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Posts posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Well remember Sonu, Chasm 4 (not sure if that's the name, but I think it is) is inside, and there's no phantoms or jackal snipers on that map. Just engineers.Also, I found ODST to be more fun because it was more challenging. In Reach you have a ton of weapons, infinite ammo (ammo crates), and armor abilities, but in ODST, you had to conserve your ammo and plan accordingly. Overall, it was much more strategic.Also, there's a halo 4 vidoc already. Not sure what I think of it. It's... different. I have mixed feelings on the armor I've seen so far (I'm warming up to the Chief's, but some of the multiplayer stuff looks weird), and I really hope they have an explanation for why the BR looks different and why Master Chief is in a new suit.~U_K~

  2. DAT LAUNCH TRAILER!So excited for this game now. I love that my teachers are going on strike for the first three days next week, and then after that week is over, I have 2 weeks of spring break.feelsgoodman.jpgAlso, if you watched the launch there's two very quick character/squadmate spoilers.

    Jack getting ready to fight an Atlas and our first in game image of EDI:zwd8f.jpg


  3. I'm so pumped for ME3 now. Not only did the EBgames store in my mall say they were gonna be open for midnight launch, my teachers are going on strike, and I'll have no school on Monday and very likely Tuesday and Wednesday as well.~U_K~

  4. Alright guys, I got a new bunch of images from the DLC mission. Three pictures are in spoilers.426447_378891405464125_110455108974424_1410806_1732630801_n.jpgNew outfits for Kaiden and Vega.426447_378891408797458_110455108974424_1410807_2136722130_n.jpgLiara too!426447_378891422130790_110455108974424_1410809_265901451_n.jpgAnother angle.Now onto the slight spoiler images:

    426447_378891425464123_110455108974424_1410810_2005859393_n.jpgI didn't care about this image until I saw that it was in c-sec. Cerberus on the citadel?423622_378905008796098_110455108974424_1410827_154707088_n.jpgDramatic angle of the new squadmate.426447_378891418797457_110455108974424_1410808_242143434_n.jpgFighting Collectors?


  5. I just don't agree with how much DLC they're putting out. ME1 was reasonable, but ME2 and this is going a bit too far.

    I'm fine with it. I didn't have any problem with ME2, and I still don't with ME3. Though I do agree that Bioware is pumping out a lot, what with the action figure DLC, art book DLC, and so on, most of that dlc is just stuff for multiplayer, and may only be downloadable recruit packs.~U_K~
  6. As pretty as your Shepard is Valenti, pretty sure no one can beat MUFASA Shepard in the looks department.Heavy risk...femshep_007.jpg...BUT THE PRIIIIIZE!femshep_004.jpgAnd I know for a fact the DLC character is more than a temporary squadmate because I found some more audio of him from the demo, and he comments on the Sur'Kesh mission. I also found audio for the other spoiler character as well.And I think it would make everybody happy if he was in the game, but if you have the DLC he joins you instead of staying wherever he is.~U_K~

  7. Multiplayer can be ridiculously nerve wracking. Static, one of his friends and I were trying silver with him as a human adept, his friend as an infiltrator, and me as an asari adept. We got to round 10, but everyone was dead except for me. There were only two mechs left. I had nothing but the carnifex. No rockets, medigel, shield regenerators and 1 health bar. The game consisted of me running for my life, and shooting the Atlas' when I could. I managed to do it, but we all died during the extraction. Still, it was awesome.And I just did another random silver game with my asari adept and there was an infiltrator, a human adept, and a drell vanguard. It was pretty intense, especially at the end. There were two mechs and two guardians inside the extraction point and we had all fallen, but we made it because we were all inside the circle, even though we were all down.~U_K~

  8. YES! I HAVE MY SALARIAN INFILTRATOR! It's funny too, because after the next game, I then got a turian sentinal as well.I must say though, I was worried that I wouldn't like the Salarian's powers as much as the human infiltrator's, but boy was I wrong. The Salarian's powers are much better. I'm almost at level 20 with my infiltrator, so I almost have the max amount of points I want.Proximity mine is great. It may do less damage than the sticky grenade, but I can fire it in a straight line and I have an infinite amount of them. It helps that I can use it as a trap as well. And shield drain is amazing as well. It's basically the same as overload, but I get shields too. Not to mention it works on phantoms. I'm no longer scared of them anymore. On bronze, I can easily take down an atlas in like 30 seconds, with combinations of all 3 of my powers and my sniper. And also on bronze, I just go invisible, use shield drain on a phantom, and for the half a second that I'm still cloaked, I can 1 shot the phantom. Now all I need is the widow, and my infiltrator will be the best that he can be.~U_K~

  9. Even though I would like an infiltrator alien species more, another alien I would like to have is the asari adept. Adept may be my worst class, but using stasis on phantoms would solve all my problems.I hate phantoms. I hate them so much.Also, I love being a drell vanguard and using normal melee. NINJA KICKS TO THE FACE!~U_K~

  10. Well Bunda, the quarian may be able to roll forwards or backwards, but can only dodge sideways, not roll. It's all the same button. I assume it is similar with the drell.And I believe the turians can't roll either, but are more accurate. ~U_K~

  11. @Haz: This is what one of the bioware devs said: Expected release times. (Note, we do not have the exact times so the demo could be earlier or later than indicated.)

    • [*]PC - Approximately 10am PST

    @Bunda, using my friend's account, that's the one I unlocked right away. I love the sentry turret so much better than the combat drone.~U_K~

  12. Oh my goodness, multiplayer is so much fun.I don't have battlefield 3, but I convinced my friend to let me use his gamertag, since he doesn't have the demo yet anyway.Sniping is so much fun. HEADS ASPLODE EVERYWHERE!I'm pretty bummed out that you can't customize powers though.~U_K~

  13. OH MY GOODNESS! I GOT AN EARLY ACCESS CODE! Downloading the demo now, but won't be able to play until I get home at about 6 PM.I'm so excited. I was on a very popular social networking site playing a game they had there. All you do is press four buttons and hope for the best. It's random, and if you pressed it in the right order you get something. You get 3 tries to do this every 2 hours. I had played the game 9 times yesterday and got nothing. I then tried this morning and only got the Normandy for my xbox avatar (Which I am totally using right now). I was disappointed because on a different forum people were getting codes like crazy. I then asked my sleepy little sister to give me her social networking site password, and when I tried it on hers, I got it on the first try!WHOOOOO!SO EXCITED! ~U_K~

  14. At this point we're talking about mostly features, so I don't think spoilers are really necessary.Anyway, I've only seen one full playthrough of the demo with a femshep adept. One thing I noticed Bunda, was that for the adept's specific class ability (the one that usually just increases power damge, health, all classes have something similar, etc), one of the level ups increased weight by a significant amount.And in ME3, you can carry all the weapons no matter what class you are, but at a cost. The more you carry, the more it will weigh. The more weight you have, the slower your power recharge will be. The soldier has the most weight overall and can carry the most guns, but if he carries less guns, his powers will recharge even faster.Also, apparently the weapons they give you in the demo are for all classes? This kind of sucks for my infiltrator. Seriously, how am I supposed to snipe?~U_K~

  15. Did you guys see the 4 new trailers?They just made the wait so much worse. MULTIPLE IMAGES INBOUND!My new backgroundBanshees don't seem to like Shepard... (censored for BZP)Customizable lights =DMultiplayer customizationWe can upgrade their powers too!THE MAKO!Harvester huskWhat's with the paragon/renegade bar?Phantoms don't like femshep (it's a gif so let it load)Also, here's some screens from the videos that might be considered spoilers, so spoiler tags just in case.

    The geth have got a big ship. Hopefully your Shepard told the Quarians not to go to war.Hey, get off the car!Kai Leng!


  16. I officially hate my router forever.I was so close to getting my last achievement last night. It was the one were on a 1 flag game you don't let the other team touch the flag. We successfully stopped them in the first round, captured the flag in the second, defended the flag and stopped them again in the third, and while I was celebrating in the last round waiting for the game to end, I got disconnected from xbox live.~U_K~

  17. Well, here's some interesting things I noticed from the upcoming February matchmaking update:Squad DLC updated.Squad DLC's population is dangerously low. To breathe some life into this list, we're making a few changes. Anniversary maps have been set to optional, and Noble and Defiant maps continue to be required. We have also heard your concerns in regard to a few achievement-friendly game types still being difficult to find. In response to that, we've added the following objective game types to voting slot three:Multiflag on Highlands, 1 Flag on Highlands, 1 Flag on Condemned, Invasion on Breakpoint, Crazy King in Breakpoint, 1 Flag on Breakpoint, 1 Flag on Tempest, Multiflag on Tempest, Crazy King on Tempest, Neutral Bomb on Tempest, Multiflag on Condemned, Crazy King on Condemned, Crazy King on High Noon, 1 Flag on High Noon, Crazy King on Breakneck, 1 Flag on Breakneck, Stockpile on Ridgeline, Neutral Bomb on Ridgeline, and Crazy King on Ridgeline.Infection updated.Map changes include Sword Base being removed and The Cage replacing Uncaged. Also, we've noticed some feedback coming from both matchmaking and internal playtests about players getting betrayed by teammates at the beginning of games. Since that sometimes results in a less advantageous respawn position, we've removed friendly fire in an attempt to cut down on that particular form of griefing.Banshee replaced with Revenant on Breakneck.The classic Gauss 'Hog vs. Banshee battle on Headlong will continue. We bid adieu to the flying purple thing on Breakneck, though, and welcome its hovering brethren in its place!Also, here is what's happening with the transition to 343:Starting on April 1, we will be increasing Halo: Reach File Share capacity from 6 slots to 24 slots at no extra charge. All Halo: Reach files, including films, screenshots, game types, and maps, will continue to be fully accessible in-game, just like they are today.The most noticeable changes will include those features seen exclusively on Bungie's website, such as rendered films and Halo: Reach API keys. Those features are not included in the transition, and we do not have plans to develop similar features at this time.The banshee replacement angers me. They should at least have it in the games with the guass hog. It was a fair battle there.But the friendly fire off in infection and the file share news excites me greatly.~U_K~

  18. The achievement list has been revealed. If you don't even like minor spoilers, I wouldn't go see it, but all of the story related ones are pretty vague.And for anybody that somehow still despises multiplayer, you'll be glad to know that all the multiplayer achievements can also be completed in single player.Example: Reach level 20 in multiplayer or level 60 in single player.Also, I like that this time around there's an achievement for establishing a new relationship or rekindling an old one.~U_K~

  19. Not to mention that volus have said themselves that they lack physical prowess and would rather trade with people for their services.I would pay so much money for playable geth dlc. I don't care if I didn't like the other parts of the same DLC, I would gladly pay up for my chance to play as a geth infiltrator.~U_K~

  20. Ya, it's a ground pound that sends enemies around you flying, but at the risk of depleting your shields. Vanguard only. It was featured on the latest Bioware pulse.I will admit that biotic powers are very handy. Having Liara with my vanguard for battling Saren just made it way too easy. He didn't even get a chance to do anything since we just kept lifting him. In ME2, having pull field made husks seem just pathetic, especially since it recharges so fast.~U_K~

  21. I'm almost positive that we'll be able to customize our powers a bit. I've seen drell vanguards using nova, heck, in the trailer they even used nova, just not in their segment.And so far, I've only had 2 playthroughs for ME1 (3 if you can't before my xbox got stolen), vanguard and infiltrator. I like infiltrator better of the two. I'm starting a soldier on insanity right now for 3 achievements (insanity, doing missions with Ashley, and 150 kills with the assault rifle).For ME2 I've played only my vanguard and infiltrator, but infiltrator is by far my favorite. While the vanguard charge is very fun, being an infiltrator and one shotting enemies while invisible with the widow is just too much fun.I play mostly on veteran just because I like to have fun, but not to have enemies be a complete pushover.~U_K~

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