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Takuma Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Ha, we have the same birthday!

    1. Portalfig


      Woah, we do! *slowpoke*

  2. And now Darksiders II is available for pre-load. SO HAPPY!

  3. Ordered the newest Heroica set from LEGO S@H since we missed going to the LEGO store in VA. Also, the Rocka set was on sale so I jumped all over that. Gold pieces and crossbow FTW.

  4. How awesome is Brickfair exactly? So awesome that I've pretty much forgotten about Darksiders II this whole time. That awesome.

  5. Cover me!

    1. Zatth



    2. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      "Just go ahead, kid, we won't shoot you." xP

  6. Coming Soon: The Ranger (also the general and the venom shrikes but that would be a stupid-long title)

  7. Am I not allowed to feel sorry for someone without actually liking them? For crying out loud, just make me the bad guy in all this already...

  8. Not sure why I started reading Homestuck....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xaeraz


      Are you enjoying it?

    3. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      I am largely undecided as of yet. Truthfully, I'd have given up on it (a second time) already a long time ago based just on what I've read. The only reason I went back to try it again is because a co-worker told me some of the story and made it sound genuinely interesting.

    4. Xaeraz


      The story mostly takes part in Act 5, which is half the entire comic, more or less. If you don't find acts 1-4 entertaining, you might like 5?


      But don't skip to it. That's a bad idea.

  9. I'm in the middle of writing a comedy, so my fingers were already all warmed up for typing fast. :P

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Ah, I see, that makes sense. =P Made me do a double take at the bottom of the page initially, however. =P

  10. Just saved a rabbit that was stuck in a window well. I feel like such a hero!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brickeens


      good old takuma

    3. JPNML


      you sir, are a kind person indeed.

    4. Bambi


      You certainly are a hero.

  11. Active Posts 1,814. Profile Views 1,841.... ._.

  12. I just might have to enter THREE of the summer olympics contests...

  13. More victims for the Evil Blog Master! :evilgrin:

  14. Why can't I stop listening to the soundtrack for Frozen Synapse Red? Oh, that's right. BECAUSE IT'S TOO FREAKIN' AWESOME!

  15. I have now glued arms and legs to the bodies.

    1. Paleo


      I assume this is some kind of art project?

    2. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Wouldn't you like to know?

  16. Last night I had sixteen heads lying on my computer desk. Now I've glued them to sixteen bodies.

    1. D-D-D-Ddude




      Do I need to report you to the police? O__o

    2. Xaeraz


      Obligatory post making this into a Homestuck thing.

  17. Back to reality and getting up at 4AM for work....

  18. Hey diddle diddle, the Swert and the Fiddle, the Swert jumped over the Swert. The little Swert laughed, to see such Swert, and the Swert ran away with the Swert.

    1. Shioi


      How Swerty of him...

    2. Hexann


      Oh, my Swerting Karzahni.

  19. Less than a week until fishing? AWWWW YEEAAAAHHHH!!!!

    1. Soran


      What kind of fishing? Deep water?

    2. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Lake fishing. Mostly going after Pike, Walleye, and the ever-elusive Muskie.

  20. I feel depressed, but in a different way. I hunger for something, but I know not what. This must be what happens when you work too much. You forget what you want to do in between.

    1. Soran


      Eat a sammich. It makes the world go round.

    2. Hexann


      I KNEW IT!!!!! All of you people said that has do with science but, I knew that wasn't the answer it was...........SANDWICHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. My profile feed activity was zero. Then the staff do one little name change and HOLY SUNUVA BURNAK PROFILE FEED EXPLOSION! {(o)}

  22. Wow, I can't believe you're STILL using that avatar I made you all those years ago!

  23. I will come swiftly. Make amends before I arrive.

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