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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. As of now, the light armor. I'll probably think up of some crazy armor to wear in a while.

  2. Sup? Haven't talked to you in a long time.


  3. Welcome to BZP!!


  4. First Strike, are you talking about banners?


  5. Hi.

    Tahu also says hi...or would..if he could talk.


  6. Thank you for the comment and the banners!


  7. Why does he have to "earn" the right to put up an avatar? Is there some BZP guideline on what avatars you can't put up? (If it's appropriate)


  8. MT Zehvor

    Samus Vs. Master Chief

    You forgot part 3: Samus and Master Chief face each other in a spaceship. Samus turns into a little ball, rolls around MC while he can't get a good shot in, lays a power bomb, and Master Chief goes "Boom." Samus and Master Chief face each other in a deserted desert. Samus enters hypermode, and while MC begins shooting her, she overloads him with phazon from hypermode. Eventually, MC falls unconscious from the overload and Samus blasts his head off with the nova beam. Samus and Master Chief face each other in a jungle. Samus pulls out a wave beam and fires it with missles, AKA the "wavebuster." Master Chief pulls out a...sword. End of story. Samus and Master Chief face each other by a pit of lava. Master Chief readies his weapon. Samus uses her grapple beam to pull off Master Chief's armor piece by piece. Master Chief begins shooting like heck, and Samus fries the armorless Master Chief with the plasma beam. Kinda tips the contest in favor of Samus, don't you think? -MT
  9. Awake from what?

    Sorry about insulting you earlier.


  10. If you make banners, and are reading this, please either respond in comment or in my comedy, the Bionicles try to run a house.

  11. Could you please post the next chapter in the comedy? It's your turn.

  12. I will be your friend.

  13. I will rate you 5 stars.


  14. Who rated me 0 stars???

  15. There's an X-Box 3600?

    Cool. I knew there was a 360, but not a 3600


  16. I rated you 5 stars. why do you ask?

  17. MT Zehvor

    Pm I Got Today

    Don't worry, Gerg. was probably a prank. Even if it isn't, you didn't make the toys, did you?
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