch Biocraft Chronicles if you haven't yet) and I've definitely made life-long friends. I also continue to play too much Warframe but I'm trying to get back into the swing of playing my ocarina too. I'm still very novice in terms of skill, but my goal is to be able to play the Ducktales theme before 2020 rolls around.
    A'ight, that's me. Peace.
  2. Takuma Nuva
    People seem to be forgetting the blog rules going in both ways. Yes, politics are allowed in the blogs, but only in a very small capacity as follows:
    You would do well to read the entire entry from Blog HQ detailing politics and religion in the blogs.
    Now, everybody chill out for, like, a week at least. Yeesh.
    Sad that this is the only reason I'm making a blog entry in forever.

  3. Takuma Nuva
    I can't believe I live in a world where I'm actually writing this blog entry.
    I'd like to preface this by expressing my deepest gratitude for the wonderful, generous people who have showered me with gifts over the past few years, especially during various holiday Steam Sales.
    That said, I have an important request to make:
    Don't do it anymore.
    Why would I ever turn down free stuff? Well, for a number of reasons. First of all, I still have a backlog of games I need to work through and I don't want to make it even larger. Second, I don't have as much time to spend on gaming these days so I'd feel bad about not playing a game I was gifted; I still have some gifted titles that I've barely touched. Mostly though, I can't handle the guilt. I write this blog entry as I'm about to leave for a job interview, but the simple fact of the matter is I don't have a job right now. Receiving gifts without the capacity for returning the gesture hurts me. I cannot in good conscience spend money I shouldn't on gifts for other people, but it wouldn't feel fair to me to keep getting gifts from others. Now, I'm fully aware that you may be doing this out of the goodness of your heart without any thought of getting something in return, especially if you're at all like me. When it gets down to it though, I'm not asking this for your sake, I'm asking it for mine. I don't want it resting on my conscience making me feel guilty. Yeah, that's something I'm working to get past but until then, this is how it goes.
    So that's that. Thanks again to all you wonderful people and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to give as much in return. Consider this a forewarning that any attempts to gift me any games this year will be turned down. I don't care if you've already paid for the title, I will be clicking the "decline" button.
    What kind of crazy world am I living in?


  4. Takuma Nuva
    With the Bionicle RPG in working condition, I've come to a conclusion: It was good for a practice run.
    That's not to say it's bad or that I don't like it. Heck, I'm going to be recording an entire campaign spanning who-knows-how-many sessions that'll be going up on YouTube. But I've pretty much accomplished what I set out to do and, while I'm going to continue supporting it, my focus has moved on to the next big thing.
    As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly working on a series of three or four novels. I started writing again and it felt good, but I found myself going back to a previous problem I felt I still had: the universe felt too empty. It didn't feel right to be writing this cyberpunk/fantasy epic with nothing but transhumans and dragon-humans. That's a pitifully small amount of culture to delve into. I'd been trying to expand the universe further, but it was just difficult to do from a plot perspective.
    Enter my next big project and world-building solution: The Steel Scales RPG. Now that I've got my feet wet with designing Lost Chronicles, I have a better feel for what does and doesn't work in a game system and where the line between complexity and simplicity should lie. But most importantly, by taking a step back from worrying about plot and designing a game around where the universe will be shortly after the end of the novels, I find it a lot easier to retroactively know what will happen when I go back to writing to get to this point. Suddenly, a lot more interesting plot points and characters come to mind. I have a clearer vision of how things are going to play out. Most importantly though, the universe doesn't feel like such an empty void anymore. I now have six races/factions well fleshed-out and the number is continuing to climb. I'm going to have a lot more toys in the sandbox when I crack open that .docx file again.
    As for the RPG itself, I'm taking a more traditional approach and will be using a d20 system. This time, I'm taking cues heavily from KOTORII, 5th edition DnD, and the Star Wars Saga Edition RPG by Wizards of the Coast. I can't wait until it is finished because it means a chance to do more in my universe than just describe events to a reader. I'll be able to escort people there personally so that they can experience it first-hand.
    The Steel Scales IP as a whole may be taking the back burner while I focus on more important things like hunting down a job and other pressing matters, but if I could just one thing to be my legacy, this would be it. I have faith that, if given a chance, I could craft something truly great and wondrous for everyone to enjoy.
    *cue Two Steps from [Karzahni]*


  5. Takuma Nuva
    Gonna keep this short and sweet for all our sakes. I won't be able to attend Brickfair VA this year.
    Simply put, I'll either have a new job and don't want to tarnish my reputation by asking for a week-long vacation right away OR I won't have a job and, ergo, won't be able to afford it/will be using the time to actively keep on the job hunt.
    Tangentially related, I'm expecting a phone interview either later today or sometime tomorrow. Wooteth.
    I'm starting to detect a pattern here...


  6. Takuma Nuva
    So my Web Interactivity Tools course focused on the use of Adobe Edge AKA the Adobe Flash-killer. For our final project we had to develop a sort of sample website that used at least two animations that contained movement and/or interactivity of some kind.
    I decided to theme my project around a sort of proof-of-concept of what the current Bionicle website could be (because, let's face it, whoever came up with some of these design decisions kinda sucked). What I have is nowhere near a complete product and there's plenty more I could do to improve it, but I don't have time to go above and beyond with all the bells and whistles I have in mind. If you're interested in having a look, you may check it out here.


  7. Takuma Nuva
    Anybody else play it? It's a game about space ninjas. F2P co-op third-person shooter with lots of slash-slash, bang-bang, and PARKOUR. I only recently picked it back up after not playing for about a year only to find there's now jet-packs in spaaaaace levels as well as other rad stuff.
    Anyway, I'm starting a clan/building a clan dojo for funsies. Let me know if you're interested in joining. Also, obligatory referral link because referrals can get me a chance for stuff and you get a guaranteed XP boost for seven days. Neat.

    If gore is a concern for you, there's an option to turn it off in-game.
    That's all. Back to your lives, citizens.
    This game was Destiny before Destiny was Destiny.


  8. Takuma Nuva
    I got sick twice over winter break and the second time around I wound up binge-watching several shows. Namely, I watched every Ninjago episode available on Netflix and finished watching the last three and a half seasons of Merlin.
    I have ALL the new bonkles.
    The Bionicle RPG is at 82 pages. With little more than power rules and some character/creature stat sheets left, it is almost ready for "beta testing".
    Podcasting is still fun.
    Got on the President's Honor Roll again last semester. This semester I'm taking Database Design & SQL (after I've already used the tech in my other classes), Graphic Design (CS6), Web Interactivity Tools (Adobe Edge), an IT internship, and the Capstone project. The capstone is basically the big kahuna, the final for the whole degree. It is an actual project that will be going live at the end of the semester. Capstone combines students from all the different emphasis areas of the IT program so that the team covers all the different aspects of the project. However, with two Capstone projects and only two Web Design & Development students (one being me) participating this semester, that means that we have to be split up into different projects where we'll have to handle the entire web component of our respective projects solo. Yowza.
    Okay, back to homework.
    And then he was never heard from again...


  9. Takuma Nuva
    Really though, if you need two skakdi together to make use of their elemental powers, how on earth is a Skakdi of Psionics' power supposed to manifest itself when combined with other elements?
    I'm so close now I can smell it


  10. Takuma Nuva
    I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the response to be quite so . . . underwhelming.
    Regardless, it's the responses to this entry that really matter and that also goes for the if/who/what/which Call of Evil short story should see the light of day.[/not an effective threat]
    Here's Chapter One of Steel Scales. It's an ugly, slightly-proofread mess that includes such wonders as awkward noun usage, abhorrent dialogue tags, "telling instead of showing", and perhaps even some inconsistent standards of measurement.
    Go forth and marvel at the beginnings of my gift to the world.
    Or just shudder two paragraphs in and eventually run off to find an appropriate receptacle for your . . . upchuck.
    Chapter one shows little of the Dragon society/culture. That'll be fleshed out in chapter two.


  11. Takuma Nuva
    Quick and dirty, I want your opinions. How long would you say the effects of Enlarge, Shrink, Weaken, and Reconstitution Kanoka last? Nothing I've seen seems to indicate that the disc's power level affects the power duration.
    Likely, nobody sees these messages until after I'm dead.


  12. Takuma Nuva
    See, Vezon, possessing an Olmak, jumps to the Star Wars universe and grabs Jar Jar Binks. Then they hop over to Star Trek and grab Wesley Crusher. Afterward, Vezon brings them all here and they gather themselves a cult. They get this grand plan to completely change the history of their respective universes to make themselves seem glorious. They have to start with small, trivial ideas though to get their foot in the door before they start pushing the big changes. Naturally, since Vezon is the one in the position of power, they start with Bionicle.
    I think we could get this canonized, don't you?
    srsly though, just stahp


  13. Takuma Nuva
    Once upon a time, as such a time is when these things often occur, there was an art class. A bunch of students were taking the course. Some of the students prefer working in pen. Other students prefer working in pencil. Every day when the students take to their easels they find a fresh piece of paper. However, the teacher has drawn a few shapes and lines on the paper in the respective ink or graphite. The teacher tells the students they will be graded on their individuality.
    For quite some time, all the students are content and consistently received excellent grades. Those who worked with pencil would often find themselves erasing some or even all of the pre-drawn bits to fit their artwork. Those who worked with pen could not erase anything, but they enjoyed the technical aspect of incorporating the pre-drawn bits into their final piece. Everybody had fun comparing art and seeing how each individual expressed themselves through their work.
    However, as the semester went on, things began to change. Every day, the teacher added more and more shapes and lines to the paper. Those students who worked with pencil simply did more erasing in order to make expressive art and maintain a grade. On the other hand, the students who worked in pen watched as their grades began to plummet. Every time more lines were added they found it more difficult to make the pieces personal to themselves. In fact, an increasing number of pieces from different students began to look almost exactly alike.
    One day, with the semester almost over, the students came in, sat down before their easels, and beheld what awaited them. Every easel had a piece of paper with an intricate drawing of a sailboat, a lighthouse, and a rocky beach. The only things missing were the lighthouse's roof and part of the sailboat's mast. The pencil-using students got right to work erasing everything they didn't want to work with. The students who used pen, however, were dumbfounded. One of them stood up and got the teacher's attention.
    "Yes?" asked the teacher. "What seems to be the problem?"
    "The problem is what you're making us work with," the student said. "You've been making it harder and harder for us to make our artwork unique to ourselves by continually adding more to the page that we have to work around. Now you've left us with almost nothing we can even do! Each of us is going to wind up with a picture of a sailboat, a lighthouse, and a rocky beach."
    "So? I prefer when inked art is depicting sailboats, lighthouses, and rocky beaches."
    "But we don't want to draw those things, the people who come to see our art don't want those things, and now we can't get a good grade because our art won't reflect our individuality."
    "That's because you're working in ink. If you want to get good grades you'll have to work in pencil. I only want ink art of sailboats, lighthouses, and rocky beaches."
    "If you want those so bad, then why don't you make that art for yourself and stop making things difficult for us ink-users?"
    "It's quite simple," the teacher said. "I'm the one who gets to come in here before class and draw on the easels. That's why."
    This is what's happening with the "rampant canonization", folks. Some of us in the community like being able to do whatever we please with our stories, artwork, and MOCs. Those who don't want to work with a bit of the established canon just ignore it. They erase and move forward with their pencils working away. But some of us, myself included, really like working with ink. We don't want to change what's on the paper already, what the established canon is. In fact, we like the technical aspect of working with what's already there. But now all these people pushing the additional canonization of facts are throwing more and more on the page. This doesn't affect the pencil-users because erasing things that don't fit their ideas is already their forte. But the pen-users now find themselves in an increasingly tightening bind. Those pre-drawn bits, the established canon, are no longer interesting pieces, they're restrictions. We're being told by the "canonizers" that we can make our art, MOCs, and fanfics just as easily; all we have to do is switch to pencil, ignore the canon. But if we want to keep working in our preferred medium, if we want to work with the canon, we're restricted to what they keep adding to the page. Why? Because they want all the ink pictures their way and we can't stop them from adding more lines and shapes before class.
    I seriously considered posting this in its own topic in COT


  14. Takuma Nuva
    Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details.
    This is the last decision you make, folks. Make it a good ending!
    Also, this is going up late. Whoops.

    Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy
    Bibble begins to panic as it feels a dangerous poison beginning to spread throughout the stolen leira body. With the mechanical augments now permanently destroyed by the water, Bibble struggles all the more to claw its way out of the well with only one good arm, one functioning eye, and no legs.
    When Bibble finally reaches the surface, it looks around and sees that the battle between nilrems and leiras has reached a crucial point. Bibble doesn't know what on Nyurk'snrk it's going to do to pass this test, but it decides that it must do something. Bibble slithers as fast as it possibly can across the battle field, its lack of fine motor control over the leira body causing Bibble to bump into and knock over all manner of arms and ammunition, medical tents and defensive structures. Bibble spies a large rock protruding out of the ground. It climbs the rock to the very top where it gets an unobstructed view of the whole battle. As Bibble tries in earnest to decide what to do, the poison begins to truly take its toll. Bibble, body weak and dying, falls from its perch atop the rock and lands in the mud below, right between the two opposing leaders of the nilrems and leiras just as they were about to engage in violent combat...
    Honestly, people, you're not just playing as Bibble. Open your mind to the possibilities!


  15. Takuma Nuva
    Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details.

    Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy
    Bibble descends upon the planet of Nyurk'snrk and possesses the body of the first Leira it sees. After taking time to examine its newfound flesh and mechanical bits, Bibble looks up and finds itself in the middle of a Leira-Nilrem warzone. It dodges left, right, and under as bolts of magic pass by. Bringing an arm to to shield from an incoming blast, the grapple arm on the Nilrem activates and pulls Bibble into a nearby well. Waves of pain wash over Bibble as the Leira body's cyborg enhancements respond violently to the water. Paralyzed and howling in agony, Bibble wonders if this body will soon perish when I strange voice in heard. There's something down here in the well with Bibble, but it can't see the newcomer through the shadows and arcs of lightning.
    "I can save you from electrocution," the creature says, "but only if you do something for me in return."
    "What is it?" Bibble asks.
    "You must swallow this pill so that I may record the results."
    "What does it do?" Bibble asks.
    "Nuh uh uh," the creature says. "That would spoil the outcome. Now then, what say you? Will you take the pill or perish at the bottom of this well?"
    Bibble begins to think it over, wondering what possible ramifications could result from agreeing to the experiment. Alas, before Bibble gets the chance to decide, the creature shoves the pill in Bibble's mouth and forces a swallow before climbing out of the well and running away cackling.
    As soon as the pill reaches the stomach, a strange feeling washes over Bibble...
    I wonder how long it'll be until someone discovers these messages...


  16. Takuma Nuva
    Not sure what this is all about? Check the first entry for details.
    Bibble the Astral Soul-Thingy
    Bibble, being a very cautious and forgetful Soul-Thingy, hesitates before jumping into the thick of the action. It contacts the advisor before moving forward and asks for reminders pertaining to the exact nature of this experiment.
    The returned answer from the advisor was less than amicable. The message stated in no uncertain terms that asking such unnecessary questions would quickly result in a failing of the test. It also reminded Bibble that the test was only offered every three millenia, a long time to be separated from friends and family. As Bibble read on, it picked out the few important bits from the report. First, the end result of the experiment didn't matter as much as the methods. Seconds, the Nilrems were incredibly strong creatures that ignored their strength in favor of casting spells. Third, the Leiras were creatures best suited for the water that now had to avoid water thanks to the components of their augmentations.
    Bibble dismissed the message into the void of the astral plain. If it wasn't all going to end horribly, the time for action was now . . .
    Part of the end report means going over the challenging parts of this experiment. That'll be easy.


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