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Everything posted by Nara

  1. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, Unova"Thanks," Zac said, recalling Kongo. "But bringing that Zoroark down was pure luck. You're not bad yourself."IC - Justin, PWT, Unova"Sweet," Justin said, sending out his Marshtomp. "Let's scout; Protect!"IC - Pierce and Eric, Uncharted Ocean, HoennPierce swore as he shielded his face from the oncoming Blizzard attack, with Dusknoir in front of both himself and Eric. He took out another Pokeball and sent out his Snowrunt."This guy isn't going to come easy," Eric said, sending out both Aqua and Melody."You're still here? What a pity." the voice said. "Before I demolish you, why is it you seek me? Or perhaps, did you find me par hasard, by chance?" The man stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself to indeed be Juan. Juan had a worn down look, his coat had been tattered in several places."What do you think of Team Rocket?" Eric asked cautiously."I couldn't care less."
  2. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaThe Night Slash hit, fainting Duskull. "Good job," Zac said, recalling him and throwing another Pokeball out. "But I think it's time to finish this. Hopefully. Kongo, Hammer Arm!"The Darmanitan entered the field a little farther away from his opponent than Zac would've liked, but they could manage. Instead of jumping up, Kongo just rushed up to the Bisharp, his right arm ready to swing.IC - Justin, PWT, UnovaLooking up from the battle he was watching, Justin saw that it was finally his turn. However, against a world class pilot and gym leader, he didn't have much hope. "Bah," Justin grunted, as he walked to the arena. "wonder where she is."
  3. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, Unova"Yikes," Zac said, eyes widening. Jaws flew backwards and hit the ground, fainted. "You did well," he said, recalling her and throwing another Pokeball. "Duskull, back out! Confuse Ray!"The Duskull emerged once more, and sent a small ball of energy spinning towards the Bisharp.IC - Pierce and Eric, Uncharted Ocean, HoennPierce stood with his arms folded, soaking wet. "At least we're on the cliff.." he mumbled. Eric was shaking the water off, and recalled his Seadra. He had a Corphish next to him, while Dusknoir was next to Pierce."Excuse me, messieurs," a voice said. "I'm afraid I am going to insist that you leave."The two turned around and faced a cave. At first only darkness could be seen. However, a pair of orange eyes appeared, along with two yellow-tinted tusks."Not moving, I presume? That's your loss. Blizzard."
  4. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaZac nodded. Knowing there was no way for Jaws to escape that, he didn't say anything. A little Knock Off wouldn't do anything, especially since Jaws wasn't holding anything. She was knocked backwards, but held her ground, creating track marks as the two Pokemon collided. "Perfect position," Zac said. "Fire Fang, again!"
  5. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaZac, astonished at how successful his flinch rate had been so far, stood impressed. "Maybe I should get a King's Rock," he said, laughing. "Sorry dude, about the hax and stuff!" he called to Jade.As he said this, Jaws's back mouth began to grow red and radiate heat. She turned around and got ready to bite.
  6. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaZac blinked twice. "That actually worked?" he mumbled. "Whatever, more!"Jaws nodded as her larger mouth became coated in ice, and she attempted to use Ice Fang.
  7. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, Unova"Shoot," Zac said, knowing that Jaws wasn't very fast. The Mawile attempted to sidestep out of the way, and was partially successful. Zac was relieved. "Flinch hax, go!"Jaws nodded, and began rushing towards the "Bisharp" as fast as it could, powering up a Thunder Fang as it used Astonish, in an attempt to para-flinch the thing to death.
  8. More research tells me I can work my team out with only one wildcard. But you know, whatever fits better.And +1 to the standard OU rules.EDIT: Woo! I found my third shiny for my Sapphire badge quest, an Aron. =D It seems to have average IVs and Adamant as a nature, and I've used an Aggron in my Ruby playthrough, so meh there, but at least I can move on.
  9. OOC: It's alright, it's just that that usually doesn't happen. =PIC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaSo Bisharp is his last.. I'll need Kongo for that. "Move!" Zac called. Kongo punched the ground instead with Hammer Arm, causing rocks to rise and form a shield. The Night Daze hit the rocks, sending some flying back at Kongo; the attack itself didn't reach. "Good," he said, bringing out two Pokeballs. "Kongo, come back; Jaws, you're up! Iron Defense right away!"IC - Pierce and Eric, South of Pacifidlog, HoennThe force field shattered as the Shadow Ball hit. Looking closely, Eric saw the cave where Juan probably was. It was a far way, though, and climbing up wouldn't be in their favor. "Aqua," Eric called, throwing a Pokeball into the water. A Seadra appeared. "Water Gun while we jump across!"Pierce gave Eric a look that said "are you serious," but Eric just ignored it, smiling. He jumped.
  10. I've got my team organized, now it's just a matter of actually getting everyone trained. And if it happens that we don't go through with this, I'll have a nice gimmicky team for Random Matchups. =POn the level note, 100 seems like it would take a long time, even with all the boosts, but 50 is too low of a level. Meet in the middle; say, 75? My in-game white team is around there just by playing through the story and grinding a bit.
  11. Gimmickssssss

  12. Sturdy Shedninja. Thank you Bunda.

  13. If we're doing this again, I call ghost.=PAnd on the note of Sturdy Shedninja, I'm pretty sure it can be Skill Swapped, but no Swap users have Sturdy. :| Someone's gotta hack that and see what happens, though. :PEDIT: I google'd a little, and Shedninja is capable of legally getting Sturdy, but it would probably have to be in a Triple Battle. Along with that, I'm still unsure of whether or not it would never faint, or faint after a hit.Meh. More testing.
  14. OOC: After a long drought of notifications for like, three days, BAM! 34 notifications after three hours.IC - Zac Flash, PWT, Unova"Kongo, Hammer Arm!" Zac commanded. Kongo rushed over and jumped into the air, bringing his arms down as he fell over the Deino.IC - Eric and Pierce, South of Pacifidlog, HoennEric was sitting on a cliff, bored. "It's been two hours," he complained, picking up a stone."Neither Dusknoir or I can find anything resembling psychic activities.." Pierce said, sitting down. "Maybe it was just a battle." He also picked up a stone. Both trainers threw it as far as they could. It didn't hit the water, though; it bounced back. They both quickly stood up, Pierce with a large grin on his face. He turned to Dusknoir, who nodded, preparing a Shadow Ball.
  15. Got a competitive team in mind..

  16. Pokemon World Championship: Final match is streaming now. ^.^

  17. Haven't found anything in the Granite Cave still, but that's to be expected.I found out more about the Badge Quest, though. Apparently, you're supposed to get the levels in accordance to the badge you're about to get, multiplied by ten. So, before Brawly, technically my team would be levels 20+.I don't think Wallace is worth the grind.
  18. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, Unova"Sweet," Zac said, taking out a Pokeball. "Duskull, good job. Kongo, you got this!" He recalled Duskull and threw another Pokeball, sending his Darmanitan out to battle.IC - Eric and Pierce, Pacifidlog Town, HoennEric called a Corsola and had Pierce ride it to a large rock in the middle of the ocean; he himself just swam. Needless to say, this took a very long time. The rock was surrounded by other larger rocks, some with platforms and caves."If Juan really is here," Eric said, spitting out water as they climbed to the top. "He's somewhere in this mess."
  19. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaDuskull knew what to do before Zac said anything. While the Deino was rushing blindly, Duskull used Confuse Ray. There was a chance that it would steer the thing away, but Duskull wasn't too hopeful at this point.IC - Eric and Pierce, Pacifidlog Town, Unova"Hey!" Eric called into the house. "Beth!"A woman, mid-thirties, emerged, with a tired look on her face. Probably another sightseer, she thought. Her expression lightened when she saw Eric, however. "Hello," she said. "what is it you need, Eric?""My friend," he replied, motioning to Pierce, who waved. "is wondering if you've seen anything strange recently. Maybe to the south?"The woman nodded, as a Gorthorita appeared. "Astral has been noticing some psychic pulsation southward. It's faint, so I'd assume it's just a regular battle or something.""Either way, it's where we're going," Eric said. "Thanks."As the two were leaving, Pierce accidentally bumped into Astral. "Oh, sorry Madam."While they were far enough away, Eric turned and said, "Astral's a dude."
  20. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaThe Dark Pulse hit with full force, causing the Duskull to fall and hit the ground."Disable!" Zac called. I've gotta get one more attack in..
  21. IC - Pierce and Eric, Pacifidlog Town, HoennEric laughed. "What makes you think Juan is anywhere near here?"I know he is."Well well," Eric said, somewhat unimpressed. "aren't you the cocky one. Nevertheless, if you really think he's here, then go ahead and look. I haven't seen anything.." He stopped for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "But the Mirage Master might've.""I thought he died a while ago.""He did, his daughter took over." Eric pointed down town. "She's over there.. Actually, I'll just take you." If they do find Juan, I'm sharing the reward.
  22. IC - Pierce and Eric, Pacifidlog Town, Hoenn"Yikes," Pierce said, looking at the barely clothed Eric. "Isn't it illegal to go walking around with nothing on?"Eric rolled his eyes. "I'm wearing something. That's besides the point. Why're you here? Pacifidlog doesn't get many visitors." The sun was falling rapidly."Well, for now, I guess a place to stay would be nice. Where's the Pok-" Pierce was cut short."Just stay at my house, for free," Eric said, walking north. There was a lone hut, connected by a strip of logs.Once the two got inside, Eric put on some shorts and a jacket. However, a badge fell from the jacket, near Pierce's feet. Pierce picked it up and gasped, while Eric shut his eyes. "You're with Team Rocket!?" Pierce asked. This'll be perfect, then."Hey, shut up," Eric said. "What, are you a cop or something?"Pierce shook his head. "Naw, looking to join them Rockets myself." He grinned. "But not empty handed. Going to bring back Juan with me, and it looks like you can help with that."
  23. IC - Zac Flash, PWT, UnovaShoot, this is bad.."Duskull, move!" Zac called. Duskull fell into the ground, but not before being trampled by the rushing Deino. "Future Sight!" he commanded. Duskull rose at the other side of the arena, then prepared an attack.
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