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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. "Opposite directions"? Gerlicky say wha?

  2. Hey, Pirates of the Caribbean Online won't cost you a thing. d=

  3. Finally a new comic is up!

  4. Finally a new comic is up!

  5. *uses voodoo swarm power*

  6. Sounds good. Just be sure to let us know when you're ready. DudeNuva has organized a BZP-only guild. I'm a member as well as Turakii, Torhuki, Avohkah Tamer, and others.

  7. (Seriously though, do you have an account yet?)

  8. Eat a Hex Bullet!

  9. Wow, I just realized now that your birthday is only two days before mine. Wow.

    Oh, and, hi, Onknu! =P

  10. Gasp! You don't say?!

  11. Hey! That is one AWESOME personal pic there, Turakii! Hope to see on there again soon!

  12. A nickname request? o_O Never saw one of those before. Uh, okay, Turakii! er . . . "Swashy"!

  13. He couldn't. "Swashy" holds no meaning for you. This is what we call an "inside joke". =P

  14. Then try shampooing more often.

  15. I believe "XD" is the proper response.

  16. Well, SOMETHING like that anyways...

  17. Heh, Gerlicky de ja vu...

  18. You're the featured member on the front page!

  19. There I go, sounding like Xaeraz again...

  20. Darn you, freakish rating spazzers!

  21. *roller coaster zooms up again*

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