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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow


    Vertigo, good power, Gavla sounds great.
  2. Nice art, much better than the 07 game art.
  3. Grey Snow

    Chirox And Kirop

    Nice, Silence and Blindnes. I already gave those powers to the Hagah Rhotuka in my epic though, oh well, though I made the chapter before this update was put up so I can't be accused of copying though I have yet to actually get the chapter up.
  4. Grey Snow

    Antroz And Radiak

    Nice, I like the power of Radiak, so are you doing multiple deadly sins? Greed is a Makuta power, Sloth is Radiak, Hunger is like Greed in a way. So do you think you'll do any more?
  5. Grey Snow


    Thanks Greg, great mask power, I was having problems trying to figure out a dark mask they could have, so in my epic I gave Vamprah a mask of Nightmares I believe, can't believe I overlooked Hunger, but that is a Makuta power sort of. Guess I overlooked it since it's kind of like Greed, or is there a Hunger power?
  6. Nice to see you back, though the Kenshin RPG is dead.

  7. I will be gone for a while, only on and active for a few days a week. I still have my computer, but no more access to the internet from it, so I can still write my epics and short stories, but I can only get acess to the internet at school where I check my PMs daily, and at my towns public library about three times a week average. So if I am slow in responding to anything or posting in RPG's, or anything else forgive me. I will try to get a new computer I can use the internet on soon, it may be a month or two though, so please be patient with me. This also includes contests.
  8. Good for you, I hope my Amazon copy comes prior to Saturday, hopefully tommorow or Friday so I can read it on the way to my cabin on Friday.
  9. I wish I knew, I would have acted like a ninja (more of) today.
  10. I know there is a good Avatar the Last Airbender community here, and any fans please post here. I have an idea that I'm running by FFBuu so as soon as he responds to my PM information will be disclosed. I'll post a new entry with the information, but fans post under this entry.
  11. Grey Snow

    New Serials

    I missed this until I heard of it in the OGD, sounds great, can't wait to see a mismatched team like that trying to work together, there should be plenty of conflict between the team so the "United we stand, Divided we fall" thing will really play a factor.
  12. Grey Snow


    I know, I had no idea what happened yesterday when I was looking for it, it's just wierd having it there, its been in GD for what, four years?
  13. Darn, photobucket I guess, can't see it, but should be good Milady, I'll look at it on another computer to look at it.
  14. Nice "Welcome Chuck Norris" banner for Brawl, Chuck is great, you should see my Chuck Norris topic if you haven't.

  15. Oh come on, I was doing this exact same contest in about a month after my current and next contest end. I'll give you the links to my sketches though from months back.
  16. You can just call me L.

  17. Why does he/she already have five stars?

  18. Grey Snow

    A Few Things

    A few questions for anyone reading. Religious discussion removed. 2: apparently I haven't said this well enough anywhere else, but: Ok, do I wait and hope for her to return, I never had a relationship with her other than friendship, or do I move on? Though I do think to move on soon since I believe my duty to be to the present instead of praying about the past and future; her return and other things I can't state. Any good advice; move on or keep praying, etc.? ~L
  19. Glad to know you're better, I'll continue to pray for you Milady.
  20. Do you like Zoids or does your name have nothing to do with it. There is a vehicle (Zoid) called Lyger or Liger, that's why I ask.

  21. Round 1 ends soon, this weekend and round 2 begins.
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