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Everything posted by Nara

  1. Actually that would violate one of the essential rules. Stuff going there is an automatic no-go (though, there are debates on whether or not it'd be legal for a Pokemon to be revived by afterbattle evolution). However, whether or not you restart the game due to a team wipe or until you run out of living Pokemon is up to you.
  2. Nuzlocke rules apply whenever the challenger feels they should. It's meant to be a really flexible challenge; if you want something to happen (or not happen), do it. Unless it violates the essential three rules.
  3. OOC: Oh. Really? =| Well. Alrighty then, I guess it's over. Also, sorry for short and bad ICs, having to write weekly 750 word responses to a book I can barely stand to read (actually, I can't stand it at all) is really sucking my life force away.IC - Zac Flash, PNT, UnovaZac took the hand and shook. "I'd love a rematch, though, I'm not sure how long I'll be in Unova."
  4. alto saxes. that is all.

  5. OOC: Blade, that was only one Pokemon. =|IC soon, I don't have a lot of time right now. Way too much homework.
  6. FINALLY hit the E4 in White 2. There's a huge amount of stuff thrown at you after Marlon and then Victory Road. e.e
  7. OOC: Hate to nag, but Blade, Grimsley.IC - Eric, Pierce, and Juan, Goldenrod City"I thought we were avoiding all of this.." Juan said to Eric, walking down the streets of Goldenrod."Just wait a bit, the Underground Path is up ahead. I found an entrance to the sewers down there; we can go anywhere in Johto using them, but.." Eric trailed off."It's filled with Ratatta and Zubat and Grimer and Muk and Trubbish and disease, isn't it?" Pierce asked.
  8. Speaking of the Dream Radar, is anyone else getting a ridiculous amount of Swablu?
  9. IC - Zac Flash, PNT, UnovaMelon was thrown back into the crowd. Zac recalled him and threw another Pokeball out. Jaws hit the ground, sending dust into the air. "I could work with this," Zac said, smiling. "Ice Fang."IC - Pierce and Juan, Route 34, Johto"Hey," Pierce said. "This is a daycare, right? Could you raise my Snowrunt for a while?""Sure." the man said, receiving the Pokeball from Pierce.
  10. IC - Zac Flash, PNT, Unova"Ancientpower again, as the Sub breaks." Zac said.IC - Eric Spiros, Goldenrod City, Johto"Seems fine to me," Eric said, walking around the city. "If the forest is too dense, there's always the Underground." The large city was beginning to bore him; people everywhere, lights, noises. There was a nearby fire hydrant. I wonder who I'll hit with this. he thought. "Slush, break that hydrant open." With a Crabhammer, a blast of pressurized water shot out, knocking someone to the ground and throwing them a fair distance away. Water kept flowing out.Eric ran to the Pokemon Center before anyone could see him.
  11. Garbodor is where my problem arises.Although its derpy face makes me laugh. It's the mushroom ears.
  12. OOC: Just so you know, Marsie, your profile hasn't been approved yet, so technically you're not approved for playing yet, but I don't see anything wrong with it. Still, I would refrain from posting some more until Parugi or Blade gives the OK.Speaking of Blade, waiting on Grimsley. =PIC - Eric, Goldenrod City, JohtoEric entered the golden city, catching his breath from all the running he did. "Hm." he muttered, heading into the town square. "There's a fair amount of boring going on here." While Eric had a plan in mind, he assumed that there were Liberty Agents everywhere, considering the one he found outside the city. Something must've happened here before..
  13. You barely need to use HMs. Actually, I haven't needed to use one yet, and I'm at Skyla.Is anyone else having way too much fun at Join Avenue?
  14. Well, assuming the coding has remained the same from the Gen 3 games, it's pretty simple. '-'Besides, the fact that her after-battle text says that she wants to battle you every time you enter the route implies that either A. GameFreak intended it to be like that or B. they changed the text to make it appear like they intended it to be like that, which would be just as simple (if anything, more typing) as adding a line of code to fix it.But anyway, just arrived in Mistralton City. After I destroy Skyla with my three Pokemon that were useless against Clay, I can finally finish my final team.Oh, I also got two more DR Swablu. They're female this time. =D I also got a Female Riolu with that bunch, along with Tornadus and a female Drifloon.
  15. Actually, if anyone bothered to talk to her again, it appears to be intentional. From experience, if GameFreak wanted to "fix" it, all they need to do is add a line of code.
  16. OOC: I believe I'm the only one with characters near there, but be patient. I was going to wait for an answer on my Daycare question, but if you're that anxious, I'll send Eric over to scout.IC - Eric, Pierce, and Juan, Route 34, Johto"So Goldenrod is nearby?" Eric asked."Yeah, just keep heading north," the man answered."Well," Eric said, turning to Pierce and Juan. "are we going?"Pierce opened his mouth when his P*DA began to ring. "Hm?" he said. "Oh.. Yeah, there's a PC nearby. Okay, hold on..." He covered the microphone. "If you two want to go ahead, go. This might take a while." He slowly walked to the PC and entered his login info, then opening a video call. There was a woman on the other end, in a forest.Eric shrugged. "Let's go, Juan." But Juan shook his head."I'd rather not go into a big city like that. At least, not right through it," he said. "Maybe if you could find a way around it. The forest looks pretty thick." Eric rolled his eyes, and waltzed out of the daycare.He started running up and down the hills, happy to be able to run at last. Very quickly, the skyline of a large city peered over the horizon. Eric continued running, until he heard a stern voice. "HEY! YOU THERE!" He turned over, and saw that it was a policeman. Eric swore, stopping, as the policeman walked over. "What business do you have here?""Why should I have any business at all, sir?" Eric asked, realizing that there was an odd insignia on the policeman's coat, which wasn't the ordinary dark blue; it was green and white. He also realized that he was wearing his favorite jacket; the one with the rocket insignia sewed to the sleeve. Not wanting to attract too much attention by starting up a battle, he instead decked the Liberty agent in the face, causing him to fall down. He opened a Pokeball. "Slush, Crabhammer." The Corphish, not seeing another Pokemon, hit the Liberty agent's head (Eric had to point it out).There wasn't too much noise. Eric dragged the agent off into the woods, behind some trees and bushes. "Heh," he said. "Juan was right, this forest is thick. Anyway, back to Goldenrod!" He began running again, removing his jacket this time, folding it up and putting it in his bag.
  17. White 2: Naming my main team after the Karda Nui Makuta because they're awesome and it fits.

  18. IC - Eric, Pierce, and Juan, Route 34, JohtoThe trio stood in the building on Route 34, soaking the floor. Behind a counter, a young couple looked at them, somewhat confused, as it wasn't raining outside. "Erm.." the man said. "Hello there!""Hey." Pierce said, shaking some water off of him. "Sorry for barging in here, I didn't think there'd be people.. All the lights were off.""Sir," the woman said. "we don't have windows." Eric began laughing."Still, you're somewhat welcome here." The man added. "This is the daycare. If you ever need anything, we'll be here."OOC: Question, are we allowed to use daycares?
  19. I have White 2. =P *is different*Although I feel ridiculously nooby because I can't beat Burgh. But that's only because I'm too stubborn to use Pokemon other than my set team. Because I could very well unleash my swarm of 4 male Swablu fromtheDreamRadar on him.4 males. D'=I also got a male Riolu and two female Munnas.
  20. OOC: There's a tournament going on in Driftviel, Sparta, if you want to come and watch. Other than that, there's a group in Undella I think, and my other characters are at Goldenrod. Parugi has some characters at a forest, but I wouldn't think it'd be accessible.IC - Zac Flash, PNT, UnovaZac stopped to process this information. Unovan Elite Four. Elite Four.Elite.He looked up in time to see the Substitute breaking. Melon, who didn't hear a command, attacked on his own, with Ancientpower.IC - Juan, Eric, and Pierce, Route 34"This place sure is hilly," Eric said, running down a hill, then proceeding to dash up another. Pierce was standing on a tall hill, with Juan sitting beside him."I don't see much.." Pierce said. "Oh, wait... There's a house over there!" Eric ran up the hill and bumped into Juan, hitting a Pokeball. HIs Politoed came out, and with it, rain. The two shot a dark look at Eric, hair falling over their foreheads."Well," Juan said. "If there's a house there, why don't we dry off.""Before this guy," Pierce added, pointing to Eric. "does anything else."
  21. OOC: Waiting on Grimsley.IC - Eric, Pierce, and Juan, Route 34, JohtoThe sunlight exploded on the trio's faces, as the dim forest retracted behind them. Eric shielded his eyes. "What's up ahead?" he asked. There was water to the west, but the only other thing he could see were fields.Pierce shot a cold look towards Eric. "How are we supposed to know?" he retorted. "I'm from Orre and Juan is native to Hoenn.""Might I suggest that we keep walking, gentlemen?"
  22. IC - Zac Flash, PNT, Unova"Oh hey," Zac said, holding a Pokeball. "You finally took that mask off. The moment would be more dramatic if I knew who you actually were, though." He gave a mischievous smile. The Bone Rush hit Kongo three times, inflicting a rather large amount of damage. "Kongo, get back," he called, recalling his Darmanitan and throwing out another Pokeball. "Melon, your turn. Finally."A Kecleon emerged from the Pokeball. "Substitute."IC - Eric and Pierce, Johto"We're lost." Eric stated.All around the three of them were trees. The Ilex forest was not kind to strangers. They were sitting at a lakefront; Lotad swam through the water and Surskit danced across."We're hopelessly, hopelessly lost."Pierce hit him on the side of the head. "Juan says the exit is literally right there." he said. "I can see it from here."
  23. IC - Zac Flash, PNT, Unova"Shoot," Zac said, seeing the Bone Vulture Pokemon. "Well.. Might as well try. Rollout!"Kongo nodded and curled up into a ball. He pushed himself with his legs, shooting forward. "If it flies, jump!"
  24. D':Well, I did assume that it was my turn this round. I should've saved myself.
  25. IC - Pierce and Eric, Johto"Well," Mr. Briney said. "We're here." The boat was docked at a beach, with the Ilex forest in sight. Juan, Eric, and Pierce stepped onto the warm sand."The air is different here.." Eric said, breathing in. "Nothing like Hoenn's." Slush walked beside him, picking at the sand. The clouds above were pure white and fluffy; flocks of Wingull and Swanna soared across the sky. "Now, it's unfortunate, but our destination is at the other side of the region.""Juan has a Skarmory." Pierce said."It has never been here before," Juan said. "She'd get lost."
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