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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  2. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  3. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  4. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  5. *starts singing, er... squawking*

    "If it weren't fer cotton-eyed Satogo, I'd be married a long time ago. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where'd you come from, cotton-eyed Satogo?"

    *does country jig and slips on a pig*

    "OoPs!!! Sorry, Tirvon!"

  6. *Steak Boy spits out Xaeraz*

    "Yucky! Spoiled..."

  7. *taps on computer screen*

    Hmm... I think Satogo just broke my monitor...

  8. *uses voodoo swarm power*

  9. *Waiting is a waste of time*

  10. 01001101011000010111100100100000011101000110100001100101001000000101001101110100011001010110000101101011001000000110001001100101001000000111011101101001011101000110100000100000011110010110111101110101001011100010111000101110

  11. 01001101011000010111100100100000011101000110100001100101001000000101001101110100011001010110000101101011001000000110001001100101001000000111011101101001011101000110100000100000011110010110111101110101001011100010111000101110

  12. 01001111011010010010110000100000011101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000001100010011100100110000101101001011011100111011101110010011000010110001101101011011010010110111001100111001011100010111000101110

  13. 010101110110000101101001011101000010000001100001001000000110110101101001011011100111010101110100011001010010111000101110001011100110001101101111011100100110111000111111

  14. 17, Likes High School Musical and has a sense of humor...

    If you weren't a girl and if I wasn't sitting right here, I'd be afraid that you were me!

  15. A most interesting comment you left in my blog. You might want to read my reply.

  16. A nickname request? o_O Never saw one of those before. Uh, okay, Turakii! er . . . "Swashy"!


  18. About your code problems.

    Use this:

    Not this:

    Glad to help!

  19. Active Posts 1,814. Profile Views 1,841.... ._.

  20. Actually, that was the second one. xP

  21. Actually, the double enter thing doesn't count as an extra line, I'm pretty sure that was stated in the sig guidelines. But if you do it too much, it simply makes the sig too tall for the mods' likings. I don't have so much trouble with the height of sigs, it's the width that gets me, because there's no way of knowing.

  22. Ah, I getcha. That eye-stunning green text...I tell ya man. xD

  23. Ah, packing. I almost missed you.

    1. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      Why does nearly "everyone" have such a similar usename!?

  24. Ah, yes. I actually did notice that you posted the name there. I just didn't have time to add you yesterday. But, I've got time now so I'll go take a look at your creations. Thanks for reminding me though.

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