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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. Sure. You're in a different league, but I'll put updates for that up as well from time to time. -MT
  2. Here are some mores score updates: XTRM beat 5 Mask Mesonak beat Dakama Levacius beat Frostbreeze Burningair beat Gorgnak Rahkshiking beat Calypso Hovoki beat Sonicwind -MT
  3. Good job Mesonak. Results have been recorded. And the road continues... -MT
  4. Thank you. Levacius' victory over Frostbreeze can be seen here in the Zone of Darkness. Today: Rahkshiking(1-0) @ Calypso(0-1), Zone of Darkness Hovoki(1-0) @ Sonicwind(1-0), Boxtus Arena Gorgnak(1-0) @ Burningair (0-1) Monday: Mister Matoro(1-0) @ Tarakavaseargent(1-0) Next Friday: 5 Mask @ Rahkshiking, Boxtus Arena Next Saturday: Brenmac @ Mesonak, Boxtus Arena XTRM @ Mr. Matoro, TBD (Mesonak, Burnmad, or Levacius, one of you can host this) Gorgnak @ Sonicwind, TBD Next Sunday: Burningair @ Frostbreeze, Boxtus Arena Dakama @ Calypso, TBD Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius, probably Zone of Darkness Next Monday: Hovoki @ Sonu, The Lightning Realm -MT
  5. It's time for the 2nd week of TBTTRAHFL. First up, I apologize for not having the Brenmac/Sonu fight up yesterday. My internet connection was having some problems. Couldn't get on to BZP. With that said, let's get onto the early morning Brenmac at Sonu battle. BRENMAC(0-1) AT SONU(0-1) Brenmac and Sonu had entered Boxtus Arena, site of this now Saturday battle that had been originally planned for Friday. Both contestants were surprisingly 0-1, and whoever lost this battle would have a winless record and they would have to win the eventual rematch to avoid a tiebreaker, not to mention the even worse potential threat of being a full 2 games behind Rahkshiking if he won. Brenmac looked across at his opponent. They had become great friends on the Toa Zehvor team, and they were now ready to fight head to head. It had come close to a Brenmac vs. Sonu Super Battle I matchup, but both lost in the final four, Brenmac to Inikalord and Sonu to Mister Matoro. Vecolity gave the go signal. Sonu drew his weapon. Brenmac didn't. Sonu wondered why, and then he saw two arm mounted missile launchers aim right at him. Oh frick..., Sonu thought But the launchers didn't stay pointed that way. They aimed straight up in the air, and fired. It took a while, but Sonu finally saw the point of it. The missiles were heat seeking from the air, so when they dive-bombed Sonu from the air, he would have to look up and turn his focus away from Brenmac. Right now the missiles were coming down faster than Obama's popularity rate, and that wasn't good news, for Brenmac froze Sonu solid as soon as Sonu looked away. This was really starting to frustrate Sonu. He began melting the ice. He could feel warmth again, with the ridiculously early summer temperatures in freaking April coming through the window. That is, until another sheet of ice covered him. And another. Pretty soon, Sonu was locked in the ice, only able to see Brenmac riding around on a self-producing sheet of ice. This struck him as odd. Brenmac was able to switch between elemental powers, but the surfboard thing was something new. And the missile launchers as well. He knew Frostbreeze had an ability like that, and Tarakavaseargent had those missile launchers. Sonu came to a conclusion. Brenmac can copy others abilities. And he was probably copying Sonu's right now. Sonu called upon all his power and shattered the ice. Brenmac was surprised, but Sonu was ready. Sonu charged his fire beam and knocked Brenmac out of the air. Brenmac hit the ground. Sonu rushed over and jumped onto Brenmac, trying to rip his armor off. It was fire vs. ice. Brenmac used his power to create giant snowballs and hurl them at Sonu. Sonu managed to melt the first two, but the last crashed into him and blinded him for a few seconds. Sonu quickly got out, but Brenmac had got free. Brenmac waited. Sonu fired a beam of plasma, melting Brenmac's already weakened armor. Brenmac screamed. Sonu grinned. He activated his shield and walked closer. Brenmac fired a beam of ice and froze the shield solid, incasing Sonu in a dome of ice. Sonu dissipated the shield and destroyed the ice, but got a fist of earth in the head that sent him flying towards the other side of Boxtus Arena in response. Brenmac had switched elements. Brenmac then sent clones flying out from him, going in different directions, all wanting to knock Sonu out. Sonu guessed that this was another copied ability, but whose was it? Who created clones of themselves? There was no time to wonder. Each of Brenmac's clones was controlling a different element and was now firing like crazy on him. Sonu blasted one and it shattered. Apparently the clones were a lot easier to defeat than the original. Sonu launched a blast of fire at the one controlling earth. It screamed, and the clones faded away. Sonu ran over, but Brenmac had been faking the intense pain. As soon as Sonu prepared to deliver the final touch, Brenmac launched a grapple beam, courtesy of copying MT's power, and ripped Sonu's chest piece off. Brenmac sent a fist of earth into the new target, hoping it would buy him some time. It did far more than that. Sonu screamed. The pain was intense. After a while, Sonu blacked out, falling unconscious on the cardboard floor. Brenmac smiled. The road to Super Battle 3 had just heated up...a whole lot. He then thought that that had to be the corniest thing he'd ever said. -MT
  6. No. I'm not saying Omega has to have a win. I'm saying you have to tell me who wins. Either Ridley or Omega. -MT
  7. Great, but HOW do I score this? Since Ridley wasn't fighting, does that still give him the win? In other words, WHO gets the win? -MT
  8. MT Zehvor

    Name Change!

    Holy BBQ. You are way overreacting. We were having a friendly discussion. Or is freedom of speech not cool here anymore? Come on. We can take this over to my blog. -MT
  9. Right. But how do I record this? Ridley's dead, but Omega lost. So do I give them both 0-1 records? You get to decide the individual matches, but I have to keep up with the standings. -MT
  10. But who counts as the big guy? Both are 1-0, both won pretty handily, both got knocked out by Omega Turtle last year....so yeah... -MT
  11. All right. Fine. You get the force, Samus gets hypermode. Round 1: Samus enters hypermode and becomes invincible. She locks on and fires phazon at the Jedi continually, which, regardless of how long he jumps in the air, he can't dodge forever. Or she could just unload with a heat seeking ice missile, freeze him solid, and shatter him there. Round 2:....can't happen because the Jedi's dead. -MT
  12. Um, how am I supposed to record this? Ridley's dead, but he won, so doesn't that kind of make him forfeit? -MT
  13. Well, obviously, Samus would easily defeat any Jedi. Plus, if we're using the one from MP3, she could just fire phazon off while she's invincible and kill him. It's Master Chief that's having trouble. -MT
  14. Brawl 3, MGS 4 0 Looks like a Nintendo game is going to take the top spot for a second year in a row. Know what's ridiculous? Look at the top 3 game sellers of all time: #1 Wii Sports #2 Wii Play #3 Nintendogs You don't even get a non Nintendo game until #8. And, like, 37 of the top 50 are Nintendo games as well. Even weirder is that it's not just the Wii. Mario, Metroid, Zelda, all those franchises have given Nintendo a huge advantage in the sales category. Either that or the fact that the stupid 360 keeps having to be shipped back for RROD. -MT
  15. You weren't here for the start. This is the regular season for the TBTTRAHFL. After the regular season, there is a bit of a break, and then the final tournament. Kind of complicated. -MT
  16. While the road to Super Battle 3 continues, we're taking a pause to look back at what happened in Week 1 of the TBTTRAH Fighting League and then looking ahead to Week 2. Division Standings: North: Levacius(1-0) Frostbreeze(1-0) Mesonak(0-1) Dakama(0-1) South: Mr. Matoro(1-0) 5 Mask(1-0) Hovoki(1-0) Sonicwind(0-1) East: Rahkshiking(1-0) Calypso(0-1) Brenmac(0-1) Sonu(0-1) West: Tarakavaseargent(1-0) Gorgnak(1-0) XTRM(0-1) Burningair(0-1) A look back: The season started out for Tarakavaseargent, Mister Matoro, and Hovoki as we all expected it would: with a fairly easy win over a newcomer. However, others such as Sonu, Brenmac, and XTRM stumbled a bit, all losing to newcomers, except for Brenmac, who lost to Rahkshiking in the Fiery Volcano. Levacius' win over Mesonak was a bit of a surprise to some, but since the fight was in Boxtus(definitely pro-Zehvor) it was more of a home fight. Which is what it should have been, given that it was (Mesonak @ Levacius) Mesonak gets another shot at Levacius later in the season. Easiest call: Tarakavaseargent over Burningair. Burningair has been in one battle before this and lost pretty handily. Biggest blindside: Frostbreeze over Sonu. Frostbreeze, like Burningair, had never won a battle before, and so when he pulled off the home upset of Sonu, a few people kind of wondered what happened. Unfortunately, the fight wasn't broadcasted, although it mainly had to do with Frostbreeze freezing Sonu....again....and again....and again.... A look ahead.... Fight of the week: MR. MATORO(1-0) VS TARAKAVASEARGENT(1-0) Monday Night, The Lightning Realm Guess what? It's the second MNF of the season, and it's in the Lightning Realm. Two week 1 winners who have never met before go head to head in Levacius' blog for a little bit more than bragging rights. Both of them are looking for revenge on Omega Turtle, who defeated Tarkavaseargent in the Elite Eight and Mr. Matoro in the Final Four on his way to defeating Levacius in Super Battle 2. Runner up: BRENMAC(0-1) AT SONU(0-1) Friday Night, Boxtus Arena Desperation one week into the season? It is in the highly competitive East Division, where 3 out of 4 fighters made the sweet sixteen last year(Calypso wasn't here at that point). Falling behind, even by one game, isn't an option. It's even worse for Brenmac, who definitely needs to win at home against Rahkshiking in a few weeks to maintain pace. 3rd place: LEVACIUS(1-0) AT FROSTBREEZE(1-0) Saturday, The Realm of Shadows Frostbreeze's award for pulling the biggest upset of the week? A fight against Levacius, last year's Super Battle loser. It's time to prove whether or not the huge upset was a fluke or not. No ice cold Pluto to freeze a fire Toa this time. Honorable mention: RIDLEY(0-0) AT OMEGA TURTLE(0-0) TBD, The Burning Blogg Sonic League action kicks off sometime this week when Ridley, a newcomer who so far hasn't done anything besides make Samus and Chief feel worthless, takes on the defending Super Battle champ Omega Turtle, who, by the way, knocked off 3 of the fighters in the division lead right now on his way to the championship. -MT
  17. MONDAY NIGHT FIGHTS MISTER MATORO(0-0) vs. DAKAMA(0-0) "Welcome to MNF in Boxtus Arena," Vecolity announced from the announcer's box. "And probably the only MNF in Boxtus Arena, because after this, MNF will switch locations to the Lightning Realm, Levacius' blog. We would also like to make another announcement, broadcasting of the Sonic League, featuring Burnmad, Omega Turtle, TLhikan, and Skidak will be available in Burnmad's blog, the Burning Blogg. Now, let's get to the action. Introducing, Super Battle 1 winner, back to back Final Fourist and 2 time GS Champion, Mister Matoro!!" The crowd applauded. Mr. Matoro was glad to be back in the arena, and was hoping to have revenge on Omega by the end of this season. "His opponent will be relatively new Toa Dakama, who is making his first appearance in TBTTRAHFL." The crowd cheered louder. It was evident they were pulling for an upset. Dakama was nervous. Mr. Matoro was a seasoned veteran, and the last person he would have picked to fight against, if he was given the choice. But the (evil) scheduler had given him this battle, so he might as well try to win. Vecolity gave the go signal. Mr. Matoro whipped a gravity hammer and charged. Dakama pulled out his sword and began firing bolts of magma at the charging Matoran. Mr. Matoro threw an energy drain nearby Dakama, forcing him to move. The Toa ran, firing bolts of magma as he went. Mr. Matoro leapt over the energy drain and continued his charge. Once or twice he got hit by Dakama's random blasts, but nothing that would hurt him too much. He saw Dakama backing against a wall. He closed in on the Toa, and swung his gravity hammer. Dakama flew into the air, into the stands, and crashed into some fans. He got back up, dazed, and looked for Mr. Matoro, who was trying to climb the walls. Dakama leapt back in, landed beside Mr. Matoro, grabbed his gravity hammer, and snapped it in half. Mr. Matoro drew his energy sword. Dakama activated his fire sword. The two began an epic sword duel that would have made George Lucas jealous. Mr. Matoro had little trouble learning to use the energy sword as a lightsaber, even with it's grip, which definitely wasn't the greatest thing for long periods of hand to hand combat. Dakama pressed against Mr. Matoro, shoved him off, and fired a fire bolt. Mr. Matoro skidded to a stop, got up, and was instantly blasted into the wall. Dakama continued for a while, and then let the power shut off. Mr. Matoro slumped to the floor. Dakama walked over, looked at Mr. Matoro, and then declared victory. The crowd cheered, but not for long, as Dakama found the blade of an energy sword at his throat. "Advice. Never turn your back on a so called 'defeated' enemy until he has no head." Dakama was stunned. Mr. Matoro knocked him over the head, and claimed his first victory of the season. Short fight, I know, but I'm pressed for time. Next week's will be longer. -MT
  18. MT Zehvor

    Name Change!

    Ok, what the heck? I sent you my approved seal, but it doesn't get put up? -MT
  19. And I am in this blog, wondering why the heck I know you guys. -MT
  20. Brawl and Guns of the Patriots win, each with a one vote advantage over Fallout 3 and Bioshock respectively. They move on to the final challenge.... #1 SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL vs. #3 METAL GEARS SOLID 4: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS My vote goes to SSBB...Brawl leads 1-0. -MT
  21. No, "assume" makes an "***" out of "u" and "me." Mr. Matoro and Dakama tonight. BTW, Omega Turtle has taken over my chat room account online. -MT
  22. For some reason, I don't think I did as well writing this fight as I have in the past, but here it is anyway. CALYPSO(0-0) AT HOVOKI(0-0) Site: Boxtus Arena Calypso walked into Boxtus Arena, which was looking pretty good after the Mesonak/Levacius fight. He was eager to get this season started off right against last year's elite eightest, Hovoki. The stands were packed with Matoran fans from both sides. Cheers came as both contestants walked into the arena. Hovoki, a veteran, and Calypso, a newcomer. Most people had their bets on Hovoki. But how would things really turn out? Vecolity gave the go signal, and the two fighters rushed at each other. Hovoki swung his sword and was blocked by Calypso's shield. Hovoki tried to knock Calypso off his feet with a leg sweep, but the new Toa jumped. Calypso then fired a jet of water, knocking Hovoki away. Hovoki crashed into a wall a few feet away and quickly recovered. He activated his mask power, teleporting in a cynder block from another comedy. Calypso looked up and saw it falling. He managed to roll out of the way just before it hit. Calypso looked up and saw Hovoki charging. He summoned his elemental powers, creating a waterspout, which he sent at Hovoki. Hovoki created a wall of sprite, blocking the water, and sending it back at Calypso, who simply absorbed it. Calypso then began charging a huge attack. As much water as he could summon was being charged into one huge shot, and his target was... Where? Hovoki was nowhere to be seen. Calypso whirled around but saw no trace of his opponent. He banished the water and began looking around. No Hovoki. A portal silently opened and closed behind Calypso. A loud "thud" was heard, and Calypso hit the ground, dropping both his weapons, and seeing Hovoki over him. Hovoki smiled and pointed to his mask, the mask of teleportation between comedies. He then raised his sword in the air. Calypso pointed his hand and fired a beam of water, blasting the sword out of Hovoki's hand, high into the air. He then scrambled for his own weapons, which Hovoki was teleporting to another comedy at the moment. Now, each with no Toa tools, it looked like a wrestling match was in store. Calypso charged this time. Hovoki flipped into the air and landed behind him, but Calypso was not going to fall for it this time. He turned around and tackled Calypso to the ground. Calypso kicked him off into the air and blasted him with water on the way down. Hovoki hit the floor of the cardboard box, still. Calypso walked over, assuming his adversary was finished. He then found out why the old saying is so true. Hovoki leapt up, executed a perfect flying kick, and nailed Calypso in the face. The new Toa slammed into a wall. Hovoki walked over and made sure his opponent was defeated. The path to redemption after last years' loss to Levacius was beginning...now. -MT
  23. Yes, you do, because I scheduled it on Monday. (evil laugh) What you could do(I don't know if you're interested in this or not) is some of the other parts of the TBTTRAHFL, such as the Toa, MoC league, whatever. Problem is, when it comes to GSs, we don't have that many, and so we don't have that many fights. I'll PM you with some possible fights to host. -MT
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