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Status Updates posted by Orahklas

  1. *Slaps forhead* Yes, the Drawing I forgot about that. I got so caught up in my exams I forgot to ask how it was going.

  2. How how are you? Sorry I haven't sent any messages your recently but I'm being buried in PBZP requests, there's too many D:

  3. Hi, I'm fine thanks, I have been extremely busy with Moc's recently, so keep an eye out in the BBC topics.

  4. Yay, the 4th chapter is up and I'm impressed with myself.

  5. Yay, the chapter Is up, and its longer and better than originally planned!! More mistery...

  6. cool epic, it was my pleasure reviewing it. the new chapter for tNoE, should be up by next week (but thats being optamistic) however I have made a Moc of one of the hunters in hordika form...it'll be up soon

  7. *breaths sigh of releive* Its posted the 3rd chapter is finaaly posted.


  8. Ty for the epic advertisement.


  9. Glad you liked the epic, the next chapter should be upsoon.


  10. just thought you'd like to know that I have a new epic up. And it comes with pictures (hopefully)


  11. Thanx for the birthday note.


  12. Thank for the birthday comment and the stars


  13. Hey just thought you would like to see the shots Brickshelf have finally approved.


  14. Thanks, it appears that am also getting quicker that moc only took an hour or so...

  15. hi long time no see

    well except for your moc

  16. hey can u post in my review topic in the epics just to kick start it



  17. thnx 4 accepting my GS can u PM me when you post the comic

  18. just read ur comics and loved them plleeeeeeeeeease make more

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