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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens

    Just Voted

    Except all these guys in green. But I don't think anywhere else has an Eagle with a flag on its head. I'll give you that.
  2. Brickeens

    Just Voted

    I agree that being able to vote is a very good thing, but you're making it sound like the US is the only place in the world where people can do that.
  3. The orange one is my favorite. It looks like it would be good as a mech leg or something. The studs on the sides aren't want though. Also, protip: Don't turn into me and start giving everything stick legs.
  4. Brickeens

    Oh Sleep

    My sleep's been changing so much recently there isn't really a usual time. :I
  5. Brickeens

    Oh Sleep

    Why can't you behave normally? ;__;
  6. Everything I blog these days has something to do with Sumiki... But I found this in his maj and I can't not post it. Sumikipony is female and has a mustache.
  7. Brickeens


    *wipes tear from eye*
  8. Those are brilliant. The Mata-Nui one and the Spider-Man one especially.
  9. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the election, Dave.
  10. Brickeens

    So, November

    In Ireland, Daylight savings has already come into effect.
  11. Brickeens


    The only thing I really don't like about this is the shoulders. I can see you were trying to stay accurate to the Metru build, but his shoulder joints are out too far, and not only that, they're pointing up as if he's permanently shrugging. They need to be brought in as well as down. The perspective on the Huna is also a bit off. It's mostly in the eyes, as one seems to be significantly smaller than the other, not to mention at a different angle.Apart from those, very nice work. Your style is the sort I'd expect to see on the front of a BIONICLE novel or something. And I love your coloring. The different tones used under the green are very effective.
  12. Brickeens

    Brand change

    Meanwhile, Cholie wins... Again.
  13. Brickeens

    So, November

    Time, what have you done? Now I need to start thinking about getting Christmas presents for people.
  14. Burnt orange trousers. And also a terribly creased shirt, but the fact that it's sand blue clearly makes up for that.
  15. Brickeens

    Wat The Cee

    I've been doing this for every month for a long time. I think I started in 2010. I did stop for a while this year, but then I thought I'd carry on doing it because there's something vaguely entertaining about the entries.
  16. Brickeens

    Wat The Cee

  17. How's it going, BD?

    1. Blue Dragon

      Blue Dragon

      Woo boy, it has been a long time since I've come to bzp. =P

      Anyway, I'm doing fine, though my interest in Bionicle has waned a bit over the past few months =/

      What about you?


    2. Brickeens


      Yeah, I haven't seen you in ages. I'm doing okay. I still build a lot.

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