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Everything posted by Chrome

  1. Hey! Clean up that puddle! *laughs* You know what I mean
  2. Chrome

    Girls? I Win!

    I don't get this entry One picture > 10,000 words. -Ikk
  3. *Whees with Omi and Bink*
  4. Your avatar is so fun to press =D

  5. B-But I saw the little X on the little paper thingy! It can't be!
  6. Chrome

    Bzp In Class?

    How do you know?
  7. The orange llama has white paint on it's legs
  8. Well, you keep changing your name, and people who don't read the blogs will say" Who the heck is that?". But for me is like...7
  9. yea, happy-b day!

  10. Chrome

    A Super Metroid

    He looks jellyish...*poke poke*
  11. Chrome


    I feel so sad for you that you have no comments, so hi
  12. Gah! Another name change.....

  13. *gasp* I-It's...the...Lyger!

  14. I'll let you get takatu if you promise me one thing vezon...........give......me.....back...my regular nothingness!!!!
  15. LkMF(little known member fact) #1: I am .........a..........*gasp*.....dude!(horrifying, isn't it?)
  16. Ah Hah! so your the one, give me back my nothingness! I don't like the current nothing, it's always gloomy And Turakii, delete his second double post....
  17. I have found a blues clue, every topic starter in the reference desk has a faxon, except for the Binkster, my guess is that the thief is going for Bink next.......
  18. I have a karzahni action figure, it has a collectible mask, the thief would surly go for it Now I'm off to the reference desk for clues...............
  19. It stole my nothingness and placed it with......*gasp*.........NOTHING! I loved it so much ;_;
  20. Chrome


    What did you make?
  21. Premier Members only have to wait 45 days. Ohhh....grrr I'm 1/5 newb, now I know, me is no more.
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