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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Dude, did your parents force-feed you english-class books as a kid? d=

  2. Oh wow. Our avatars are almost completely identical! And your sig looks like my blog approval! XD

  3. Gas stations usually carry it. Though, I've been having some trouble finding the Cranberry Grapefruit Elixers...

  4. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  5. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  6. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  7. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  8. *Sneaks into profile leaving a quick message saying "The next part of Toast Busters The Movie is available for viewing".*

  9. *repeatedly rates five stars*

  10. I'm trying to figure out how to add more of your creations to the sporecast, but I'm having some issues...

  11. Just a little memo to notify you that your banner size doesn't fit the guidlines. :)

  12. No, Takuma just had trouble finding one he liked. d= But that's not a problem anymore. I found a new one that pones.

  13. Just stopped by to say "'Ehllo!"

  14. *isn't gonna ask*

  15. I believe you mean *bamf*, referring to the X-Man Nightcrawler whose teleportation power is nick-named bamffing because of the "BAMF" noise it makes when he manipulates the space continuum.

  16. Dude, why so invisible at night all the time? d=

  17. Their name guidlines are VERY strict. That name wouldn't get approved. No "Mr." no ":" and all kinds of restrictions.

  18. What is? "O_O Wow"? That's one wacky name. And unless it's already been approved, I can tell you right now that it won't be.

  19. Seriously, just google your name sometimes. You'd be surprised all the stuff you didn't know about yourself.

  20. Another home-schooler! Rockoh on!

  21. Oh THAT Xavier Falcon!

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