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Blog Comments posted by Hooziwutzit

  1. May I join? (I hope I'm not too late.)


    Me and my friends (we are also considered somewhat nerdy) evolved a similar system of battle. However, our system was that each person had one character with 100 health and could either attack or create something each turn. We decided that everything did 1d20 damage, so no ridiculously over-powered objects could be created.


    If I still can join, it should be noted that I will have minimal (maybe once every few days) computer access from later today until 1/1/08. However, it's for a good cause. (I'm going to England! I can see the Doctor Who Christmas special without having to download it from BT! =D)


    ...So, yeah, I'm in.



  2. Did you see that guy?

    Did you see that bird?

    Did you see that plane?

    Did you see that site?

    Did you see that Homestarrunner?

    Did you see that Top Gear?

    Did you see that car?

    Did you see that lame excuse for a comment?

    Did you see that guy who said he heard that noise?

    Did you see that guy who said he didn't hear that noise?

    Did you see that repetitive list?

    Did you see that question?

    Did you see that list?

    Did you see that shopping cart?

    Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel?

    Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel and (probably) beating (a person who was probably) Richard Hammond?

    Do you know what base-jumping is?

    Do you know who Richard Hammond is?

    Do you know how to calculate the mass of a neutron star with a diameter of three (3 ("Press or say three (3)") miles?

    Do you know the approximate length diminishment of my posts due to the font and size settings I use? (I do.)

    Do you know any mathematical theories/theorems?

    Do you know the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? (I do.)

    Do you live in England? (Neither of us do, actually, as I well know. Just asking.)

    Do you know how to say "three (3)" in Hindu? (I certainly don't.)

    Do you know how ridiculously long this list is?

    Do you know that saying people could ask you questions was rather short-sighted of you?

    Are you short-, long-, near-, or far-sited? (I'm at least one of those (Near-sited.).)

    Do you consider this a long list?

    Do you consider this a stupid list?

    Do you consider this a dull list?

    Do you consider this a repetitive list?

    Do you feel as if you are about to pass out? ("And this is for posterity, so, please, be honest.")

    Do you have a tendency to speak in quotes?

    Are you developing the (rather dangerous) urge to answer all of these questions? (If so, please contact your doctor immediately.)

    Do you read the Doctor Who topic?

    Did you see that instrument?

    Did you see that "Did you see that bird?"?

    Do you think I should stop now?






    ...Well, I do. =P



  3. I'm a bit late with this, but I'm interested in how so many people are using edits of this. Can I have a non-Photoshop layer-supporting version or a .png with no head? If not, I understand, but it would be interesting to fiddle around with. (e.g. I would use conditional hue-saturation on it in Paint.net and add a mask.)

    Hopefully thanks in advance!



  4. I have got to get ahold of some frogs. I'm usually only good at microscale MOCing, with one or two awesome minifig-sized ones, so frogs should be the next logical step. For instance, you saw the frogspace ship with an interior, dark-grey, dark-bley, sand-green and lime? That's the sort of thing I'd do. (I might try something bigger, though.)


    Oh, and "Bionicle Apologist"?



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