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Takuma Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. No, I wasn't paralyzed. The anesthesia just held on for to long and I had close to zero for motor skills. I couldn't stand up on my own OR with help. My tongue wasn't "lolling out", I know that for sure, but I could barely hold my head up. Some of my short-term memory was affected as well.

    And now I've got a leftover tooth fragment stuck in my throat and it's i

  2. Hoo boy...

    The surgery went okay, but I was alot more affected by the anesthesia than they thought I would be. Unlike most people, I had to be taken out in a wheelchair. I'm still recovering, but at least I'm up and moving now...

  3. *As for why mine was, I don't know. I haven't the slightest idea...

  4. "kb" is short for "kilobytes". It has to do with filesize, how much information space a file takes up. In this case, your avatar and banner. Basically, your avatar and banner combined were more than 100kb in size. I checked for you and your previous banner and avatar size was 125kb. That's 25 over the limit. That's why your sig was removed. Now, as for why mine was, I do

  5. Soon as I'm done checking topic replies, I'm gonna review the next chapter! ;D

  6. OOps! Make that 13...

  7. *Runs away from 11 comment conversation with Xaeraz to eat breakfast.*


  9. Oh come on! You're too hard on yourself! I could just as easily say you're not missing something by not reading "Steak Boy Buys A Bowling Ball", but you and I BOTH know that both comedies are probably worth reading. Hey, if nothing else, they're not newbish with "lol i liek pie!" and stuff like that!

  10. Darned thing keeps adding extra spaces in that word...

  11. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconvolcanoconiosis!

  12. Ez-say OU-SAY!!!


  13. Snarfleblat gov harglefoo!

  14. Ooooooo....Xaeraz uses big words!

  15. Okay, I read Xaeraz's comment and then I read Tafin's right after that....


    *faints from over-exertion*

  16. I actually had already sent .:Krika the Great:. a PM. =P

  17. Oh yes. Fear the wrath of cute and adorable rubber things.

  18. Ooo...I like money! Especially since that surgery is gonna cost my parents a fortune and a half... >_

  19. My deepest apologies, Gerlicky, but do know that I've been meaning to reply to your latest comedy for some time now. I've just all of the sudden gotten a much busier week with taking extra work shifts, my sister, and other such 'cetera.

    Sorry... ='(

  20. So, Satogo's seeking a career in singing now, eh? Wonder how the ladies will like it...

    Did you know that ketchup was originially made with nuts and berries? Because of that, it was BLUE! BLUE KETCHUP!

  21. You know, I don't know which I prefer getting, PMs or Profile Comments. Hmm... lately I've been getting one or two PMs a day, so I miss the comments more right about now... How about you guys (and gals and in-betweens)?

  22. I'm terribly sorry this is late, "sweetheart", but I was caught up at work all day! (I was thinking of you! XD ) HAPPY ST. VALENTINE'S DAY!

  23. In case nobody noticed, I LOVE SoBe drinks! Especially the Cranberry Grapefruit Elixer in my profile pic!

  24. You a Mustang fan too?! Sweet! Did you hear about the Mustang that's going to be in the Knight Rider TV moive coming up? And you're HOMESCHOOLED just like I am! Yeah! We're totally so much smarter than those public schooled types... =P

  25. Hey, Gerlicky, ever notice how some members post on profiles about comics, comedies, and stuff about how much they like them INSTEAD of the topic? Then they just dissappear and you never hear from them again. Weird, isn't it?

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