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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Status Updates posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. I probably would have beat it... but I had too much fun on the Wii Fit... and I had family over.

    Which is your favorite costume?

  2. Tch... Unfortunately yes.

    I agree. They should throw in an edge of unpredictability and give the CIS a real military victory of true value.

    I mean, I know that Grievous doesn't have the Force with him, but he's still a brilliant (truly brilliant) commander.

    Also, I can't wait to see him kill some Jedi.

  3. Hello... my apologies for not popping by more often. How has life been?

  4. Okay... I just read your poem... and I nearly cried. It was really good... sniff*

  5. Well... Sasuke is a revenge-obsessed kid that grew hand-wings from his back... not too bad. Yamato, a lab rat. Gaara...... not sure what to say about him. And Itachi a cool guy, that murdered his entire family... yeah.

    I agree. Do you watch the japanese subs?

  6. Lol, I love Group 1 Crew's stuff. Have you seen TobyMac in concert. He and his team are awesome. lol And getting to hawk nelson concerts... crazy.

  7. Nope. I don't spy on you... snickers evilly* Don't make me use my pit-jailer powers on you... wait a sec... I don't have powers. okay okay you win.

    Hydraxon holds up a white flag* lol jk

  8. Thanks Nagato, the Rin'negan isn't so bad either. lol

  9. Brought you up to 3 stars. lol and welcome to BZP.

  10. I'll have to throw my vote in for Relient K... although Linkin Park is amazing.

  11. We don't really use it anymore... please come back... your teammates are looking for you... sniff*

  12. nah... used to take karate... but the sensei left.

  13. Hey SumDood.

    Where have you been in the Naruto RPG.

    The Chunin Exams are up and you're invited. :D

  14. The collective actions of you and Gato-san have made me somewhat... disgusted... thank you though.

  15. I can't wait for Halo Wars... I just hope they have diversity in the units... having just Marines as Human infantry would be somewhat boring.

  16. -.-* what is it with you guys and excessive violence? Just enjoy life... and dance /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)^ ^(^_^)^ (>^_^)>

  17. Well, I searched for a Madara Mangekyou picture via MSN.

    You like Naruto? You should join our Naruto RPG... it's pretty cool.

  18. 5 stars for being a home-schooler, like me. lol. would have been 4, but you got an extra star for having a name similar to mine (even though you're not my master) :) lol

  19. OH no... not the tickling.


    Madara runs away*

  20. Hydraxon faints*.... eyes twitching.

  21. Oh yeah... wouldn't miss the snow for the world.

  22. Whadya think of Shizake's dream?

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