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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Status Updates posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. I like Sasuke, Yamato and Gaara. Well... Shikamaru is pretty cool too. You're a Canadian, too? Sweet! :D

  2. Nece poem you wrote. How has life been? Faced any sith lately?

  3. How so Wrack'n'Ruin? Me spy! never... lol I'm no spy, and I wouldn't dare to spy on my elders. "Children are not to be seen or heard" lol jkjk

  4. Thanks for the vote MoE... you rock. :D

  5. Well, your username made me laugh. and my dad and I love eating mangosteen. And you're homeschooled, as am I. lol

  6. Thanks Sum Dude

    You rock!

  7. Relient K rocks... And I thought I should add you to my friends list. :D Chuck Swindoll rocks.. but Charles Stanley, his preaching is pretty amazing too. lol

  8. Lol, today that song played on the station in my community. lol I laughed. So, what do you think of Thousand Foot Krutch? And have you heard of Creation Fest?

  9. Chibi eyes of tears* I didn't make it onto your profile... sniff... sniff... starts crying* lol jkjk

  10. Hey man, thought I'd leave a comment here, since we sharea lot of similar interests lol at least based on the comment you left at Jedi Gali's page. Anyway, yeah, I'll be adding you to my friends list. Keep pressing on man.

  11. Yo, how is Ukuru's training goin?

  12. I am totally adding you to my friends list... Seeing as you and I share some similar views (and both of us are homeschooled.) Yeah, check out my site... You might like the interviews on the shows.

  13. Interested in joining the Percy Jackson RPG?

  14. To be honest, I see him as an anti-hero. What he did wasn't good (maybe on the scale of the greater good)... and he really only did his "good" actions because of his sibling love.

  15. Really! Thats cool. Was it fun? I want to it looks really fast. And it'll give me an edge when me and my buddies duel. lol.

  16. Yup... Captain Yamato... mokuton user. lol Glad to hear of another Relient K fan! And I recognize that pic from a Bleach episode that my friend showed me. lol

  17. Where are you?

    The Chunin Exams are coming and you don't want to miss them, trust me.

  18. hello... echo... echo... echo...

    Anyway... I was wondering, who is that guy in your Avatar?

  19. Thank you for the comment. Yes I do like both SW and LOTR (Read the Two Towers 7 times, Return of the King 6 times, and the Fellowship 4 times.) lol. I'm guessing that your fav character in SW is Obi-Wan, right?

  20. Really. I prefer the subs... the voice acting for the English version... lacked hatred. lol jk Your interests says that you like Narnia. Are you looking forward to Prince Caspian coming out in May?

  21. Roger roger*

    I cheered for the clones (they were the underdogs). But I'm impressed with the battle-field creations the CIS prepared. Especially the Giant Ion Cannons (laughed when Plo-Koon was trapped in the space pod).

    But hey, tis all cool. You can cheer for the droids, I'll cheer for the Clones.

    But still be friends. Lol (Sees King and Madara going toe-to-to

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