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Toa Lesovikk

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Everything posted by Toa Lesovikk

  1. Wow, dead just like that. Sucker...(just kidding)
  2. You're welcome on commenting on almost all your movies. they're pretty good. I like 'em. It seems like you really like Linkin Park. They're pretty good.

  3. You're very welcome. You're movies are really great!! :)

  4. Welcome to bzp!!

  5. That's pretty cool. However, there a lot of names with lesovikk on bzp.

  6. Congrats on becoming a POBZPC

  7. Congrats, you got full proto!!

  8. Nice avvie. I really like it. It's awesome! I'm not really into Halo but I like you're avvie how you click on it and the music plays! It's really cool!

  9. Yeah, I agree. This is really weird too.
  10. Ouch. Looks like pepsi's not gonna make it. I like coke more. Go coke.

  11. No, working on it still...

  12. Hmm, this could be very helpful. Even though I'm not part of your shop, this is helpful! Thanks!
  13. Yay! Lesovikk fan's! I'm one! Go Lesovikk!

  14. Yo! Hey pal! I like Artemis Fowl too but I don't think it's on my profile. How are you doing?

  15. Ok....thanks! and as my normal thing...Go Lesovikk!

  16. Boo chocalate! Go Lesovikk!

  17. Congrats!! You have full proto!

  18. Hey PePena, happy B-day!

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