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Posts posted by T.B.O.C

  1. Hello all! Long time, no see.

    Title says it all - I'm looking to see if anyone has just the box for Takutanuva for sale. I believe there's only US copies, but if it matters I am looking for the box for the version that came with the movie-edition Kraahkan. I am not interested in the set itself.

    I'm willing to pay, but with very few out there for sale, I'm willing to scout out offers. I am also on the hunt for a few other boxes/canisters if so interested, such as:

    Most all smaller boxes sets (Bohrok Va, Matotan of Mata Nui, Matotan of Metru Nui, Rahaga, Matotan of Voya Nui, Matotan of Mahri Nui)

    Maxilos and Spinax, Lesovikk, Turaga Vakama, Turaga Onewa, Sidorak, Axonn, and boxes for most collectible packs (mainly looking for Katana, Kanohi Nuva & Krana Kal, Rhotuka, and Zamor spheres)

    Canisters: Onua Mata, Tahnok, Guurahk, Turahk, Panrahk, Whenua Hordika, Onewa Hordika, Nokama Hordika, Boggerak, Roporak, Oohnorak, Bitil.

    Feel free to make any offers! For the time being, I'd prefer US only due to shipping costs, but may consider international if you have many of these (or Takutanuva).
















    You could also argue that it’s canonically an “in-between” color that simply doesn’t exist in LEGO’s plastic.

    Yes, exactly. This is my second possible option. One of my friends thinks that way.


    I'm rather the follower of "it's 2001 yellow Tamaru" theory, because LEGO probably wouldn't create new plastic color for just one character. But everything is possible. Maybe he's between lime and yellow. But not lime. And neither is he keetorange for sure. 


    I actually sort of disagree with Lego not bothering to create a new plastic color for one character, quite a few Toa had eye colors that weren't used for other parts as far as I can remember (thinking of the transparent pink Tahu had mainly). If I recall, that was actual a criticism of early BIONICLE: an extended color palette and a lot of single-use parts that cost a lot for molds and production. I like the look of them a lot, but I know it was an expensive endeavor, which is why later years saw a much more centralized and toned down color scheme.


    As for my opinion, I think Tamaru is lime green and the early CGI-renders have inconsistent lighting, which gives the appearance of inconsistent coloring. We see most Koro having between 4-6 colors for making a diverse selection of Matoran. Off the top of my head, I recall Lime, Teal, Green, and Dark Green for Le-Matoran. I think consistency wasn't the biggest factor in their designs for Tamaru, as they existed as a side character purely in media and never saw a physical set release. Colors were likely chosen for MNOG, and reused a few years later in the Bohrok Saga animations, Bohrok-Kal animations, and MNOGII. The renders, taking a more realistic set look, attempted to match the other renders but failed to in some aspects due to lighting and other effects. Something to keep in mind is that the CGI for that is very old, and I doubt they were trying to one for one match other renders.


    As to the argument that MNOG can't be trusted as canon due to other inconsistencies? Eh, that's sort of fair. A great many things are inconsistent in those games, but I think Tamaru keeping the same color throughout both MNOG and the in-between animations is a more solid basis than a singular render. Still, there's a good point to be brought up in that other colors go against canon, and of course the famous Hafu/Taipu mask switch up.


    The color comparison is a solid idea, but I think that for it to be more accurate you need to account for lighting. You're using a dark picture of the actual Rau, versus the lighter shades of two very shiny renders. With Tamaru's render in particular, the actual color of the mask isn't the shinier portions of it, but sort of the mid-ground lime green.


    Overall, I think the 3D render of Tamaru is a bad reference for their color. The online animations and MNOG use a more consistent color, and while they are only semi-canon, I think consistency there is more canon than a singular photo.

  3. Oh boy, there's a lot here I wanna talk about. I loved this piece.


    In all honesty, while it might not line up exactly with Gali's exact G1 character, I very much like this interpretation. The Toa Mata had a lot of issues, but we often saw them deal with them on their own and with the other Toa, and maybe even the Turaga. I was a fan of seeing Gali interact with the Matoran and have them give her input on her situation. I actually really liked Gali's portrayal, especially with the Matoran, because it really showed her trying to be personable and interact with the Matoran. Even her jokes are a clear attempt at her being friendly and relatable to them. It's cute and a Toa/Matoran relationship we don't see the other Toa do (especially some of the more prickly ones like Tahu and Kopaka). I think you drove home Gali's empathy quite well.


    In another light, I think approaching the weight of their legend on the Toa is a good choice as well. The Matoran revere the Toa, and I think it's not a pressure we saw expressed in the Toa Mata as much. Most of their focus was in unity and their relationship issues with each other. The motif of Gali seeing her Kau Kau statue as a sort of ever-imposing glorification of her was nice, especially since it's such a beautiful piece of scenery.


    Now, the matoran. BOY, I loved your take on Ga-Koro. Since the original story revolved so much around the Toa, or a handful of named Matoran, we didn't always get to see the little things with the villages. I loved the small details: Kai's broken eye, her feeling a storm "in her mask", how Marka and the pair had a seasoned history of antics in her shipyard. Even smaller little tidbits such as how enthralled Nixie is in her work, how Maku and Kotu kept the Tarakava and raised it, it gave a lot of small insights into how Ga-Koro was lived in that we didn't see much in BIONICLE. Also, I really enjoy that Nokama wasn't present. It really gave off the "mom is away, let's go do stuff she'd yell at us for" vibe. It also put Gali in a position more of a peer than an adult in charge, which is a fun dynamic. A lot of good dynamics here.


    Maku and Kotu. I absolutely loved how cute and positive their relationship is. Kotu being a jokester, Maku's few seconds after a pun where she closes her eyes in that sort of friendly pun anger, their little fist bumps. I especially liked how you portrayed their intimacy, especially in moments of turbulence like Maku panicking when Gali leaves, and how Kotu comforts her. It's a very nice way of showing how much they know each other and the subtleties of their relationship. Plus, them calling each other cutie was adorable. I love those two.


    The animation and artwork is always great and always so indicative of the templar style. I was impressed with the ways you changed things up and used new things beyond existing assets. It cultivates a familiar yet changed and new take on it. I imagine you've heard that a lot with your other animations though, but it's always good to say again.


    Sorry this is so long, but I think the amount of care and work you put into this is deserving of recognition. Always love seeing these animations, and I look forward to seeing what you keep doing with them in the future. No pressure though! Eh?... yeah, I'll leave that to Kotu.

    • Like 1
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  4. I've been rewatching the last scene of Legends of Metru Nui recently, as it is a favorite of mine (and pretty emotional tbh), and it struck me that I never really understood why the Toa Metru needed to use their powers to awaken the Matoran, or at least that's what it seems to be.


    I can't remember exactly if they specifically give up their power, which Vakama implies ("Toa Lhikan sacrificed his power for us, now we shall do the same for them"), or if they just turned into Turaga upon awakening the Matoran, as this was their destiny.


    The other reason I'm pretty sure they give up their power is because I believe we see them open the pods several times, and specifically note the Matoran don't wake up.


    Forgive me if this is well discussed, it's been quite a long time since I've read deeply into BIONICLE. Thanks!

    • Upvote 1
  5. So, I know one of the biggest concerns a lot of people have regarding the soundtracks of the BIONICLE movies is that a lot of the music is unreleased. Ripping the tracks from the movies is easier said than done because of the audio (I'd imagine, can't say I know much about it at all).


    In particular, a lot of people want sheet music for BIONICLE music, especially themes like Lhikan's Theme from Legends of Metru Nui. I've been trying out the piano over the last half of the year, and that's actually a piece I'm particularly interested in. I think I have the melody (or right hand, still not completely solid on musical lingo), but the full piece alludes me.


    This bring me to the full question, does anyone know of people who have been working on sheet music for these songs?

  6. So, it's been a long while since I've kept up on what's been confirmed by Greg on the Lego Message Boards, probably before G2 was unveiled. I know there used to be a topic about it back when it was more popular, but I guess that's fallen to the wayside?


    Is there any way for me to glean what's been confirmed? Obviously I could look through, but I imagine about 90% of the posts aren't relevant and that's quite a bit to sort through. If there's some list somewhere, please feel free to point me in the right direction.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Oh wow, the 2006 sets/story being 10 years old really weirds me out. I was pretty young still during, but that was probably one of the heights of my BIONICLE love. I absolutely adored BIONICLE Heroes actually. I've played it through many times, mainly because I loved the music and I found the game to be that right combination of collection/easiness to feel like you accomplished something.


    I might have to give it another playthrough soon, sadly I can't tonight. I really need to invest in some component cables for my PS2 to get a little more quality out of it.

  8. This is a question I believe I've asked before, and my quick look over BS01 didn't enlighten me so I'll ask again.


    So, after rewatching BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui again the other night, I got to thinking about the confrontation between Teridax and Vakama over the Vahi. After refusing Makuta's fairly weak attempt at persuasion, Vakama uses the Mask of Time to stop Makuta's shadow hand. The Vahi, being legendary, is harder to use than expected and Vakama finds himself merely slowing down his eventual demise - presumably unable to move. In the last moment, Turaga Lhikan intervenes and the hand instead grabs his shield. The vahi is knocked from Vakama's face and the two are thrown backwards.


    So, it's this event that kills Turaga Lhikan. However, the movie does a little bit of a poor job IMO showing why that kills him. I can't remember off the top of my head if the novel says more, but I faintly remember hearing that the shock/impact of the shadow hand essentially was fatal and left the Turaga with a few moments to give his last words to Vakama.


    Can anyone confirm this or shed more light on it?

    • Upvote 1
  9. Sorry if this has been brought up before, but does Target not seem to carry the $10 Uniters and $15 Toa sets? All the Targets in city only carry the $20 sets and the Kopaka Unity set. Online they claim they don't carry them in stores. Is this something anyone else has observed?

  10. Sorry everyone for such late reply. Is anyone still interested. I need to get rid of all of them otherwise I may as well just throw em away.


    It'd be best if you posted pictures or a list of sets you'd like to sell. If you need names or references to which they are, or parts list to make sure they're complete, check out Bricklink or Brickset.

  11. From my experience from BIONICLE sets, some of the best options are just buying similar looking new rubber bands. Buying Lego ones off of Bricklink or some other site works, but they tend to be costly and old as well. That being said though, you could look up and see if people are selling them on Bricklink. Might be costly though.


    For selling purposes, I'd imagine most people would understand that the original rubber bands aren't usable. I'd specify in a lot though.

  12. I figure it's about time I do some of mine:


    Great Interactions

    • Pereki (x2) - Honestly one of my favorite sellers, the items always come in pristine condition. Very good with communication, and overall a great experience. 
    • huh - One of the only people to be able to sell me a huge amount of boxes/canisters I needed, and was amazing with communication. Shipping was incredibly fast, especially for overseas shipping. Definitely recommended!
    • lorak627 - Incredibly fast shipping, good communication. Even gave me an extra thing not mentioned in the original deal. Overall a very good seller!

    Good Interactions

    • ZERN - A good seller, quick shipping.
    • H8terFisternator - A very good seller, patient on waiting for money orders and sent a missing part without any trouble. Recommended, although he's been inactive for quite some time.
    • Liopleurodon - Excellent trade, very good communication. Recommended!
    • JohnT - A very good trade, super fast shipping. Recommended!
    • hachiroku - A very good sale, good contact, quick shipping. Recommended!
    • Kiba - Good sale, very good contact.
    • Joller - Good sale, good contact, and quick shipping. Recommended!
    • ShadowBionics - A good trade, although it took quite some time for very valid reasons. However, they kept me notified at all times so the whole experience turned out great.

    Bad Interactions

    • None so far!


    Just if anyone cares, I made a great one for people that just really worked well. Good isn't worse, good is the standard I imagine most people try for.

  13. So, if you've frequented the BST forum for any length of time you've probably seen this topic pop up a few times, and I'll probably keep doing so until I find some.


    I'm looking for boxes (aka packaging) for small G1 BIONICLE sets, as well as a few canisters. I'd rather buy from the US because shipping is a lot with boxes, but I can make an arrangement if not since it's a pretty scarce market for them. I can pay money through Paypal.


    Here's the list:


    Turaga Vakama (I do know there's a Bricklink store with one, but if you have some of the others I'm interested as well)

    Turaga Nokama

    Turaga Matau

    Turaga Onewa

    Turaga Whenua

    Tahnok Va

    Lehvak Va

    Nuhvak Va

    Kohrak Va











    Rahaga Norik

    Rahaga Gaaki

    Rahaga Iruni

    Rahaga Pouks

    Rahaga Kualas

    Rahaga Bomonga














    All Rahkshi (sans Lerahk)

    Vahki Nuurakh

    Vahki Zadakh

    Toa Hordika Whenua

    Visorak Roporak





    Master Builder Set

    Jaller & Gukko



    Ultimate Dume







    Matoro (Tohunga Polybag)

    Jala (Tohunga Polybag)

    Maku (Tohunga Polybag)

    Huki (Tohunga Polybag)

    Onepu (Tohunga Polybag)

    Kongu (Tohunga Polybag)


    I'm also in the market for a few small items


    Black Bamboo disk (Kau Kau print)

    PowerPack instructions sheet

    Chrome Hau (less than $20, but honestly unless it's a good price I'll probably pass)

    Orange Vahi (under $10)


    A finally, just in a vain attempt to make sure I've covered all my bases


    8319 - Aquart (used or new)

    8325 - Tager (used or new)


    and last but not least, I'm always sort of interested in buying Galidor things since I actually like the theme and most people seek to get rid of anything pertaining to it. Particularly if you have a used but complete Nick Deluxe, Gorm Deluxe, or Basic Nepol I might be interested in buying, although they wouldn't be worth much.


    Seriously, I've bought sealed ones for a couple of dollars. It's very nice to be a buyer rather than a seller with Galidor.


    I'm mainly looking for the boxes, although I doubt that many will have them. If you have any questions, or have an item for sale, just post or feel free to shoot me a PM. Thanks!

  14. Kopaka, back in December 2014. I was waiting around for early releases of the new sets and my local Target had Kopaka and Tahu in stock. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed going to a store and seeing BIONICLE on the shelves again.


    Then I went and bought the rest of the wave (sans 4 of the protectors) about a week later for my birthday. Fun times!

    • Upvote 1
  15. I've updated all of the Ebay entries on this thread.


    I do have some particularly good news:  Chrome Gold Masks of Creation will be available soon!  I have all of the chroming supplies ready to do another round of different masks.  On a side note, some of the previous standalone masks have already begun sell out, so if you're looking at getting any of these ones, now is the time!


    I would also like to say:  Thank you to everyone who has supported my brick chroming endeavors!  You can be sure to see more chrome LEGO parts in the future from me and it's all thanks to those who have supported my shop!

    I've got to say, this is an incredibly neat idea. Your products looks very good as well, and I've contemplated buying a few of them before. I'm kind of interested though, how involved is the chroming process? It doesn't seem like simple painting, but I'm not quite sure.


    My other question though, do you think you'll ever open your store up for customs? Like say, if I had a few pieces I wanted in chrome I could send them to you and have them painted for a price? I understand if not since that's a huge process, but it's something to consider.

  16. Any sugjestions for figuring out what each thing is worth? Would I be better trying to sell them individually, or just as one big lot?

    The website Bricklink can give you a good approximation of what sets are worth what, they have lists of how many have been sold on their websites in the past, which is a good start.


    They also have inventories of the sets to check to make sure they're all complete! Additionally, sets tend to sell for more with boxes and canisters, although some people are more interested in sets (or if they're me, the boxes/canisters because no one sells them)


    Collectibles are also pretty hot, old Kanohi/Krana/Kraata can be sold pretty well. Those are more accompanied for lots than some sets, but it really depends on the buyer and how you like to ship them.


    I'd recommend providing pics or a list of sets you have to sell, I'd bet a lot of people are interested in them!

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