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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. MT Zehvor


    Gee, I wonder if it the line below it that read, "edited by Mesonak-The Ice Legion Ruler," HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT?!!? -MT
  2. Oh, wow. I don't remember saying that. Maybe it has something to do with who edited it last? -MT
  3. Most of you TBTTRAH readers know that each year we have a tournament to decide the best fighter in TBTTAH. This year I'm expanding a little to include everyone in TBTTRAH and Boxtus Arena. Most of the fighting preliminaries, including all the GS's, will be held in Boxtus. So far, the past two Final Fours have been.... 2007: Semifinal #1: Mr. Matoro def. Sonu Semifinal #2: Inikalord def. Brenmac Super Battle 1: Mr. Matoro def. Inikalord 2008: Semifinal #1: Omega Turtle def. Mr. Matoro Semifinal #2: Levacius def. Hovoki Super Battle 2: Omega Turtle def. Levacius There are 64 spots in this year's tournament split into 4 regionals (like numbers 1 and 2). Each regional has 16 seeds, 1 being the highest and 16 the lowest, meaning there is a total of 4 #1 seeds, 4 #2 seeds, and so on. The 1's fight against the 16's, 2's against the 15's, 3, against the 14's, and you can figure out the rest by that pattern. To qualify, you need to win enough preliminaries to get you in to the tournament. How many is that? You can never be sure. There are a total of 13 spots reserved for BZP users, 13 for Toa, 6 for Makuta, and I don't feel like listing the rest. But yeah. You've got 13 chances to get in. Tell me if you want a spot in this incredibly complicated bracket thingy and I'll put you in the standings. Regions so far: North: Mr. Matoro Mesonak Levacius Dakama East: Sonu Brenmac Rakshiking(Now Gorgnak) Frostbreeze South: Omega Turtle Sonicwind 5 Mask Hovoki West: Tarakavaseargent Burningair (2 spots remain in this regional. I'll add more regionals if necessary) Matchups: Week 1 Levacius vs. Mesonak(Part 2?) Mr. Matoro vs. Dakama Sonu vs. Frostbreeze Brenmac vs. Rakshiking Omega Turtle vs. Hovoki 5 Mask vs. Sonicwind Tarakavaseargent vs. Burningair TBD vs. TBD TBD vs. TBD -MT
  4. My bad, 2010 will be in a whole different decade. So there will be no 2010 winner, leaving the door open for another at large. By virtue of total domination, #1 SSBB and #3 Metal Gears Solid 4 have moved onto the next round. Up next for Guns of the Patriots is either Bioshock or Little Big Planet, and top ranked Brawl will be facing either Fallout 3 or Left for Dead. Scores: #2 Bioshock: 4, #7 Little Big Planet: 1 #4 Fallout 3: 3, #5 Left for Dead: 2 -MT
  5. How about Mesonak-The Hello Kitty Obsesse? I plan on changing mine to MT-The Hello Kitty Obsesse. We could start a club. -MT
  6. It was, but I accidentally left it out in the 2007 bracket, so it goes here before I forget it again. Things are back to normal. Bioshock increases the gap between it and LBP, SSBB and MGS4 have commanding leads, and the Fallout 3 vs. Left for Dead has another lead change. SSBB 5-0 Persona 4 Bioshock 4-1 Little Big Planet Metal Gears Solid 5-0 World of Goo Fallout 3-2 Left for Dead I think both Fallout 3 or Left for Dead have a chance for an upset of SSBB in the 2nd round....thoughts? The Bioshock vs. MGS4 matchup is going to be interesting. Maybe as good as last year's Metroid Prime 3 vs. Halo 3 battle in the semifinals. -MT
  7. MT Zehvor

    Guess What?

    Why would you hate tubeyou? That's really cool. I'll have to get a DSi. Does that sort of thing work on regular DS's too? -MT
  8. Not sure if it's worth showing or not, but here was the bracket for 2007: The first round was....not pretty at all. (1)Super Mario Galaxy: 7, (8)Crysis: 0 (2)Halo 3: 7, (7)World in Conflict: 0 (3)Metroid Prime 3: 7, (6)Lost Planet: 0 (4)Call of Duty 4: 7, (5)Mass Effect: 0 The 2nd round got VERY interesting, especially that 3 vs. 2 upset (1)Super Mario Galaxy: 5, (4)Call of Duty 4: 2 (3)Metroid Prime 3: 4, (2)Halo 3: 3 And then Metroid's "cinderella run" ended the same way Crysis' and Call of Duty's did: with a blowout. I was the only one who thought Metroid was better, but whatever. (1)Super Mario Galaxy: 6, (3)Metroid Prime 3: 1 -MT
  9. Wow. A vote for #7. SSBB: 4, Persona 4: 0 Bioshock: 3, LBP: 1 MGS4: 4, WoG: 0 LfD: 2, Fallout 3: 2 The #1 and #3 games are blowing their opponents out of the water. I was a little surprised at the vote for LBP. It was a little fun, but I didn't think it was really all that great. Persona 4 absolutely sucked. It's on here because there's nothing else. World of Goo was ok, I guess. I loved Brawl, Bioshock, and Solid 4. I got the feeling Fallout and Left for Dead overachieved a little bit, but hey, it's the end result that counts. Not sure. We're talking about the quality of the game here, and I've only played two SW games so far(this one, and the Force Unleashed, which was extremely overrated if you ask me). While KotOR was pretty good for a game back then, I'm not sure if it'll match up with the probably more recent at large it gets paired against. But that's all the way in 2010. Still got a ways to go until then. -MT
  10. BTW, if it was December 2010 was here right now, here's an idea of how things would look. ------------------------------------------ Play-in: Perfect Dark vs. Neverwinter Nights 1 Metroid Prime© vs. Perfect Dark 2 Halo© vs. Black and White 3 Call of Duty(P) vs. LoZ: Twi Princess 4 Super Mario Galaxy© vs. Shadow of Colossus 5 Metroid Prime 3(S) vs. MGS 2(L) 6 Halo 3(S) vs. Battlefield 2 7 Metroid Prime 2(S) vs. Mass Effect 8 Halo 2© vs. Lost Planet: Critical Condition 9 Resident Evil 4© vs. Metroid Fusion 10 Call of Duty 4(S) vs. The Sims© 11 Fallout 3(P) vs. SW Knights of the Old Republic 12 Metroid Prime Hunters(L) vs. LoZ Windwaker 13 Bioshock(P) vs. Okami(L) 14 SSBB(S) vs. God of War 15 2009 winner© vs. MGS 4(P) 16 2010 winner© vs. Left for Dead(P) --------------------------------------------- Now, obviously, there are going to be more At-Large bids between now and 2010, so a lot of games on the right side are in trouble. If it has a "C" next to it, that means it has clinched a spot in the tournament by winning the game of the year. (BTW, if the Sims were in any other year, it wouldn't even have come close to winning). If a game has an (S) next to it, it is almost beyond a doubt that it is "safe." If it has a (P) next to it, it is "probably safe." If it has a "L" next to it, it is likely that it is in. If it has nothing, it may not be there at the end of '10.
  11. Wow. Looks like we might have an upset. I thought Fallout was better. SSBB: 3, Persona 4: 0 Bioshock: 3, LBP: 0 MGS4: 3, WoG: 0 LfD: 2, Fallout 3: 1 Um...."Orange Box?" We're not taking suggestions on what should go in the final competition until 2010. Still a lot of time to vote. -MT
  12. SSBB, Bioshock, and MGS4 all lead by 2-0. Fallout 3 and Left for Dead, the only one that should have been close, is tied at 1-1. For all of you Wii obsesses going "Where the heck is Okami?", it isn't in here because it was released for the PS2 a while ago. It is in the "Probably Made It," category in 2006. -MT
  13. Late as heck. But still awesome. Vote what you think is the BEST game for 2008. The winner automatically gets a spot in the field of 33 for the title of best game of the decade, the ones who don't win hope they get an at large bid. 10 winners for the year, 23 at larges. These 7 games have so far clinched a spot in the tournament by winning the MT sponsored BGOTY so far. I didn't put GTA because I am thoroughly disgusted with what they do in that game. Just a side note. Sports games such as Madden and NBA Live, or games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band were left out because they're really not anything new, although you could argue that Rock Band made a huge advancement with the addition of singing and drumming. 2000: The Sims(PC)(Ok, so this sucked, but there had to be a winner) Probably In: No one On the Fence: Perfect Dark 2001: Halo(X-Box) Probably In: Metal Gears Solid 2 On the Fence: Black and White 2002: Metroid Prime(Gamecube) Probably In: Neverwinter Nights On the Fence: Metroid Fusion 2003: Call of Duty(More than one Platform) Probably In: Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic On the Fence: Beyond Good and Evil 2004: Halo 2(X-Box) Probably In: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Doom 3 On the Fence: Half-Life 2 2005: Resident Evil 4(More than one Platform) Probably In: Battlefield 2, God of War On the Fence: Shadow of the Colossus 2006: Metroid: Zero Mission(GBA) Probably In: Oblivion, Okami, Metroid Prime: Hunters On the Fence: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2007: Super Mario Galaxy(Wii) Probably In: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare On the Fence: Mass Effect, Lost Planet: Critical Condition I kind of think 2008 left something to be desired, especially after the "best year ever for video games" in 2007. But here is the bracket anyway. (I forget if MGS 4 was in 08 or 07, it doesn't matter now anyway. It's in this bracket) If only Halo Wars had come out in 2008 instead of 2009. But, hey, we probably have a #1 seed for 2009 there. (Assuming Bioshock 2 doesn't come out soon) Here is the bracket for 2008: (1)Super Smash Bros. Brawl vs. (8)Persona 4(Yeah, this year did suck) (2)Bioshock vs. (7)Little Big Planet (3)Metal Gears Solid 4 vs. (6)World of Goo (4)Fallout 3 vs. (5)Left For Dead As you can see, we're all hoping the people at Bungie and Retro Studio get off vacation REALLY soon. But yeah, go ahead and vote. The top 4 seeds all get my vote. Left For Dead is the only underdog that should even get a chance at an upset. After #5...the games pretty much all suck. It was pretty hard to choose between Bioshock, SSBB, and MGS4 for the top spot, but in the end I really think that SSBB is the most fun, and Bioshock is just a little better than MGS4(which is pretty much the only good game for the PS3). Anyway, the next round will most likely be SSBB vs. Fallout3/Left for Dead, and Bioshock vs. MGS 4, unless you all have a way different view of games than I do. You still get do decide. Vote now! Score so far: (1st round ends Friday) SSBB: 1, Persona 4: 0 Bioshock: 1, LBP: 0 MGS4: 1, WoG: 0 Fallout 3: 1, LfD: 0 -MT
  14. No. It's that close simply for the use of comparison. -MT
  15. I think this is proof that God really does have lots of fun toying with us. Maybe "toy" isn't the right word, but you can decide what the word should be for yourself after you take a look at these images. This is Earth. No, not the really big bright yellow, orange, and red thing. It's the tiny blue dot. Compared to the sun. Turns out the Earth really isn't that big. But it gets worse. That's our galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy. Where are we on the map? Not at the center. We're inbetween one of the bands at the bottom. To put this into context, take a quarter, and compare it to the continent of North America(The whole continent). The quarter is the size of the sun compared to our Galaxy. And our galaxy is just one of millions of galaxies in the universe. Feel small yet? Take a look at the Whirlpool Galaxy. It is one of the most amazing galaxies in the universe. But what's even more amazing is the black hole in the center. The Hubble Space Telescope, which, by the way, your parents are paying for, took this picture of the center of it. -Religious content removed. Please keep in mind the religious policy on BZPower, comments that are too religious are against the rules. Please see here for more details. -Kohaku One of the most common scientist beliefs is that the universe contains life outside of the kind found on planet Earth, because the universe is far too large a habitat for just us. I agree. But it's my belief that the universe is meant to be so much more than just a habitat for us. It's creation on display. Just some thoughts. -MT
  16. So they released a whole new system just to prevent AR? Some game producer must have been pretty mad. -MT
  17. I have to ask the question: Do you know anything about Samus? She was trained to be the greatest soldier as well, plus she was infused with Chozo DNA, which make her physical abilities, at the least, super-human. I'm sure there's cover. My point is that if Samus could keep chasing Chief, he might not be able to recover his health(since if you're hit while your health is recharging, it stops recharging right there). If Chief has Cortana, can Samus have an AU? Or Adam from Metroid Fusion? "Backup?" I thought this was a one on one fight. If you're going on armies, then we have to do a UNSC vs. Galactic Federation fight. And, of course, your allies always die way too quickly, so unless the GF troopers are armed with PED suits, it's going to be one heck of a boring fight. -MT
  18. She's a bounty hunter, so no, but we're considering a one on one fight. Hang on, you won't let Samus have any of her weapons, but then you give Master Chief a sniper rifle? Seems a little unfair. I think if both of them start out with 0 powerups, assuming Samus just has a power beam and MC just has a Assault Rifle, Samus would win if she could dodge Chief's rifle long enough because of infinite ammo. But, since Chief's health recharges about 5 seconds after he gets hit, Samus would have to keep firing pretty fast. If they both are fully armed, there's no question. -MT
  19. Who are you talking about? One of the bosses? They're supposed to be tough. Ridley does annoy me, but I get the feeling that a Brain really won't be much trouble(except in Super Metroid with the Hyper Beam), and Kraid is officially dead from what I've heard, so Ridley really is the only one left. And if they could capture him and freeze him, then the Pirates would be stuck. -MT
  20. I've heard a lot recently over the past few weeks about both the Metroid Prime series and the Halo series. So I've decided to make a little competition. We're going to have a number of fights between characters in both series, and the game series with the most winners at the end wins the "challenge." Round 1: Common Villians: Space Pirates vs. Covenant Space Pirates, from what I've seen, really only carry a few weapons around, such as scythes, guns, and this weird grapple shield thingy in MP3. The Covenant carries a wide selection of weapons, (gravity hammer, energy sword, spiker, energy rifle) and there are a lot of different varieties(Elites, Grunts, Brutes, and those STUPID HUNTERS!!!!). I think the only problem the Covenant would have is the Omega Pirate and Ridley, and they could probably do away with those two in the end. EDGE: Halo(Barely) Round 2: Main Antagonist: Dark Samus vs. Gravemind It's on, as one person the size of a regular human take on a huge entity which has a really annoying tendency to yell things in Master Chief's ears throughout the course of Halo 3. I think that Dark Samus wouldn't really stand much of a chance, although even with it's(wears a girl's suit and laughs like a man, what are you supposed to call it? A he-she?) annoying tendency to come back to life, Gravey might have to win about a couple dozen times before getting the edge. EDGE: Halo Round 3: Best Friend: Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson I was a little more than angry when both Rundas and Johnson died(Rundas on Bryyo and Johnson just before Chief lights the ring), and now the two get to come back from the dead to fight it out for the most powerful best friend in the game. Rundas controls ice, rides around the room like the silver surfer, and saves you from hitting the bottom of a 16,000(I believe) yard shaft on Norion. Johnson doesn't really have anything to contend up with that. This is sort of a mismatch, in my opinion. EDGE: Metroid (Halo leads 2-1) Round 4: Secondary Villains: Metroids vs. Flood Metroids are supposed to be one of the main enemies in the whole Metroid series, but they kind of got left out in MP2 and MP3. The Flood really only made a huge appearance at the end of Halo 3 after the Arbiter kills the Prophet. So who would win? The Flood, as annoying as they are, have a problem. The Metroids only have to latch onto them and then they're basically dead since they can't roll up into a Morph Ball and plant a bomb. So the Flood will have to be really good at keeping them at bay or they won't last very long. EDGE: Metroid (Tied 2-2) Final Showdown: Samus Aran vs. Master Chief Everyone's been waiting for this, right? Of course. To me, there are three things that go in Samus' favor, although the fight could end in either one winning, I guess. #1: Throughout the Prime series and all Metroid games, Samus collects a lot of energy tanks, meaning that if you fully armed both of them and sent them into an arena, Samus would have about 15 times the health Chief has. And no matter how many rockets Chief could fires off, he would last about a minute at most. #2: A lot of Samus' weapons(Plasma Beam, Nova Beam, Ice Beam) have unlimited ammo. Which means that if she could dodge Master Chief's attacks, it would definitely be an easy kill. The only thing she seems to be limited in is missiles and the beams from MP2(Light, Dark, Annihilator), and she has about 250 of those at the end of the game, so it's not like she'd be running short. Chief, on the other hand, starts with 32 assault rifle, his most powerful weapons only have about 6 shots in them, so he'd have to be very careful on when to use them. #3: Samus has this little feature where she curls up into a ball and can roll around the room(hence the name "Morph Ball"). She has a number of attacks in this, the bomb, power bomb, and my personal favorite (only in MP3) the Hyper Ball. As if this fight was going bad enough for Chief already. After seeing that, you could make a case that therefore Chief does more than Samus with less. But you have to remember that the Prime series is filled with huge boss fights, such as Mogenar, Omega Pirate, Emperor Ing, AU 313, Meta and Omega Ridley, and a number of fights against Dark Samus. So, as for who would win a fight in their own armor? My money is on Samus. Who really is the better fighter without armor? We may never know, since stupid Bungie will never give Chief a face. EDGE: Metroid(who wins 3-2) Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about? Vote here for who you think would win: #1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant #2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind #3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson #4 Metroids vs. Flood #5 Samus vs. Master Chief -MT
  21. Where did you sound harsh? Not really, until you declared insult war on us. Then things kind of got out of hand. -MT
  22. Thanks for commenting, people. I will be gone from now until Sunday, so...bye. -MT
  23. If I believe that killing people is a good thing, then wouldn't you consider that a wrong opinion?

  24. Tufi has banned us from making fun of the Vahki. So no more of that. Or something bad will happen. -MT
  25. This is in no way meant to try and stir up an argument. This is simply my final thoughts on the whole ordeal. (super sarcasm)You know, XC, you could actually be part of the problem too. There actually is a small possibility that the Vahki might not be perfect, and that others could be right. And THAT is where, as TLhikan said, your opinion is wrong. Entry locked. -MT
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