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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth

    LEGO World

    I can't help but smile at the phrase "the first time something I built at work becomes public."
  2. Closed per request of the author.
  4. Yes, you heard me right. He slaps. He laffs. He dances gracefully when you know his name, not his story. He's all around a pretty swell guy, even if he can sometimes be quite silly. But you gotta love that quality of his as well! (Otherwise he'll slap you with Nick Bluetooth). Without further ado, let's congratulate dear Xaeraz on a very happy 21st annibirthary! Now go slap someone and be an adult.
  5. Thanks for catching that, and for the suggestion! Certainly made the next chapter more coherent. Speaking of, next chapter is up!
  6. Zatth

    A Mystery Explored

    A Mystery Explored Chapter 6 Ajura asked again. “You’re entirely sure that you don’t find the waves at least mildly soothing?” Orde dipped his hand into the ocean. He left it there for three seconds, and then brought his hand back up. “Ajura, as a basic principle I don’t consider things that can kill me as soothing. Including water and liquid protodermis.” “Then that removes any known substance… and being.” “Well, yeah. Never have complete trust in anything or anyone, because unreliability is more prevalent than you’d think.” “So when did you get so philosophical?” asked Ajura. She began playing with a bubble of water. “It’s not like you’ve been thinking about this often, right?” “No,” he sighed. “It’s not my every waking thought, but it is something that I like to keep in mind.” He looked up at the clear sky. “You know, it’s like when you have a set of principles or laws of the universe that you guide yourself by. That’s one of mine.” “I hope that the first rule is to always make sure I’m happy,” she quipped. “Don’t worry, that’s the first 27 rules,” he smiled. “Rule 145, by the way, is to be wary of any and all Xians.” “Right. Back to business.”Ajura sat back up. The boat was going at a steady enough speed that it would take a few more hours to reach Xia. Until then, they could plan out their strategy. “What do we know?” Orde began to speak what he knew. “Xia. Manufacturer of weapons. Controlled by Pridak. Has an abnormally large and unusual mountain in the center.” Ajura nodded. “Good. So, weapons manufacturer. Who do we go to first?” “The records office. We’ll be able to find out either who creates disk launchers, or at least who made some kind of a transaction of a modified disk launcher.” One item off the list. “Next is Pridak.” Orde frowned. “Scary and volatile guy. Met him once while working under Icarax. If you think I have anger issues, wait until you cross him.” “So unpredictable ruler of the island. I’m gonna say we need to be as quiet and uneventful as possible?” “I’ll be on my best behavior,” Orde said. “And finally, that mountain. Should we consider it as a threat?” “If not a threat, at least an asset.” “How’s that?” “Why, that’s rule number 84! If something is a threat, you can also turn it into an asset.” “Alright, smug guy,” Ajura said. “One day I’ll test you on those rules, see how well you know them. And speaking of questioning you-“ “As if you haven’t done so enough today,” “I meant to ask you. Two days before we left, you had some visitors drop by. Who were those Toa, I didn’t recognize them-“ “They were no one. Just some old acquaintances. They came, we spoke, they left. Simple as that.” Ajura had never know Orde to back away from a topic or become so defensive. She thought it odd, but decided to give Orde some peace of mind. “Well, I’m here if you ever need to talk. In the meantime, I’ll take a nap. Maybe you’ll learn that water can, more often than not, really be soothing.” “This would be the time to commission a Mask of Air Purification,” Orde coughed. “I knew things were bad, but this kind of pollution?” “Yeah, well,” Ajura said as she pushed Orde. “Look at it this way; the sooner we do our thing the faster we’re off this island and the fumes.” The landscape wasn’t welcoming in any way. The large mountain, which seemed to smile at the Toa, was surrounded by sickly green clouds. Few birds were seen circling the mountain, but none at the top. The top seemed to be raining fiery tongues that shot downwards. When the fumes allowed one to look around the sight of towering structures made up the foreseeable horizon. The buildings looked crooked, as if ready to fall at a moment’s notice. How this could lead to production and manufacturing eluded Ajura. Since she didn’t want to stay long enough to ask such a question, she kept walking with Orde. A stray rock made Orde trip, and ingest the noxious fumes. He began coughing violently. Ajura panicked, making a bubble of water in case he needed some immediate healing. Before she could form the watery sphere, however, she felt a hand grabbing her shoulder and forcing her up. Orde was also forced to stand, and given some sort of apparatus to put over his mouth. Ajura was given a similar one. After taking in a deep breath, Ajura felt less light-headed. She could see color returning to Orde’s face. They looked up at a Vortixx standing behind them. “Tourists are always taken aback by the smell. I’ve always said, it’s costly to make these breathing things. Much easier to enact a mutation that can function on Xia and be turned off when leaving the island.” “Thanks, but… I think we’ll pass on those,” wheezed Orde. His lungs were clearing up, but he couldn’t let go off the presence of the gas. “Suit yourself, then. Which leads me to my next question. Why do we have two Toa visiting our island?” Ajura spoke up to let Orde rest a bit. “We’re here inquiring about some disk launchers.” “What kind? We have those retrofitted to Matoran, vehicles, Toa, you name it.” “It was… a different type of launcher. Modified.” The Vortixx smiled. She returned to a neutral face very quickly. “I see my modified disk launchers are getting some good press, then?” “In a way.” “What do you mean?” Ajura chose her words carefully. No need to anger a native. “We… saw one of these modified launchers. Wanted to know some specific details for Metru Nui.” The Vortixx looked puzzled. “We haven’t gotten any requests from Metru Nui for any inspection of specification of technical details for disk launchers.” “It’s a covert mission,” Ajura lied. “We were sent here to avoid surveillance from other organizations… they’ve been pestering us for a while and we don’t want to arouse any more suspicion.” “Toa hiding from the law?” The Vortixx smiled. “You’ve got my interest again. And I do love sowing some discourse.” She seemed to think again about the two of them. Finally she let go. “I’ll help you. But be warned, Toa, there might come the day when I find this organization and relay your treachery.” “Right. Duly noted,” Ajura answered. “Now, the modified disk launcher. Who did you sell it to?” “Well, I didn’t only sell it to one customer. Many were piping for my services, so you might need to consider a large list of applicants. Do you have any idea what the seller looked like?” Orde pulled out his sketch of the figure that had been with Kadira. The Vortixx looked closer into the drawing. “Oh yes, I remember him. Quiet customer, but nonetheless glad to have the modified launcher. I like to keep track of my customers, so you wouldn’t happen to know what he was doing with the launcher?” “He was last seen at the home of a Po-Matoran in the Tren Krom Peninsula.” “Say that again?” “Po-Matoran at the Tren K-“ “Anywho, that’s also some more classified information,” Orde cut Ajura off. “And I don’t think any of it will be of any use.” “On the contrary, Toa. There is a Ta-Matoran called Vultraz. If our buyer was at the Tren Krom Peninsula, you can trust me when I say that Vultraz will know where to go.” “Right, great. Thank you for your help.” “Roodaka. The name’s Roodaka. Glad to have been of assistance.” She smiled, and suddenly Orde felt like the island itself wasn’t the most dangerous thing near him. He tugged Ajura so they could leave. Review Topic
  8. Zatth

    BOM Podcast

    So if you've been following the BIONICLE: ANP, you might know that, eventually, some other kind of project would spring out of that. SO HEY THERE'S A PODCAST NOW! I believe that after this, I now have to proceed with my BIONICLE Parody Songs EP, including tracks like "Do You Want To Build a Boxor?", "The Plan", and everyone's favourite, "Some Story That I Used To Know" i may or may not be joking about all of the above
  9. As I said before, I'm certain that you'll be amazing at the job. I wouldn't tell you to have fun, because I'm pretty sure that's what will happen every day Best of luck at LEGO, Corvin!
  10. Zatth


    Curses! Foiled again!
  11. If there's one detail to keep in mind here, it's that Brickeens is the most rational and sane of all the group (also the greatest and bestest and awesomest but that goes without saying) And now I feel the need to cover Never Gonna Give You Up and Safety Dance on my kazoo...
  12. Zatth


    My New Year's Resolution is bringing tubular back.
  13. You missed Taken the 13th And Taken 14, the one where he travels back in time to the events of Taken 1 and retcons the entire series, thus paving the way for the next 14 movies that show an alternate reality of them all.
  14. New chapter is up! I tried to get this one done because the next few weeks are going to be very busy for me. Nonetheless, I'll do my best to have a new chapter up as soon as possible. Enjoy!
  15. Zatth

    A Mystery Explored

    A Mystery Explored Chapter 5 Ajura finally understood the large light passing by them. It passed by the narrow passageway they were trying to cross every three and a half seconds. Although it was nighttime, they were certain they would be immediately spotted by guards if any bit of the large flashlight was to shed light on them. Orde had tried to induce the guards under his Psionic powers, but they seemed shielded against such attacks. They were going to have to try something different. A projectile on some far off area probably wouldn’t draw both guards off; at best they’d run and see them trying to break apart the door, at worst one of them would stay behind and then they’d both suspect foul play. The other facts to work with was that there was a door, both guards had to be incapacitated some how, and… well, that was pretty much it. They didn’t know what kind of weapons the guards have, or how hard it would be to open the door. It also didn’t help that the two of them were at odds with the idea of the plan. “Orde, please. Let’s not break into the place. I’m sure we can get Mantax or someone to find us a safe passage in there.” Ajura looked at the guards. They hadn’t been distracted by Orde’s Psionic powers, but they might already have sensed someone, and simply be biding their time. In other words, an ambush. “Look Ajura, the time for second doubts was over a while ago. You know what the tablet says; apart from Mantax and members of the Brotherhood of Makuta, no one else can enter. That is where Kadira’s possessions probably are, and the only lead we have to solving this mystery!” “Yes, but doing it like some kind of lowlife criminal?!” Ajura whispered angrily. They might argue, but they could at least agree on not giving up their cover. “We aren’t Dark Hunters, we’re Toa! We have to stand up for what’s right!” “Yeah, that’s what we’re doing. We’re helping find a lost Matoran and maybe discover a bigger underlying plot.” Orde brought both of his hands to his head in frustration. “Look Ajura, I agree that we should do the lawful thing. But I think saving Matoran trumps not forcing an entry. The situation calls for it!” Ajura wanted to tell him that he couldn’t use the situation to justify breaking into a vault. “If that means you’d be willing to kill those guards, then go ahead. But since you love to say you’re the Toa who knows all the rules, then I shouldn’t have to tell you how that would break our cardinal rule. No killing.” Orde stopped. It was true. They had found no way yet to bring the guards down, and it seemed like the only alternative would be to hit them with such force, they would be downed permanently. He looked around. What was there to use? Rocks, the guards, something from the warehouse, the… Orde smiled. “I think I have an idea. How good are you drawing water out of thing air?” The guards stood vigilant. They’d felt some kind of power battling their shielded minds, but decided to stay near the door. To go out would only help those who were probably trying to get in, and they would much rather stay by the door and deal with the matter when it, literally, came to their doorsteps. But aside from the occasional roaming bird, there was nothing to see or hear. Creak. A slight shudder. Something was off. The guards scoured to see if there was anything. Nothing. Creak. It seemed to come from their left. They looked, blasters poised at the ready. Nothing still. As they turned back, the leftmost guard took one last look at the large flashlight. Something… something is off. His stare darted upwards just in time to catch the large metallic tower begin to budge. It looked like rust had magically appeared, distorting the steel frame. “Look at the tower?” The other guard faced that way. “Do you see the light? It’s slightly off.” “Go and take a look. I’ll stay over here.” The leftmost guard scouted the area surrounding the tower. Nothing, he signaled. He began to climb the tower, to see where the damage was. And then the tower began to fall. The guard screamed. A second later, the rust magnified twicefold, making the structure shudder and shake more than before. Now the light was definitely off course. The guard was still screaming for help, until he noticed that the falling force shook him off the tower. Falling, he could only see the large metal leviathan that was about to crush him. Seconds before impact, he felt someone pushing him out of the way. The tower fell, deafening roar in its wake. The light had now made the ground catch fire. It took a while for the guards to stand up, and a bit longer for their hearing to return. They swore they’d gone blind, but they then noticed it was just the smoke and violently shaken dust from the rubble. The leftmost guard thanked his partner for pushing him alongside him before the tower hit. His quick thinking had saved his life. Orde wanted to stare a second longer and see the tower fall and crash. But Ajura pulled at his arm as soon as she saw the other guard run to save his partner. Orde’s gamble had paid off, and Ajura made sure to give them both time to safely be out of the tower’s grasps. As soon as they hard the thundering crash, Ajura ran with Orde. They ran towards the door, trying to not focus on the aftershock of the tower. Mata Nui be blessed, it’s an easy door to open! projected Orde into Ajura’s head. The sound wouldn’t let them hear each other. Orde projectecd the door’s past onto Ajura’s mind, his Mask of Psychometry came to the rescue once again. Ajura mentally pictured what the key looked like, then made it out of Protodermis. Most doors had more complicated locks, and required a fully manual procedure to open. Others, however, responded to the general shape of the key. Making it out of Protodemris made things a bit easier. Finally, Ajura felt the whirring of the girders from within the door. It was open. Ajura pushed the door open, and dragged Orde inside. She closed the door and reset the mechanism. If the guards got back to the door, they, hopefully, wouldn’t suspect a thing. Rows and columns. That’s all there was in this seemingly neverending warehouse. Rows and columns of boxes. Orde had resorted to sit by wherever Ajura was checking, and use his Mask of Psychometry on the boxes to see the history of their contents. He’d learned of a mutated Visorak pincer that had been pried off and given to Mantax as a gift. He’d discovered three Kanoka that had been placed in separate glass casings in one box, with the label KEEP TOGETHER BUT DO NOT MERGE. He’d unearthed a very old tome, seemingly the studies of someone trying to codify a very archaic language. This last one didn’t have much, as the tome seemed to abruptly end halfway through. Orde began to wonder what had happened. “Hey, do you wanna come and be useful? I’m the one checking all the rows while you’re sitting there like a Dermis Turtle under fine weather.” “Did you check that corner over there?” Orde joke. “Actually, no worries. I’m sure you’ll get there eventually.” She whacked him off the box he was sitting on. “You wanna play the jester? Fine. But I distinctly remember you being the one who wanted to save this Matoran, so…” She had a point. Orde decided to actually help out. Who knew, maybe he could mind control her to keep doing it after a while. He continued to walk from where Ajura had been standing. He hadn’t walked more than seven steps, when the sponge began to swirl with cyan, green, and dark brown. “Wouldya look at that? All I had to do was work, and the sponge decided that I should find the box!” Ajura walked over to him in disbelief. Of course, the box had been right where she’d made Orde work. He’d probably joke about this being the stroke of luck or a true hardworking Toa. He wouldn’t let he hear the end of it. “Before you make any jokes about this, we might actually want to look inside.” She’d caught him there. He shut up, and they both pried the box open. Inside was a disk launcher, some carving tools, and a bed. Nothing that stood out to them. “Alright, let me do all the work again,” Orde teased Ajura as he placed his hand of the objects. If there was anything else here, his Mask of Psychometry would pick it up. He closed his eyes, and concentrated. Images flashed in his head. He fast-forwarded, until he reached the part where Kadira seemed more visibly worried. He stopped, and went back a bit. There! Kadira was talking with some being that had grabbed his disk launcher and toyed with it. Orde saw, that alongside Kadira’s own launcher, the creature had been holding some kind of modified Kanoka Launcher that Orde didn’t recognize. With no other leads on the other objects, he opened his eyes again. “There was a being holding Kadira’s disk launcher. Lucky for us, the creature was also holding its own modified launcher. Now, I’m not sure what kind of modifications, but I think I know where we can ask.” “Alright then,” Ajura agreed. “You make a sketch of the thing you saw, and we’ll inquire at Xia. If it’s something that unique, they’ll know whom it was made for.” Review Topic
  16. Zatth

    A New Perspective

    In all seriousness, though, best of luck! I never made the jump when I wore glasses (back in the old days), so I hope it goes smoothly!
  17. Zatth

    In 2015

    Be fierce. Be fantastic. Be only the person you can be. Seize the day (or the year, in this case). I love y'all
  18. Zatth

    new years selfie

    The question is: does it increase your slapping powers?
  19. You can ask and plead... It won't do anything
  20. I admit I'm very privileged. I admit I cannot fully empathize with a lot of you because we haven't had the same life experiences. I know I'm some online person hiding behind a Kanohi Zatth. But I am here for you. I'm sure everyone else on this site is, but I just want to put it in writing. There is too much oppression, hatred, and sadness in this world, and nobody deserves that. As an immigrant (and third world kid), chronically ill, mentally depressed, demiromantic 19 year old, I know I can't empathize with everything, but I will listen to anything and everything you ever want to say or think about. I've been trying to change my ways and learn to be a more toleran and open person, and if nothing else, your talking to me about things will open up my eyes and make me want to make a bigger change. Talking to me might not do much. Whether it's because you've never met me, or don't trust me, I totally get that. But this is, more than anything, an open invitation to talk with me about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. It can be silly, it can be nonsensical, it can be looking for someone to vent to and not want or wait for an answer. Just remember that there are always those who will love you and will accept who you are, in any and all facets. This is an open invitation to PM me about anything at any time. Y'all are loved, and y'all matter to me.
  21. Happy annibirthary, Evil Blog Master! In honour of our Berkfer and Lets Play escapades, I gift you this:
  22. Zatth


    Paris was gorgeous! We got to go in April for a Forensics tournament, and I fell in love with the city. The main things I'd say is have an idea of places you want to go to. Catacombs, Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame were some of the places we hit, but it saddened me that there were many left I didn't get to visit, due to everyone being so unorganized and not having some kind of a plan. And try everything. Like, seriously. Hot chocolate, duck, anything. I forced myself to go out of my comfort zone, and, at least in Paris, it paid off. Have tons of fun!
  23. I'm shocked and happy that I've been able to stick with this for so long Anywho, here's the new chapter! Again, any comments and criticisms are appreciated and welcome
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