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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Status Updates posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. reading history here, destroying brain cells with random videos there, the usual. xD

  2. yeah, you eat that scone... xD

  3. i said, thx for a way to make a rotating banner, and if you look at my banner, it shows album art of the band ES Posthumus

  4. think of the children.... =(

  5. thanks my man! you rock! ES Posthumus FTW.

  6. woah- how'd you make a rotating banner? 0_o

  7. hey man! hows life?


    woah, awesome vezok banner.

  8. sweet. want me to install halo and beat the crud out of each other, or see how SoFII (Soldier of Fortune II) goes?

  9. yeah, it HAS been a while. sucks you dont have it. its one of the best games i've ever played.

    do you have Halo: PC?

    and hows life?

  10. hey um... do you have Medieval II total war?

  11. i see you play Medieval II total War. Want to play a campaign or Battle?

  12. Hey Welcome to BZPower- Heres a Scone!

  13. We may never know.


    the world is a mysterious place, and the way it works.....


  14. hey! Welcome back great consol!

  15. dude? stop putting yourself down- every member gets to have the moment of glory. and honestly, i think your still pretty popular, but projects like BNG and Year One has takken spotlight from everyone


    so, yeah, KUTGW.

  16. thx. im able to mostly draw without set reference due to the fact BIONICLE has been with me my entire life. in turn, i memorize the shapes of pieces and stylize them.

  17. and how did i not edit it?


    you made a gold head with blue eyes. i edit it to be silver with red eyes.

  18. i was using sarcasm my friend- i often speak in such a way.



    and i plan on replacing the avatar soon with a custom avatar.

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