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Posts posted by T.B.O.C

  1. Toa Mata Nui is what first comes to mind. Maybe some prototypes or misprints would be nice.


    People who are like, "I really wish that I'd gotten ____ sets," should really check out eBay. I've assembled my budding Rahi, Glatorian, Stars, Mata, and Matoran collections entirely from nothing thanks to good deals on eBay. 

    I completely agree. If you scour around enough you find some really good deals. I found a complete Exo-Toa and Boxor for $10 last year. There are some great deals on rahi if you stick around long enough.




    Isn't that from the 8759 Battle of Metru Nui playset, released in 2005? If so, it's probably not too valuable.


    EDIT: Bricklink shows it goes for as little as 10 cents USD.

    That's the flat-gold variant, the Pearl Gold one is significantly rarer.


    Hmm... how did that variant come about?



    Same way the pearl gold kraakhan came about, the set was made midway through the transition from dark gold to pearl gold, resulting in half of the sets having dark and half having light.


    Yeah, 2005 was the last year they used the flat gold color, and Pearl Gold replaced it in 2006. I assume it wasn't just made in 2005 or made in 2006 as much as some of the last runs of the set probably changed the coloring, making it fairly rare.

  3. Just got all of the new wave today, there were a ton of people at my local Lego store. Got the free Pirate set (really neat box, haven't opened it though), and the cashier was really nice and everything.


    But man, I didn't expect to be so impressed! The sets look really neat, and I love all the translucent parts, they really make them look colorful. The gunmetal and pearl-silver also look nice and make them all look fairly cohesive. Even Skull Scorpio looks pretty cool next to the rest of them, and despite what a lot of people seem to think, I like the set. Kind of wish they used trans-yellow versus trans-neon-green, but it's a nitpick.


    Small comments though, I kind of wish a little more trans-purple was used of Basher, and I would have liked Warrior to look a little more neat (very prone to looking awkward when being posed due in part to how all of their limbs are built differently. Warrior also feels a little unarmored to me, although that's kind of to be expected since archers aren't heavily armored.


    Still, overall I think the line is a lot better than I thought it would be. It's interesting to see how the reactions have changed since Toy Fair (disappointment on my part, but a lot of excitement now, especially that I own them). Overall, definitely a good purchase, although I did end up dropping around $95 with taxes.

    • Upvote 2
  4. There was a while where literally no one would stop talking about how much they hated the Hordika. They weren't even bad sets, but people complained about mutant characters not having identical arms. Think about that for a moment.


    The unavailability of the Tohunga was another, which makes me glad that I got mine when I did because I've seen multiple people charge $80+ for a full set. The Inika build was a big complaint with it's overuse, as well as clone designs before 2007 started breaking that up.


    People also didn't like the playsets for whatever reason. I thought they were all pretty well designed, but opinions are opinions, I guess.

    • Upvote 5
  5. Playability? The Manas, no question. I haven't had that much fun with a Lego set in years than I did messing around with them. I still make them do donuts sometimes when I'm bored.


    In terms of how they look, Muaka and Kane-ra are a good choice, as well as the Exo-Toa. Both are very impressive looking. The same goes for several of the vehicle sets (mainly the Axalara)


    Takua and Pewku or Takanuva would probably get my vote. Both have a neat character model and a more advanced technic build that looks stellar.


    I can't say much because I've never owned it, but I've never liked the look of Maxilos. It looks poorly armored and just not too amazing. None of the 2007 titans were too me really, Hydraxon being an amped up Toa Mahri, Lesovikk being a simple Toa design, I don't even know what to say about Karzahni, and Gadunka was at least interesting if nothing else.

  6. It doesn't exactly work since all the Toa are of very different designs now, but man would I love a new CCBS Exo-Toa. A new sort of Boxor would be easier though, considering the Protectors are a lot more similar in that aspect, and villagers themselves appear to be fairly identical.


    Beasts would be cool. I think this wave was more subdued to get a feel for the line, but like others were saying, bulkier sets. Titans would be cool, or creatures. I keep finding myself wishing they'd make a huge CCBS dragon set, but it's only a dream for the moment.


    More sets like that would be neat, one off sets with villagers and brick-built features (like a forge for Ekimu with a few masks) or something of the sort.

    • Upvote 1
  7. As far as we know, yeah. I think it's neat, I wouldn't have minded more of the Protectors being female, but I'm glad they did it. I also don't understand what you mean by the Protector of Earth looking like a man, considering they don't really have features that are distinctively male? Unless men all have bulky shoulder plates, in which I totally got ripped off.

    • Upvote 3
  8. I'm not sure how long the contract to make Indiana Jones sets was, and considering that they started in 2008 I could easily imagine it being void.


    Interesting choices all around, considering Exo-Force and Knight's Kingdom (II, I'm assuming?) were some of my favorite themes. You could decently remake KK with the void of Castle sets as of recent (since it wouldn't be a huge stretch to make them).


    Exo-Force is a different story because a story line reboot might not work very well. I'd love to see modern Exo-Force designs, though to be honest I was not a fan of how the designs evolved over time. The Golden City arc had decent sets but I missed the interior technic build, and the Jungle sets were a good idea that didn't work out too well in my opinion. Not that they were bad, I just really enjoyed the first year a lot more.


    Also, like someone said earlier, the similarities between it and Ninjago thematically might be too much for it to work. I feel like they're reasonably different enough, but I'm just doubtful it'd happen.


    I'm glad someone jokingly mentioned Galidor, because unlike many themes, Galidor could actually be redone very well. I feel like it would have benefited from a series of system sets (such as a brick built TDN module, a Dreejal Vin playset, or even an escape from Kek set) with a supporting series of larger action figures. It'd take a bit of figuring out to create a better series of figures (that honestly would benefit from being similar to BIONICLE sets in that they're primarily stand alone models meant to be one character). Printing and parts design is finally at a place where accurate pieces could be made as well, which would make their designs less uncanny valley (coughsNICKcoughs).


    Plus they could actually resolve character arcs and finish the story. Brick built sets would definitely work well, although the glinching aspect would be left more to the action figures rather than the minifigs.


    There's the rant on Galidor none of you guys probably wanted, but I've always been behind the idea that Galidor was a good idea that was poorly executed (almost entirely on Lego's part too, I may add)

  9. Is there any other way of figuring out whether or not a Lego store has something in stock without calling them? I'm terrible at phone conversations with anxiety and all that and I'm fairly certain Lego's website doesn't say.


    I'd drive out there but it's a while away and I'd rather make the trip once rather than twice.

  10. I haven't bought sealed G1 sets in quite some time, mostly due to pricing and how it's easier to find opened sets, but that's a dilemma I've faced with other sets I've bought. To me it really depends on whether or not I could find another sealed one, or if I'm interested in the build. For instance, if I picked up an Inika I would feel bad about opening it since I have all the Inika, and so I wouldn't have reason to.


    I never thought twice about opening sets when I bought them, and that's not something I'll ever really regret. The majority of my collection was bought during their release anyway. With G1 sets I'm buying nowadays, they're too expensive to buy MISB (like rahi) so I tend to go for used copies. I think I might crack one open if I got one for nostalgia's sake.


    I faced this issue with Galidor sets, and luckily they are cheap and plentiful. Depending on where you buy them from, it's actually cheaper to buy new ones. I amassed a NISB collection and I just recently got one to open. A very fun experience, I may add.

  11. Any sightings in the Midwest?

    Target stores in Saint Louis have them, aren't shelving them for about a week though. My local TRU doesn't have the sets in stock either. I assume within the coming days they'll be out, and if you're near a Lego store they should have them out on the 1st.

  12. Local TRU had nothing, inventory checker said all my Targets had the sets but each store refused to actually put them on shelves yet. Unless I get confirmation of any, I might just wait until the 1st and visit my local Lego store. The $5 discount will be nice.



    It's really great and amazing here most of the time... but then Europe gets all the sets a month before we do.  :burnmad:

    That's a really recent thing, actually. In fact I think the past few years have been the only time I've really heard of it happening. In terms of Lego, the US tends to get most things, and usually before most people do.


    My sister is a writer, and I do some myself, 

    I'm a writer!I do Medieval Fantasy and Horror. What about you?


    More fantasy than anything. Some are sort of sci-fi, more are fantasy based. I'm pretty lackluster in the writing department, though.


    As someone who is still a teen, a lot of people in my grade don't seem to care. Earlier grades like middle school to freshmen year have that weird sort of "you have to be mature" since you're in between being a kid and a teenager, which kind of washes away towards later years when things are stressful and so nobody cares what you do in your free time. Some people do, but eh, that's their problem.


    That's my two cents, anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  15. I wasn't a fan of the launchers, and I feel later G1 BIONICLE didn't handle them well. Many were giant and sort of useless (like Cordak Blasters) or were large rehashes of a zamor sphere launcher (Midak). Usually blasters take away from the weapon of the Toa as well, which I never took too keenly too. That's not to say a better sort of blaster could work, but I prefer the going system.


    Blasters work better with smaller sets, in my opinion. Kanoka and Rhotuka worked well on the Matoran/Rahaga respectively, as do the new blasters on the Protectors.

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