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Posts posted by T.B.O.C

  1. 1. All the CD pack-ins were limited runs, so they only came with the first few waves of a particular set before they were retired and the set was sold without them. The Toa Metru had the CDs packed in in Europe, and in the US the included Kanoka Club code unlocked a download for the software on the BIONICLE site.


    2. They were misprinted, but I don't remember specifically which ones were switched for which. I do know for certain that Turahk's CD had Panrahk's staff on it, but that's it.


    3. Yes, they all had the same CD.


    Hope this helps!

    1. Interesting, I didn't know the Kanoka Club cards were US instead of the CD's. Kind of interesting, though I wonder why Bricklink doesn't have a complete inventory of them if they're known about.

    2. Bricklink has them arranged as they are, and I think likely theirs are correct. I'd have to go out and get some to confirm myself though.



  2. So, I was going through Bricklink's catalog of cd's for BIONICLE sets to see which ones I was missing things from, when I happened upon a few questions their databases didn't seem to answer.


    1. Did the Toa Metru release with CD-ROM's? Most sets that did had specifically labelled canisters (akin to the Vahki promotion with the Mask of Time/Disk of Time or shadow Kraata)


    This seems so, since two of my canisters (Vakama and Whenua) have labels that say a CD is included, but these are European canisters, and I have some european canisters without, and all of my NA canisters don't have it either. However, Bricklink's database only has a Nuju CD, and an unspecified Whenua and Nokama one. If anyone could confirm that would be great.


    2. Were the Rahkshi CD's misprinted? I faintly remember hearing about this a while back, and the Bricklink catalog would seem to confirm this unless they were input wrong (which I severely doubt with how well-kempt it appears to be)


    and finally, although this is likely an easier one, did the Toa Mata all come with the same CD? Thanks in advance!

  3. Lego tends to retire sets fairly early nowadays, it used to be they'd have stock up for a good year or so after if not a little more, depending on the theme. Tahu would definitely be a best seller, as would the Protector of Fire, so perhaps its shortage.


    However, just because Lego is retiring it doesn't mean it won't be available. A lot of shops end up having them for a while, at least until the Christmas rush clears out the shelves.

  4. Good work! It's hard to really remake a lot of the sets (as unique as they were), but you did a stellar job! In particular, I really like Euripides. To be honest, it's more faithful to the show than Lego's variant...

  5. What kind of Rahkshi canisters are you looking for?


    All of them besides Lerahk. I prefer for them to have both stickers on them (front and back), and I don't really care if they're the CD version, shadow Kraata version, or what have you.


    I've got a sealed Matoro bag back at home. If you're cool with putting a pin in that until December (when I'll have access to it again), we could work a deal out.


    EDIT: Oh! And I just remembered I have an extra Tarakava box at home too, so we could throw that in.

    Maybe not the Matoro (mostly just looking for bags versus the set), but I'm definitely interested in the Tarakava box. I can wait until December as well, so feel free to contact me when you're able to.


    I've really got a lot what you are looking for.


    pahrak kal - including cannister and instructions 10 usd

    nuhvok kal - including cannister and instructions 10 usd

    Keerakh -  including cannister and instructions 10 usd

    Zadakh -  including cannister and instructions 7 usd

    Rorzakh -  including cannister and instructions 7 usd

    rahkshi cannister turahk- 2.50 usd


    not shure if interested:

    Tohunga sealed huki  - 10 usd

    Sealed powerpack  - 85 usd


    I live in Holland.

    Hm, I may possibly be interested in some of those. What kind of shipping cost would you expect from Holland to the US?

  6. I have a few things I've been looking to buy, and things many people don't have to sale. Here's some:




    Turaga (sans Nuju)

    Bohrok Va (sans Gahlok-Va)

    Matoran of Mata Nui (sans Hahli and Hafu)

    Matoran of Metru Nui (all)

    Rahaga (all)

    Matoran of Voya Nui (all)

    Matoran of Mahri Nui/Hydruka (all)


    Tohunga Polybags (just the bags and/or posters, I don't need the actual sets)


    Rahkshi canisters


    Tarakava (must include interior tray)





    Maku Disk (black with Kau Kau printed on it)

    Chrome Hau (really only looking for offers below $15-20)

    Orange Vahi (offers below $10)


    Other than that, the only other things I may be looking for are Pahrak-Kal and Nuhvok-Kal (must include canisters) for $10 or under, or Keerakh, Zadakh, and Rorzakh with canisters. People sell them for $3-5, but with canisters I could imagine $5-7 each.


    I can pay money, if you hadn't guessed yet. I'm a lot less interested in sets and masks as much as I am interested in boxes. Weird, I know, but they are so much more rare than the sets. I'm mainly looking for US but I can work deals internationally, although there may be a delay on that then.


    I am also very much interested in a physical copy of the instructions for the Powerpack, if any have them. Alongside the Chrome Hau, they're the last pieces I need for a complete Powerpack and I'd love to have that at some point.


    Another hopeless tangent, but if you own any of 8319 - Aquart and/or 8325 - Tager, I'm extremely interested in buying them. If you don't know, they're Galidor sets, and I am very much willing to take them off your hands for a good price.

  7. As in actual recall due to danger, I think there was only one of those Duplo trucks. Several sets have had production errors though. I remember my Iron Condor from 2007 was packaged with a PearlSilver robot body versus a marbled trans-red and silver one. When I contacted Lego they said maybe 10,000 or so had that issue. Made me feel a little special.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Based off of looks, Gali and Kopaka are definitely my favorite Toa. I really like Pohatu's look, and Onua's although I wish his shoulders looked more like his animated counterpart. I feel Tahu looks slightly gangly in the legs, and Lewa is very hard to position well for me.


    I'm not too sure about the Skull villains, I like all of them a lot.

  9. I doubt it. The very close connection between the fans and Greg, albeit cool and an interesting thing in general, is one of the things that really added to G1's complexity. 


    While it would be neat to do some vignettes or side stories, I doubt they'd be official canon.

    • Upvote 1
  10. The Hapaka books did occasionally mention muscle tissue, if I remember correctly, something that was not dropped and I vividly remember being brought up in the first few Voya Nui books. That might not be right, but I at least thought so.


    I think there was enough to infer, most likely. I believe we knew they could feel pain, and I can't remember if it did happen in one of the books, but I remember it being mentioned that they regrew their muscle tissue upon reforming on the beaches of Mata Nui.

    • Upvote 1

    I remember when lego made overly specialized parts. Also, I found their "fiber optic" kit weird, what's so cool about them?


    Do you mind showing us (or just me) said parts?


    A lot of sets from the early 2000's are a good example, Galidor being one of the better ones like said above. You could also debate many BIONICLE pieces such as weapons, Piraka spines, and so on.



    The Toa Nuva reverted to the toa Mata at the end of G1

    What? Only Tahu Nuva reverted to Toa Mata.


      All of them did, but Tahu was the only one shown like that


    Nope, only Tahu. Had to be a Mata to wear the Golden Armor, and there would be no reason to take away the power of the Toa Nuva. We also in fact saw the other Toa Nuva after the battle as Nuva in the serials.


    I think the new sets sound neat, but I'm surprised how early they came out. I think people are throwing a weird fuss about the 6 small/6 Toa/1 Villain release 2016 is assumed to have because it's barely different than the first 6 years of G1 with the 6 Matoran/6 Toa release we always had, with the only actual difference being 2007 because there were only 4 Matoran-sized sets.


    My only concern is that I still like the idea of larger BIONICLE sets but they biggest we seem to be getting are two-packs of a larger and smaller set. My question is what the equivalent to MM vs. SG would be if there is one. I'm currently theorizing next year is the year for the Mask of Control (like this year was creation, and to me with the concept of beasts and this year possibly being more animal themed makes the concept of control more likely), and so if a Makuta is in the works I'd be glad.


    I'm still hoping we eventually see a purple and gold Makuta though. I have a bad feeling we'll only end up with a red and black one...

    • Upvote 2
  13. What I find interesting is that people still cling to G1 like it was the best thing. Like I enjoyed G1 immensely and I collected it for years, but at a basic level the new sets have superior playability and design in many ways.


    Like for instance, it's been quite some time since I've actually played around with a BIONICLE set (I'm more into collecting nowadays, but not to discourage anyone from doing so) but every time I built one of the Toa or Skull villains I was blown back but how much fun you could have with them. And with all of the gearboxes that they put into the design, which wasn't even necessary, I was amazed with how the designers made these sets. I haven't had this much fun with Lego for years.


    Not to say one is better than the other overall, since both have many great things about them, but I can't fathom why people like to sit around and complain about it. I also don't understand saying HF was better than G2, simply because I feel like G2 has refined several of the things I didn't like about HF.


    Though I was never too into HF, so my thoughts on the matter are probably bias.

    • Upvote 2
  14. That's a good question indeed. I remember in the LOMN extras they showed off a bunch of prototype sets, but the only one that seemed to be a recolor was a white Whenua Hordika, which easily could have been Nuju with a white Whenua helmet.


    It would only require recolors of the feet/leg pieces and the hands, unless the changed the shade of the mask from the 2002 variant. I'd say it's either something they messed around with for fun or they might have had a promotional set with him.


    That also brings up the interesting bit with them using throwbot arms, and I feel a little dumb that I never realized that was Jaller in that picture. Ironically, it was the arms that threw me off...


    Yeah, a few weeks ago I got Pohatu Mata for $14 off ebay.

    Don't mean to be rude, but you kind of got ripped off. Unless New-In-Canister.


    Sealed Mata easily go for $40 nowadays. If I was selling, I'd never sell a Mata under $10. They're worth something, at least.



    Any word on the Villain pack? I'm kind of hoping it's sold like a polybag rather than a give away, I'd like to get two like I did for the Hero Pack.

    I remember seeing a statement by someone that we won't be getting it this month as the most recent LEGO calendar hasn't got anything Bionicle-related marked on it.


    I said that. Not this month, or next month.

    That means October or November are most likely to have it.


    If it is a giveaway item. It's likely to be, but I'd still rather it be one of those polybags you see near the checkout at a Target or something. It'd be weird for them to do that so late, though.

  17. My only issue with the masks is I'm still not used to the fact you can't touch the brain stem without knocking off the mask. They usually just slide off though, so it's never in danger of being lost.


    I don't have a huge problems with studs either, usually because I never touch the stud guns when I'm moving them since they're kind of out of place on the majority of them. Ekimu's is a little easier to trigger though.

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