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The Alchemyst

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Blog Comments posted by The Alchemyst

  1. Black Faxons are win. :D


    But why oh why did they scramble them all up. :(


    ~Doctor! Doctor!


    They are.


    Because TLC was like, "Heh, lets mess the kids' minds!! >8D!!"

    and the Focus groups were like "Noooeesss!"

    Then they were like, "Yeehhhhsss!!! >8D>" (They grew a goatee)

    And then when it was released we were all like, "Nooooeess...but nice Black Faxon!!! :P"

    And then TLC was like "Noooesss our plan is fail..... <D8<"



    I'm pretty psycho as a type this.



  2. We learned SOACAHTOA too.

    I can't draw. ;__;


    At all.


    I just realize your "Last Seen" is private. o_O;

    Spooky; Ghost Bfahome! :P


    But it doesn't matter!!

    I can't draw humans for my life. They all come out flat-faced, and in awkward positions.

    And my Bionicle Drawing skills are below par (Not in the golf way).


    You go to the GA a lot...Try drawing...

    And if you really want to see something terrible...

    *Shudders* My try at Computer Art on Photoshop...


    All scores were below 4/10 >_>



    I thought the same thing. :P


    Another way how Bionicle relates to School?

    I draw them during Computer Science and Trig. :P



    For me that'd likely be high. :P This is probably one of my best ones. <.<


    And the only good one.


    But I have to say, Practice does make perfect. A month of randomly drawing Toa and Makuta in World Studies (All he does is LECTURE >_<), has helped.


    That isn't that bad. Looks Chibi and cute. Much more detailed than mine >_>


    Ohhs, and congrats in the BBC, better than I've ever done! And it's your first! :)



  3. Wait...It has a Garai?

    The small one or a big one?


    Anyway, I love Playsets.

    -High Five-



    The minifig one. :P


    All the other sets have it in green or red or something... ¬_¬


    In TTC:

    "Nuparu" has a Black Faxon (It looks awesome though)

    "Hahli" has a Blue Faxon

    "Hewkii" has a Yellow Garai

    "Jaller" has a Red Garai

    "Matoro" has a White Volitak/Tryna (Can't tell >_>)

    "Kongu" has a Green Volitak/Tryna


    Takadox has a Blue Takadox head (I'm sick of those quotes)

    Pridak has a Blue Takadox head

    Mantax has a Black Mantax head

    Kalmah has his own head.



    Anyway, I await your review! I might buy it...



  4. We learned SOACAHTOA too.


    I thought the same thing. :P


    Another way how Bionicle relates to School?

    I draw them during Computer Science and Trig. :P



    I can't draw. ;__;


    At all.


    I just realize your "Last Seen" is private. o_O;

    Spooky; Ghost Bfahome! :P


    But it doesn't matter!!

    I can't draw humans for my life. They all come out flat-faced, and in awkward positions.

    And my Bionicle Drawing skills are below par (Not in the golf way).


    You go to the GA a lot...Try drawing...

    And if you really want to see something terrible...

    *Shudders* My try at Computer Art on Photoshop...


    All scores were below 4/10 >_>


  5. I don't see how Shelek can be considered a bad mask by Toa, but neat all the same.


    Kirop sounds awesome, although his sentence has some spelling errors.


    I guess it would be kind of underhand. Cheating kind of...I think most masks Toa use help them and not hurt someone.


    Great job Greg! I love Chirox! Toa of Destral...that's new.


    The big question is: Does Mutran have the same mask?



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