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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Yippy Ki Yeah Yahoo![/random comment]

  2. Oh, I don't really mind it. I had four stars pretty much right after the forum upgrade. I only sat at five stars for a while.

  3. And now I'm back down to four stars... All this up and down is starting to make me dizzy...

  4. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  5. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  6. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  7. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  8. Uh oh! Another teenager joins the population! :D Happy 13th Birthday!

  9. Congratulations on your "adultness"! Happy Birthday!

  10. Hi there! If you ever need any help, just let me know!

  11. Haha! Nice! Quoting me... get out...

    Of course, I got that line from a movie...

  12. I intend to... eventually. I just am unable to at the moment.

  13. [newbie jibberish=blah]Yippe! Yahoo! La de da de da...[/newbie jebberish]

    Thanks everybody!

  14. Well what do ya know? I give him a rating and it goes up to five stars! Congratulations!

  15. Welcome to BZPower! I hope you enjoy your stay!

  16. Rats! It just went back down to four...

  17. Sounds like you don't like Billy Ray Cyrus' "Achy Breaky Heart" song....

  18. Welcome to BZPower! It's nice to see you!

  19. So that's why mine is all da way up thar... It used to be second, as a reply to your firse one...

  20. Welcome to BZPower!

  21. My rating has now gone up from an average of four stars to five! Thanks to everyone who appreciates my presence here on BZPower!

  22. 17, Likes High School Musical and has a sense of humor...

    If you weren't a girl and if I wasn't sitting right here, I'd be afraid that you were me!

  23. I live in MN which, in turn is in the USA. Takuma Nuva is (currently) on Mata-Nui in an alternate timeline. See my epic for specifics...

  24. Aha! Just as I suspected. You used to be Cahdok_and_Gahdok!

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