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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. I have made peace with the Vahki leader, Krana Kongu. I deeply regret the way I have been acting towards the Vahki lately and I am becoming a Vahki commander myself soon. I would ask that all members of the former League of Pure BZP become Vahki to make up for what we have done. -Soon to be Vahki MT
  2. Sure. Here's the GS application form: Name: Species: (If Toa, then what power?) Weapons: Mask Name: Mask Power: Description of Character: (Optional) -MT
  3. Along with the epic "Nikana," I plan to run a summer comedy called "The Bionicles Try To Run An Apartment." The story itself will have nothing to do with the Bionicles running a house in northwest Georgia, rather, it is going to follow the adventures of a group of Bionicles(It could be Glatorian, but the Mistika are still a strong possibility) who live in an apartment with a recently-graduated from college owner. Aside from that, I don't have any more information on the storyline, other than the Bionicles are probably going to end up kicking the owner out of the apartment.(hence the name) If you have any suggestions as to who the group of Bionicles should be, post it here. Or I may just take a group of GSs(Note, these have to be different then the ones in TBTTRAH, because having the same guy in two places wouldn't make sense) I'll give you more info as we get closer to the start. Right now it's time for me to FINALLY go post the first chapter of TBTTRAHotel. -MT
  4. More Octopuses Drink Orange Fruity Khahkis -MT
  5. Mesonak Overrates Dirt Only From Kentucky -MT
  6. MT Zehvor

    Levy's Game.

    He told me too. He also mentioned that roles are supposed to be kept secret, which implies it's probably going to be something like a Mafia game. -MT
  7. I was more referring to the "friendly insult war," KK declared on us a week ago, but yeah, I guess it's all over now anyway. Go back to your homes, people. There's nothing more to see. -MT
  8. I'm taking it too seriously, and yet you're laughing out loud at a joke. Please explain. Whatever. It was supposed to be a harmless "war." -MT
  9. It's called a joke, Mesonak.(I don't know if you were able to figure this out, but I actually don't have the funds to give away 10 Billion dollars to everyone who joins) Yes Yes Um.......I have no comment at this time. -MT
  10. You have got to quit taking this so seriously. It's just a freaking GAME!!! -MT
  11. What? Don't send a peace treaty to them! Join us! (We pay, over a lifetime, 10 billion dollars per person who joins) -MT
  12. MT Zehvor

    A New Game?

    Toa Levacius Zehvor has announced that he is working on a new game to be played here on BZP, probably in the G&T Forum. The only description given is that it would have "6 sides," and "36 players." I have no clue what it's about, but it sounds cool. Hopefully it will be up soon. -MT
  13. Massively overweight dumb obscene kangaroo? -MT
  14. 11 spots left. Sorry about calling you Mesonak. Any more suggestions for the last two spots would be welcome. There are going to be villager roles in TBTTRAH Mafia 5, but they play a larger role than you might think. -MT
  15. Well, the Wave really is just an army of Ice Wielding Creatures. One of them saved Kara from falling to her death. So it's not like you could actually be a member. You can only be the leader. The idea in this game is that the wave were once good, but the Darkling infected them and now acts through them. This part of the "saga" will be continued in "TBTTRAH Mafia 5: Infection." Levacius and Mesonak, your ideas are being considered. -MT
  16. I've got most of the roles figured out for this game, but there are still a few open spots for anyone with a suggestion. Mafia: (5) Snitch: (1) SK: (1) Brotherhood: (3) Detective: (1) Shock: (1) Wave: (1) Hunters: (4) Undecided: (2) Darkling: (1) Here is what the new roles do: Shock: (Main goal is to kill the Wave) Wave: (Controls a "wave" of killers, attempts to wipe everyone else out) Hunters: (They are all trying to kill each other for title of most powerful hunter. Each time they kill each other, they become more powerful) Darkling: (The Darkling is especially powerful this game. He can either kill someone off or "infect" someone, and he can then control them) 1: Dakama Prime 2: Tarakavaseargent 3: Kara 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: Toa of Slush 10: Ultimate_Kardas 11: Mesonak 12: 13: -Toa Lhikevikk- 14: 15: 16: 17: Kohrak Kal17 18: 19: Burnmad 20: Levacius -MT
  17. I'm pretty sure declaring war is a big don't do in any part of a treaty. -MT
  18. MT Zehvor


    Dude, you are getting way too serious about this. Oh, wait, I'm banned from here. Whoops. -MT
  19. This was intended to be funny, but now it's just turning into role-playing. -MT
  20. We never had a treaty. You came here and declared war on us. -MT
  21. Chapter 251: Slowing Down At the house.... Tahu Nuva08: Hydraxon!!! Hydraxon: What? Tahu Nuva08: Do you know where everybody went? The only people I can find is this new Toa named Hotheadtahu, which I secretly believe is a personal insult to my short temper, and this crazy titan named "The Sergeant," who's hobby is to kill Makuta. I personally have worked with the latter pretty well. Although we'd be working a lot better if there were any Makuta around. Hydraxon: I saw Krika not too long ago. I think he went upstairs- Krika: AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Hydraxon: Well...there's one of them. Tahu Nuva08: Oh boy. (flies upstairs) Bitil: This...this can't be!!! Tahu Nuva08: (looks at the scared mass of Makuta huddled at the computer) What are you talking about? Gorast: Toa! Get away!!! Antroz: No, let him see. This affects him too!! Tahu Nuva08: What are you looking at? Icarax: The new Bionicle comic. They put it online now. Look at the end, it's horrible. (Tahu Nuva08 flies over to the computer, and Bitil takes him through the comic panel by panel, showing him how the race of Makuta is destroyed except for Teridax and how Teridax then takes over the Matoran Universe) Tahu Nuva08: That's...horrible!!! Chirox: I know. It means we have to find a way to stop Teridax. Vamprah: ..... Gorast: So that means...we have to work together with Toa? Tahu Nuva08: If you want any chance of surviving. Gorast: Fine...(puts on 4 Rubber gloves and tapes her Nynrah blaster to one of them) Tahu Nuva08: Don't worried. Us Toa are thrilled about the idea too. (flies downstairs) Mutran: Going downstairs? I thought you guys were in the treehouse. Tahu Nuva08: We were. But it got cold, and we decided to leave on a 7-1 vote. Icarax: 7-1? Chirox: Bet 100 bucks the one vote was Kopaka. Vamprah: ..... Downstairs... Gali Nuva08: Tahu! Toa Ignika is speaking!! Toa Ignika: Hi...there... Tahu Nuva08: Awesome. Only problem is- Gali Nuva08: But Tahu, isn't it great? Tahu Nuva08: Yes, it's wonderful. And now- Gali Nuva08: Tahu, guess what?! Tahu Nuva08: Gali, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I- Gali Nuva08: Tahu, it's so awesome... Lewa Nuva08: *whisper*Do you think it would look bad to loud-yell at a girl in a BZP comedy? Onua Nuva08: *whisper* Not at all. Lewa Nuva08: Ok then. Gali Nuva08: And, Tahu, isn't it- Lewa Nuva08: GALI!!!! SHUT UP!!!! Gali Nuva08: (turns angrily towards Lewa) Pohatu Nuva08: Oh boy. Gali Nuva08: HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME!!!! I AM GOING TO- *SSSHHHHHRRRRKKKK!!!!* Takanuva08: I can appreciate asking her to be quiet, but freezing her? That's just uncool. Kopaka Nuva08: We needed to stop the fight. Tahu Nuva08: *sigh* (melts the ice) Gali Nuva08: Brrrr.....I'm freezing.. Kopaka Nuva08: The heater failed. Gali Nuva08: And I'm wet... Kopaka Nuva08: A swarm of rogue Gahloks broke in. Gali Nuva08: Whatever. What were you saying, Tahu? Tahu Nuva08: I was saying that according to Bionicle.com, which is the source for all Bionicle truth- Lewa Nuva08: So that part about you being attacked by a Kuurahk and turning traitor on us was true? Tahu Nuva08: That was a movie, not part of the website. Lewa Nuva08: The website endorsed it. Tahu Nuva08: So? Burger King endorsed Transformers, but it wasn't the source of all transformers knowledge, was it? Lewa Nuva08: That's not the same thing.. Tahu Nuva08: Yes it is. Now stop arguing with the leader. Anyway, according to Bionicle.com- Lewa Nuva08: which endorsed a movie in which you turn-*SSHHHHHRRRRRKKKKKK!!!!* Tahu Nuva08: Thank you Kopaka. According to the website, Makuta, or in some obscure languages known as Teridax, has an evil plan. Onua Nuva08: What's new? Tahu Nuva08: Lots. For this plan, he is going to take over the body of Mata Nui with his mind, basically turning him into the Great Spirit, and use it to kill off the rest of the Makuta and then make the rest of our lives miserable. Pohatu Nuva08: I'm good with the first part of the plan, but I have some issues with the end of it. Tahu Nuva08: We all do. Which is why we are going to join forces with the Makuta to stop him. Toa Ignika: #$@% IT!!!! (6 Toa stare at Toa Ignika) Toa Ignika: Sorry...I...just...hate...them... Tahu Nuva08: You know, for someone just learning to speak...never mind. Takanuva08: I just have one question, Tahu. Tahu Nuva08: Ask away. Takanuva08: What ever happened to the Vehicle Toa? Tahu Nuva08: Apparently they decided they could get paid better somewhere else. Takanuva08: Such as? Tahu Nuva08: Well, they said they were going to challenge the Piraka for the job. Said it was somewhere downtown..I wish I could remember it!!! Downtown... Vehicle Pohatu: Would you like to Supersize that? Person: Yes please. Back at the house... Tahu Nuva08: Oh well. Any more questions? Yes Kopaka? Kopaka Nuva08: How is Makuta going to take over Mata Nui when no actual model of Mata Nui exists? Tahu Nuva08: Well...I'm not saying this for sure, but what if one did exist? Kopaka Nuva08: We would of heard of it by now. Right? Somewhere on an interstate close by Austin, Texas... Mata Nui: ROADRAGE!!!!!! Brenmac and Sonu: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! MT: ..... Mata Nui: Dang!! I wish MT was awake so he could experience this right now!! Brenmac: I think he'll settle for staying unconscious! Sonu: Watch out for that 10,000 pound 18 wheeler giant- Mata Nui: What 18-WHOA!!! (swerves crazily and misses it) Brenmac: You seriously are going to get us killed!!! Mata Nui: I know! And then I can bring you back to life with my great spirit powers!! Sonu: And then what if YOU die? Mata Nui: (considers the possibility for a moment) Um...let's just all pray that doesn't happen... Brenmac: Yes!! The exit is coming up!! Thank God!!! Mata Nui: Darn it. I was having fun too. Sonu: You can have fun when we stop being your passengers. Until then, both Brenmac and I would really appreciate it if you kept our heart rates below 250 bpm. Mata Nui: Whatever... where's the mask hidden? Brenmac: According to this, it's in the University of Texas in the Lyndon B. Johnson History Museum. Mata Nui: Why would anyone hide a mask there? Sonu: Why would the great spirit go 150 mph on a crowded interstate? Mata Nui: Good question. I don't know the answers to either one...wait a minute... Sonu: I'm thinking about catching a bus ride home, how about you? Brenmac: Me too. Mata Nui: Here's the turn..and here's the University of Texas. Big place. Sonu: Great. The L.B. Johnson museum is over there. Let's go! Brenmac: Hold on. Who's carrying him? (points at MT) Mata Nui: Let's just leave him here. I think he slipped into a @#$%ing coma or something. Sonu: Coffee causes comas? Wish I had known that before. I would've given Nocturn and Gadunka all they wanted. Back at the house... Tahu: And we have landing! Hovoki: Yay! And now Makuta's threat is defeated!! Icarax: What? It is? Levacius: Yep. Antroz: You sure? Vecolity: One hundred percent. Gorast: ARE YOU FRICKING SERIOUS?! I HAD TO WORK WITH TOA ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT I DIDN'T NEED TO!!! Krika: You didn't do any work setting the traps or anything anyway. You just sat huddled in a corner complaining about how Lewa was way too "happy-cheer." Gorast: So? I- 5 Mask: WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! (bounces off the walls, upstairs, and slams into Gorast) Gorast: OOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFF!!!!! 5 Mask: Sorry. You ok-WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (continues to bounce off the walls crazily) Kamikaze: You know, maybe it would've been a good thing if Tahu hadn't saved us. Hovoki: Don't say that. You know you'd rather be awake. Chirox: Where did he come from? Hotheadtahu: He's- Hydraxon: Apparently somehow related to 4 Mask. From what he tells us and what we can figure out, he was blasted with a stream of coffee a while ago, and now he's gone crazy. We think he went into permanent hypermode. Tahu: Wonderful. Now we can- Hydraxon: TAHU!!! YOU'RE HERE!!! SAVE US FROM THIS- Tahu: Um..please, no hugs. Tahu Nuva: Oh, what? Am I chopped liver or something? Hydraxon: Well, you haven't done anything so far. Tahu Nuva: You never asked. Hydraxon: Do you think Obama is going to wait until he's asked to do something before he tries to make our economy better? Tahu Nuva: Actually- Hydraxon: No. Of course not. Tahu Nuva: .... Hydraxon: Now, what shall we- Tahu: Look!! Look at the stars!!! Gorast: Oh my...they're..rearranging!!! Bitil: They're forming into the shape of... Antroz: Is that...Nocturn? Nocturn: He he. Tahu Nuva: What the-MY PROJECTOR!! GIVE THAT BACK!!! Nocturn: Uh oh. Gadunka: Gadunka. (runs) Tahu Nuva: I swear, if you don't leave my stuff alone... Tahu Nuva08: Hey, guys, we've got a plan to defeat Teridax. Mutran: What are you talking about? We're safe from him now. Gali Nuva08: Um, no we aren't. Tahu: Yes we are! He's somewhere flying over the Pacific Ocean and has no clue how to get back home. Onua Nuva08: We just saw him on TV attacking a Pizza Shop downtown. Chirox: Oops. Then we have to form a plan-and quickly. Lewa Nuva08: I have a great deep-think plan!! Gorast: Oh, great. Lewa Nuva08: We get in the cars and fast-drive to Makuta, and then quick-defeat him!! Tahu: Hey, that actually sounds like a good plan. Takanuva08: Great! Let's do it! Tahu Nuva: Am I the only one that thinks charging at an invincible enemy seems like a bad idea? Levacius: Nope. But I'm going anyway. Tahu Nuva: Right. Always join the crowd led by insane people and followed by morons. Back in Austin... MT: (wakes up) Where is everyone? (finds the sheet) Lyndon B. Johnson memorial...that's over there. (flies over) MT: Can't see anything... Guide: Are you looking for someone? MT: Oh, yes. Have you seen three Bionicles, two about as tall as I am, the third a ten foot tall- Guide: Yes, they're on the 9th floor. MT: Thank you! (runs over to an elevator and pushes the floor 9 button) They better have a good excuse for being this late.. (Door opens) MT: WHAT...THE... (We are cutting off the following scene because there is some inappropriate language too mature for children following) Fan: That's a cheap way to end the episode. Going off the air now... .. .. .. .. No, seriously, we're done now. .. .. .. What are you waiting for-oh, yeah. The signoff. My bad. -MT
  22. Chapter 250: Looking For Heaven In the Real World Somewhere in the Western Part of the US.... MT: Zzzzzzz...... Mata Nui: Wake up! MT: zzz-What? Huh? Mata Nui: I need directions on where to go. MT: How long have we been driving? Mata Nui: About 15 hours. MT: Really? We must be in Alabama, or somewhere close. Mata Nui: Nope. MT: Um...Memphis? Mata Nui: Try again. MT: I give up. Mata Nui: Greeno. MT: GREENO?!? NEVADA??! WE SPENT TEN HOURS AND GOT HERE?!?! Mata Nui: Actually, it was 15- MT: I don't care!! If it's over 10.......just... Mata Nui: Oh, and I still haven't been able to get the sirens turned off. MT: What does that have to do with this? Mata Nui: I'm not sure, but whenever we get behind someone, they pull over for some strange reason. They take forever too. MT: You know...I think it's time we ditched this car and got another one. Mata Nui: I would, but I don't feel like waking them up. MT: (looks at Brenmac and Sonu) They fell asleep too? Mata Nui: They passed out while screaming. Lack of oxygen. MT: That might have something to do with you going 150 MPH on crowded downtown streets. Mata Nui: I stopped. MT: Only when I told you that going too fast would make you blind. Mata Nui: That was a cheap, dirty, lie. MT: You're a great spirit! You should be able to at least figure that out. Mata Nui: I know... MT: Let's see where we go next. (pulls out the instructions) Mata Nui: Well? MT: Glendale, Arizona. It's hidden in the Arizona Cardinals' stadium. In one of the seats. Mata Nui: We have to search all the seats? That could take forever!! MT: Shouldn't be that hard. Just have to look for a shiny mask. Mata Nui: Whatever...(drives towards Arizona) In Hawaii... Brutaka: Here we are! At the end of our journey, in Honolulu. Hovoki: Hope you like it, because the first chance we get, we're going to ditch you losers. Brutaka: What? Hovoki: Nothing. Lariska: How are we going to find Miserex when we have no clue where he lives? Levacius: Did Makuta give you any instructions on how to find him when you got here? Brutaka: No... Levacius: Then I guess we have to ask around. Kamikaze: Oh, sure. "Have you seen a tiny, plastic Makuta chained to an island?" That'll go down real well, especially considering the reputation us Bionicles have gained from our...adventures... Vecolity: He has a point. Levacius: Then what do you guys think we should do? Kamikaze: Well, I haven't been around the house very long..but... Levacius: But what? Kamikaze: Well...could there be anyone who knows where he is? Back at the house... Phone: *Ring!!!* *Ring- Hydraxon: Hello? Levacius: Hey, Hydraxon. Do you know where Krika is? Hydraxon: Krika? Levacius: Yes! Hurry, this quarter won't last long on this pay phone!! Hydraxon: Sorry. KRIKA!!!!!!! Krika: What? Hydraxon: Someone wants to talk to you!!! Krika: Who is it? Hydraxon: Toa Leva- Krika: Not interested. Hydraxon: And the President of Toa Haters Anonymous. Krika: I'm coming!!! Hydraxon: He's coming. Levacius: Hurry! We- Takadox: Here's some more quarters! I mesmerized some lady to give me a $100 bill and put it in a change machine. So I kind of have a lot. (dumps 400 quarters onto the ground) Vezon: Got it!! (grabs 10 quarters and shoves them into the change slot) Krika: Hello? Levacius: Hi!! Krika, we need to know where you hid Miserex. Krika: That doesn't sound like something the leader of Toa Haters Anonymous would say. Levacius: Toa Haters...? Krika: That's what Hydraxon said you were. Levacius: Oh, of course. It's a trivia question to see if you can qualify for our premier membership. Krika: Really? Levacius: You bet. Krika: That makes things different! I tied him up by the largest volcano there. Levacius: Weren't you worried he'd die? Krika: The volcano's dormant. Levacius: I see. Well, thank you. You won. Krika: Wait, don't I get a card or something- *booooooooooooooop!!!* Krika: Hello? Hello? Hydraxon: I see you met Mr. Dial Tone. He's very concerned about your call and- Krika: Oh shut up. Hydraxon: Hey, look! One of the helicopters are back! Hotheadtahu: Is it the police? I was told a lot of police come here a lot. Sergeant: Yeah. Ever since I ran away from Japan I- Hotheadtahu: Wait a minute. You said you came from Denmark. Sergeant: That's right. I thought I...now I can't remember where I came from. Hotheadtahu: I met you in Nashville, that's all I know. Sergeant: Oh well. I hope I can remember eventually. Mr. Matoro: We're back. Sonu: We almost got shot out of the sky by some anti air craft missiles. Hydraxon: What'd you do? Phantokamaster: Got too close the capital apparently. They don't like Bionicles up there. Krika: Probably didn't like the ugly faces. Or the horrible smells of you Toa. Samzoraz: You're one to talk. You barely smell any better than the Piraka, and you look ever worse than them. Krika: Happens when you get mutated by stupid Lego Designers. *Knock knock* Phantokamaster: Great. Wonder who's here now? (Walks over and opens the door) Rahkshi: Hello. I am looking for a home. These people said I might be able to find one here. Phantokamaster: Who are you guys? Rahkshi: Them? They said you knew them here. Phantokamaster: I...don't remember seeing you guys bef- Sonu: Hey!!! It's Samus and Chief!!! Phantokamaster: Well, I guess someone does. Samus: Sorry about the unexplained absence. Master Chief: We brought back two people to the house. This one's another video game character-Spyro. Spyro: Hi. Samus: And the Rahkshi is named 5 Mask. Phantokamaster: Well, you're all welcome here, although Brenmac may have a problem with 5 Mask. 5 Mask: I'm fine with that. I can deal with him. Mr. Matoro: I'm not sure. Your predecessor didn't represent you very well. 5 Mask: Ooookkk... Back in Hawaii. Vecolity: I have just one question. Levacius: What's that? Vecolity: If this volcano is dormant, then why is the ground shaking? Levacius: That is a very good question. Hovoki: One that I'd love to answer. But- Makuta: Stop!!!! Kamikaze: Oh no... Brutaka: You hold them off! We'll get Miserex!!! Makuta: STOP!!!! Hovoki: Thanks for caring, Brutaka!!! Brutaka: No problem!! Vezon: Wait for meeeeeeee..... Levacius: I want my mask back!!! (lauches a beam of freezing iced tea at Makuta) Makuta: OW!! Oh gosh cold cold cold cold- (creates a plastic wall in between Levacius and himself) Levacius: (changes his beam from freezing cold to steaming hot, melts the wall, and blasts Makuta again) Makuta: Ow hot hot hot hot hot At the top of the hill... Brutaka: Hello? Is anyone here? Groan.... *RRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMMBBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEE* Takadox: This way! The volcano's about to erupt!!! Brutaka: Miserex? Miserex: Here! Save me before the volcano erupts!!! Brutaka: Here you go. (blasts his chains into pieces) Miserex: Thank you!! Here, get on, the volcano's about to erupt- *BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!* Brutaka: Don't need to remind us! Everybody on!!! Their mission a success, the Federation of Morons board the giant Makuta, who spreads his wings and flies off. In Glendale.... MT: Brenmac, Sonu, wake up! We're here!!! Sonu: What? Oh, wonderful. A football stadium. Brenmac: Is this really where we're supposed to go? Mata Nui: According to the instructions, it is. Sonu: Great. This should be like finding a needle in a haystack. Brenmac: We'll split up. Hope no guards see us. MT: (runs off) That probably won't be the problem. 4 Mask: Hello again. MT: -that will. On the slope of the volcano, Makuta is holding his own against Vecolity, Levacius, Kamikaze, and Hovoki. Makuta: (creates a tea-proof shield) Oh no...the volcano... Hovoki: (launches a beam of Sprite) Makuta: (looks at the lava running towards them) Here it goes... (begins to charge up a nova blast) Kamikaze: Oh no...watch out- *BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!* Vecolity, Hovoki, Levacius, and Kamikaze: .... Makuta: Great. Now they can be fried and I can escape. (flies off) Back in Glendale, 4 Mask and MT have already got into a battle MT: Why'd you come after me? I thought you hated Brenmac the most. 4 Mask: Brenmac is just annoying. MT: And I'm not? 4 Mask: You're an actual pest. MT: Great. Glad to know I'm highly thought of. (launches a grapple beam at the ceiling, and brings down a section of it on 4 Mask) 4 Mask: (launches a coffee beam upwards) You think that's going to stop me? MT: No.... but one can always hope. 4 Mask: Your hopes are destroyed. All there is left is darkness. Nothing to live for. Then what? What if there is no hope? MT: Then I search for something better on Earth. (blasts 4 Mask with coffee) 4 Mask:(shakes it off) Look for what? What could be more important then that? (swings at MT with his staff) MT: (ducks)Such as looking for the part of heaven in the real world. Something worth living for. Something that's much bigger than me. 4 Mask: Please don't get sentimental with me. MT: I'm just describing what keeps me going. 4 Mask: I thought it was coffee. (launches a scatter shot coffee blast) MT: (dodges) I like coffee, but it's not the most important thing. 4 Mask: And what would be the most important thing right now? MT: Making sure my friends get out of this alive. Back on Honolulu.... Tahu: Hey! It's Makuta!! Makuta: Get out of here! You have to be crazy!! Tahu: Been crazy for years. And I can't believe I left those guys. At least the Roflcopter made it this far. Now...whoa...look at that volcano and-That's them!!! Guys!!! I'm coming!!! (Tahu flies in closer, picks them up) Tahu: Dang, you guys were almost toast. Time to go. (flies off) Back in Glendale... MT: (sends a coffee wave at 4 Mask) Go away. As much as I may be a pest, you're a full blown nuisance. 4 Mask: Glad to hear someone appreciates me for who I am. (absorbs the coffee) MT: What? 4 Mask: And now what are you going to do? You're strongest power does nothing to affect me. And now, I am going to release all this energy and destroy the building. (begins to glow brightly) MT: NO!!!!!!!!!! Sonu: MT? Is that- MT: Get out of here!!! Sonu: Oh my... (begins firing on 4 Mask) Brenmac: Not this again! How'd he get in here?- MT: (uses his coffee power to create an elemental link between 4 Mask and himself and begins to take the coffee out of 4 Mask) 4 Mask: AAAAAARRRRGGHHH!!! hakgnajngjanfgajkngjangkjangangfajkn!!!!! MT: (absorbs the last of the coffee in 4 Mask) 4 Mask: No coffee!!! gafjgnakjfnakjgnfakjngkajn gakflaknglafnglaknpewal;kgmlawm;lh,a;lgf,m (collapses and fades away) Brenmac: That's it? No "bang?" Sonu: Don't worry about that. Worry about MT!! Brenmac: Is he ok? Mata Nui: Hey guys. I just totally rocked our ride. Sonu: You're a great spirit. Can you give life back? Mata Nui: Unfortunately, not. But I do specialize in creating CDV 3.0, the new and improved- Sonu: MAKE ONE RIGHT NOW!!! Mata Nui: Ok!! Gosh.. (creates one) Sonu: Thank you. (hooks it up to MT) Brenmac: Yay. He lives. Sonu: Thankfully. Mata Nui: And, by the way, when this guy went poof, he left a mask here. (picks it up) Brenmac: Since you're the biggest, I vote you carry the unconscious guy back to the car. Mata Nui: What??! Why? I have to carry a mask already- Sonu: Solved easily. (takes the mask away) Mata Nui: Fine. (picks up the unconscious MT, and after a little while, gets back in the car) Where to now? Brenmac: Austin, Texas. Next to last stop, here we come. (The car drives off into the sunset, as a collection of particles in the stadium begins to reform and change into something different then before....) -MT
  23. And I, creator of TBTTRAH and TLOPBZP leader, fourth it. Go away.

  24. I personally think of it as "Us 1, You 0." We asked you to go away from the comedy forum. You didn't comply. So we made sure you didn't. -MT
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