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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. Schedule: Week 1: Monday: Boxtus Arena: Mr. Matoro(0-0) at Dakama(0-0) Week 2: Friday: Boxtus Arena: Brenmac(0-1) at Sonu(0-1) Saturday: Boxtus Arena: Dakama(0-0) at Mesonak(0-1), XTRM(0-1) at 5 Mask(1-0) Zone of Darkness: Levacius(1-0) at Frostbreeze(1-0) Sunday: Boxtus Arena: Gorgnak(1-0) at Burningair(0-1), Hovoki(0-0) at Sonicwind(0-1) Zone of Darkness: Rahkshiking(1-0) at Calypso(0-0) Monday: The Lightning Realm: Mister Matoro(1-0) at Tarakavaseargent(1-0) -MT
  2. I had some computer problems, and it unfortunately postponed the new chapter of TBTTRAH until today and the Dakama vs. Mr. Matoro fight until Monday. But that works out, since Levacius moved the Gorgnak vs. XTRM fight(originally supposed to be on Monday) to late Saturday. I was going to ask Levacius to do that anyway. 5 points for reading my mind. BTW, Gorgnak defeated XTRM last night in the Lightning Realm(sorry to spoil your secret, Levacius), so he takes the lead in the West Division. West: Gorgnak(1-0) Burningair(0-0, Today vs. TS) Tarakavaseargent(0-0, Today @Burningair) XTRM(0-1) Meanwhile, 5 Mask took down Sonicwind, leaving the division standings in the South looking like this: South: 5 Mask(1-0) Mr. Matoro(0-0, Monday @Dakama) Hovoki(0-0, Today vs. Calypso) Sonicwind(0-1) Today: Tarakavaseargent @ Burningair Hovoki @ Calypso TARAKAVASEARGENT(0-0) AT BURNINGAIR(0-0) Location: The Sun Tarakavaseargent walked over the heat resistant platform that had been constructed just over the sun. This was the home of Burningair, and Tarakavaseargent had started hating it about 15 seconds after he got here. There wasn't much a fan base, outside of the solar flares, because most Matoran preferred to see another day after going to the matches. Tarakavaseargent was really wishing MT had set some guidelines as to what you can and can't choose as your home field, but he was here, hopefully for the only time this season, and he could get it over with as fast as possible. Burningair flew into the air and landed on the platform, ready to begin. Tarakavaseargent laughed and began spinning around the platform crazily. Burningair rolled and ducked away from TS, getting a few hits in while he was at it. Tarakavaseargent decided this wasn't going to work. He stopped and fired heat seeking missiles into the air. Burningair looked up and noticed them coming down. He tried to run, but they still followed him. Annoyed, he fired off a few shots into the air, destroying them. He looked and saw Tarakavaseargent spinning crazily at him. He hit the ground hard after the collision and skidded towards the edge of the platform, grabbing the very edge as he fell. Tarakavaseargent fired an ice beam, freezing his hands solid. The intense heat almost immediately melted it away. Burningair pulled himself up and began firing off fire beams left and right. Tarakavaseargent took cover and began hurling crates he found around the platform at Burningair. Burningair was now forced on the defensive, having to shoot the crates down to avoid being hit. As one crashed, it split open, and Burningair noticed a pile of grenades in there. He laughed, and then began hurling them behind Tarakavaseargent's cover. Tarakavaseargent saw the live grenade and got the heck out, firing at Burningair as he ran. He then noticed a puddle of fuel that had apparently leaked out, and that Burningair was running towards it. Seeing the opportunity, he waited until Burningair was almost upon it, and then froze the puddle solid with his ice beam. The ice lasted for about a second, but Burningair had already slipped on it and was headed towards a wall of crates. He crashed into it and was immediately surrounded by falling crates. He was now stuck under a pile of these things. He dug his way out, but there was no Tarakavaseargent. Burningair began looking around nervously, weapon at the ready, when he heard a clank behind him. He whirled around and saw Tarakavaseargent flying through the air. Burningair had no time to run. The massive wait crushed him underneath, and knocked him unconscious. Tarakavaseargent smiled and ordered his ship through a command visor to land. He took off, preparing for his fight next Monday against Mister Matoro. West: Gorgnak(1-0) Tarakavaseargent(1-0) Burningair(0-1) XTRM(0-1) -MT
  3. I thought you said the Jedi wasn't using the force. If he his, then he definitely wins, but I still think it's cheating ridiculously. Plasma Grenades STICK to someone, so unless the Jedi can jump really fast, he'll be screwed as well. And you can't block a gravity hammer. It's a shockwave effect that kills everything in range. -MT
  4. Everything is tied at 3 now. -MT
  5. Ok, but Chief has weapons outside of bullets. He has a plasma grenades, rocket launchers, spartan lasers, and gravity hammers. (a melee weapon with a super huge range) Assuming Chief pulls out a gravity hammer, all he has to do is get within about 15 feet of the Jedi, whereas the Jedi, who has to be within arms length, can't do much. I only wish Master Chief had a command visor, so he could call in a Pelican or something to take out Hunters or something. Unfortunately only Samus has that. -MT
  6. The voting is over! SSBB, Bioshock, and MGS 4 all easily move on. Fallout 3 wins because of a tiebreaker. Round 2 is posted. -MT
  7. I'm going to address this once and for all... I know it was in 2007, but I left it out by accident in the 2007 tournament. So it makes it's appearance here. Super Smash Brothers Brawl: 3 Fallout: 2 Bioshock: 2 vs. Metal Gears Solid 4: 3 Voting ends....Monday. -MT
  8. Because it's almost impossible to write both 3 fights in a day and a chapter for TBTTRAH. Now, if you guys accept the deal, and starting writing these fights to post in your blog, then we can have all three fights in one day. You guys fought once in TBTTRAH, and you won. If someone is willing to start writing these fights, then you're welcome to post them, just so long as you check with me. (preferably through PM) BTW, the schedule for week 3 is sort of messed up. Brenmac is at Mesonak and Calypso is at Dakama. Standings: North: Frostbreeze(1-0) Levacius(1-0) Dakama(0-0) Mesonak(0-1) East: Rakshiking(1-0) Calypso(0-0) Sonu(0-1) Brenmac(0-1) -MT
  9. The first full day of TBTTRAHFL begins with Brenmac, who has never lost in the Final Tournament before the Sweet Sixteen, taking on Rahkshiking, who was a #1 seed and went to the Elite Eight last year before falling to Levacius. Then, Mister Matoro, 2 time defending Guest Star Champion and Super Battle 1 winner takes on Dakama, a newcomer to the arena. Meanwhile, another contender, Sonu, hopes to start 1-0 for the third straight year by defeating Frostbreeze. The road to Super Battle 3 continues...now... BRENMAC, aka the Arbiter,(0-0) AT RAHKSHIKING(0-0) Site: Fiery Cavern Brenmac walked into Fiery Cavern, the arena built into a volcano that served as Rahkshiking's home arena. He was eager to get started with this season and, hopefully, take the title of GS champion for the first time and almost assuredly claim a #1 seed in the final tournament. But the GS Championship was a long ways away, almost 19 weeks, and the final tournament didn't start until December. But there was motivation, even with the final tournament so far away. After being upset by Mistikalord and Tahu on his last two attempts, he felt like he had something to prove. He knew he had 16 fights to make sure he was ready, and from then on, his goal was to not lose at all. He looked up and the announcer, who looked at the contestants and made sure they were ready, and then gave the go signal. Brenmac opened fire, unleashing a blast of water, fire, air, and ice. The first attack left it's mark on Rahkshiking's new arena, but not on the Rahkshi. He had used his flying powers to zip around the arena, and he was now charging straight at Brenmac. Brenmac pulled out the Sonic Beam, a weapon given to him by MT a long time ago, and took aim. When he fired, a headache inducing blast of sound nailed Rahkshiking and knocked him out of the air. Brenmac smiled and charged up another blast. Rahkshiking forced himself up and out of the way. As he ran, he activated some of his 42 Kraata powers, sending bolts of lightning, fire, and anger all over the area. But that wasn't what was effecting Brenmac most. The biggest thing was the drain on the Toa's energy. Brenmac wasn't sure how to get out of this attack, and he knew that if Rahkshiking kept it up much longer, he was going to black out. Hoping for the best, he took out a Bionicle sized grenade and flung it. He heard an explosion, a sharp cry of pain, and then felt the drain on his energy end. He was going to take the offensive side of this. Rahkshiking backed against a wall, his chest armor destroyed. Brenmac was launching shots of all sorts of elemental power at him, so he began whirling his staff around at an extremely fast speed, turning it into a shield of sorts. One of the blasts was reflected off the spinning staff into the stands, where it caused a Matoran fan to assume room temperature. Brenmac walked closer, charging a Sonic Beam blast. All of a sudden, Rahkshiking stopped and transformed his arm into an arm cannon which fired a beam of ice at his sword. Brenmac tried to fire the sonic beam, but the Rahkshi had frozen it his sword solid. The jolt of energy fed back into the Toa, shocking him. Rahkshiking fired another beam of ice and froze Brenmac solid. So the Arbiter had a new agenda. He had 15 matches to find out what went wrong, and then 9 after that that he couldn't lose. Meanwhile....Frostbreeze shocked everyone by pulling off a home upset of Sonu. Frostbreeze is at home against Levacius(1-0) next week, Rahkshiking hits the road against Calypso(0-0, Sunday @ Hovoki), and Brenmac will fight Sonu in Boxtus on Friday Night. Tonight... Mister Matoro @ Dakama -MT
  10. It's time for round two of the game of the year playoff. All the top seeds are standing after the first round, SSBB, Bioshock, MGS4, and Fallout 3. This round is... #1 Super Smash Brothers Brawl vs. #4 Fallout 3 #2 Bioshock vs. #3 Metal Gears Solid 4 Vote now! (#'s 1 and 2 get my votes) -MT
  11. I should mention that there is a looming Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius matchup in Week 3.... I'm still waiting to hear back from Levacius about the Lightning Realm being a potential host for Monday Nighters as well. Week 3 schedule(along with the planned locations): Friday: Boxtus Arena 5 Mask @ Rahkshiking Saturday: Boxtus Arena/Zone of Darkness Gorgnak @ Sonicwind XTRM @ Mister Matoro Burningair @ Mesonak Sunday: Boxtus Arena/Zone of Darkness Calypso @ Brenmac Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius Burningair @ Frostbreeze Monday: Zone of Darkness Hovoki @ Sonu -MT
  12. No, other than you won the fight the last time you two fought, so I had to make it fair for Levacius... Levacius-The Core XTRM-A Random Dominos Pizza Rahkshiking-A Volcano Gorgnak-Space Dakama-Mustafar Sonicwind-Midatlantic Ridge Burningair-The Sun Frostbreeze-Pluto(You know, I probably should have put some restrictions on what places you can't choose...) -MT
  13. Not really. Everyone fights 16 times, 6 of those fights come against division opponents, and 10 are outside, so if Tarakavaseargent happens to lose to Burningair, he'll get another shot at him. But if he loses against Mister Matoro next week, he may or may not have another shot at him. Also, there is going to be an inter league fight between the person who has the best record here and the person who has the best record in the MoC league, probably some time around midseason. (late May or early June) -MT
  14. Home fields selected so far: Levacius-The Core XTRM-A Random Dominos Pizza Rahkshiking-A Volcano Gorgnak-Space Dakama-Mustafar BTW, all transportation is provided by Southwest Airlines. *DING!* You are now free to move around the universe. -MT
  15. We're ready to kick off the regular season of TBTTRAHFL. Mr. Matoro has won the GS Championship the past two years, and had a bid for two straight Super Battle titles before falling to Omega Turtle(eventual champion) in the Final Four. This year, it is going to be even harder for him to achieve his goals. Veterans such as Levacius, the Super Battle loser, Tarakavaseargent, who went to the wire with Omega in the East Regional Final, Brenmac, Toa of all Elements and GS runner up last year, and Sonu, GS leader, all stand in the way. Newcomers such as Mesonak, Dakama, Gorgnak, Frostbreeze, and XTRM are here as well. The chase for Super Battle 3 starts now. Burnmad may join yet. If he does, he will fight on Sunday. WEEK 1: Friday: Mesonak @ Levacius Saturday: Mr. Matoro @ Dakama Sonu @ Frostbreeze Brenmac @ Rakshiking Sunday: Calypso @ Hovoki 5 Mask @ Sonicwind Tarakavaseargent @ Burningair Monday: XTRM @ Gorgnak Standings: North: Mesonak Levacius Dakama Frostbreeze East: Sonu Brenmac Rakshiking Calypso South: Mr. Matoro 5 Mask Hovoki Sonicwind West: Tarakavaseargent XTRM Gorgnak Burningair MESONAK(0-0) AT LEVACIUS(0-0) Location: Boxtus Arena "Aaaaannnnnddddd.....welcome to Boxtus Arena, where we are kicking off the 2009 TBTTRAHFL Regular Season!!" Vecolity shouted through his Bionicle sized Microphone. Vecolity had been broadcasting these fights for a while now with his Toa partner, MT, although MT mostly just made sarcastic remarks that got some of the fighters angry at him. Vecolity was really hoping he didn't do that today, because the two fighters, Mesonak, leader of the Toa Kendan, and Levacius, a relatively new Toa Zehvor, didn't seem to like each other much in the first place. Vecolity continued to read his lines into the microphone, not really aware of what he was saying, until he flipped over to the next page and saw the words he was supposed to read crossed out, and at the top of the page, a drawing of Mesonak stabbing Levacius. But the Matoran was prepared for this. He knew how to keep things going, even if he didn't have my lines. "WHO THE **** CROSSED OUT MY LINES AND DREW THIS STUPID PICTURE?!?!?" Vecolity screamed after jumping up on his announcer's desk, which was a box that had the "Amazon" logo drawn on it. Silence. A few muffled giggles. Vecolity turned and saw a couple of Toa in the "stands" composed of cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other, trying to stifle a laugh. Vecolity motioned to MT, who nodded, went behind a box, and reemerged wearing a red headband and carrying an AK-47. One of the Toa screamed, "HOLY BBQ!!!" before the Toa of Coffee opened fire on them. One got hit, but they all managed to get away. "Who were they?" asked MT. "Akaku. Kagha. That stupid team the Kendan are trying to fight." "I see," MT replied, putting the gun down. "I thought you knew-" "I don't know. I just shoot." "Sounds...dangerous." "If it's dangerous, then stop telling me to do it!" "Whoa...I'm not saying it's ALL bad, I'm just saying there's room for improvement." "Isn't there always?" "Just...shut up," Vecolity said with a tone of annoyance, before picking up the microphone and continuing with his announcements, totally ad-libbing it. "Will the two contestants come out onto the arena?" Levacius and Mesonak walked into the Box through holes cut into it. It was a large box, especially for a Bionicle, with walls 4 feet high and a floor 4 feet by 4 feet. The Box was turned so that you could see through the top, and it had become a favorite place for big events in the house. The Skrall had named it "Boxtus Arena," in honor of Roxtus, which they all believed existed somewhere out there. Most of them thought it was in Disneyland. Vecolity shouted "GO!!!" The two Toa stood still, each one sizing up the other. Both trying to figure out how the other one would attack, how they would defend that attack, and how they themselves would attack. Vecolity was losing patience. "I SAID GO, YOU MORONS!!!" Mesonak looked at the Matoran, annoyed, and fired a shadow bolt. Vecolity dove as the blast flew right over him. The two opponents went back to studying the other. Vecolity got up and turned towards MT. "How come you never get in trouble with the fighters, but the one time I make a remark, I nearly get my head taken off?" Except MT wasn't there. Vecolity turned, and saw MT standing on top of the Amazon box (which was on top of a table) looking down at Mesonak and Levacius and holding a machine gun. The Toa of Coffee opened fire, forcing Mesonak towards the center of the arena. A Matoran fan protested, and was promptly shot in the head. Mesonak was running towards Levacius' side when he noticed MT had stopped firing. He turned, and saw that MT was still pointing the gun at him, but it appeared as long as he was over here, he was safe. Somewhat. Levacius seized the opportunity and executed a perfect drop kick, sending Mesonak into the wall on the other side of the arena. Mesonak got up, now very angry, and began charging a shadow blast. He fired it, but Levacius simply used his mask and created a super-thick plastic wall, which blocked the shadow. Now very annoyed, Mesonak leapt over the wall, but was shot out of the air by a lightning bolt from Levacius' sword. Mesonak crashed into the ground, and this time, didn't get up so easily. Levacius was advancing, already knowing that if Mesonak kept charging into battle like this, it wasn't going to be very hard to pick up a win. Mesonak stood up, shakily, and Levacius knew that victory was close. Or not. Mesonak reached out and sent a shadow hand flying from his own. It grabbed Levacius and started shaking him like crazy. Mesonak recovered and walked towards the Toa of Lightning, preparing to finish him off. Levacius saw Mesonak advancing, and was wondering what to do. He couldn't get a clear shot because he was being shook so fast, so he took aim and fired. It didn't hit Mesonak, in fact, it went straight up into the air and nailed a civilian, who fell down from his seat in the stands...right....on....to....Mesonak. The Toa of Shadow nearly blacked out. The hand disappeared. Levacius walked over to Mesonak, making sure he had no other nasty surprises, and then claimed victory. His heart sank as he felt a hand grab his leg. He looked down, preparing for a surge of energy that was sure to come. "Are you really Levacius? Can I have your autograph?" asked the Matoran that he had hit with a lightning bolt. The Matoran then went into cardiac arrest. MT declared that Levacius had won. Mesonak and the Matoran were taken to a nearby hospital for Bionicles, and Levacius even signed the civilian's heart monitor. So the Matoran really did get his autograph. The end. North Division Standings: Levacius(1-0) Dakama(0-0) Frostbreeze(0-0) Mesonak(0-1) Tomorrow: Fights posted in the Arena will be... Brenmac @ Rahkshiking Mr. Matoro @ Dakama Sunday: Fights posted in the Arena will be... Calypso @ Hovoki Tarakavaseargent @ Sonicwind Monday: XTRM @ Gorgnak Next Week: Friday: Brenmac @ Sonu Saturday: Dakama @ Mesonak(0-1) Levacius(1-0) @ Frostbreeze XTRM @ 5 Mask Sunday: Gorgnak @ Burningair Hovoki @ Sonicwind Rahkshiking @ Calypso Monday: Mr. Matoro @ Tarakavaseargent I'm hoping to reach some sort of deal with Mesonak, Levacius, and maybe Burnmad to post some of these fights in their blogs. Friday Nights are in Boxtus for sure, Saturday and Sunday will be split, and Monday would be in someone else's. You guys would get to determine how the fight goes. -MT
  16. No, other than you have to fill out this un-complex form Name: Species: Weapons: Mask: Mask Power: Other Powers: Home Field: (Where you want to fight your home matches, it can be anywhere) -MT
  17. Also everyone needs to select a "home field," a place where all their home matches occur. BTW, you do get fans. Mesonak is at Levacius to kick things off, 2 time defending GS champ Mr. Matoro takes on relatively new Dakama, Brenmac is up against Rahkshiking, and one of the Sunday fights, (probably TS vs. Burningair) will be on Monday. -MT
  18. I don't know if anyone else is joining, but I do have some good news for all of you here. Omega Turtle has been deemed to not be a Guest Star, so he is not allowed in the BZP User Bracket. He will be in the MoC division, which, honestly, is a lot less fun. Vecolity's Picks: MoC Division: Omega Turtle(16-0) Syrux(8-8) Meta Sboog(7-9) Sueno(9-7) Befubila(8-8) Electro Vahki(3-13) Taking Omega's place will be Calypso, and I've remade the divisions. (With Vecolity's picks) North: #7 Mesonak(10-6)-X #8 Levacius(9-7)-X Dakama(5-11) Frostbreeze(4-12) East: #4 Sonu(11-5)-X #5 Brenmac(11-5)-X Rakshiking(7-9) Calypso(6-10) South: #3 Mr. Matoro(12-4)-X #6 5 Mask(11-5)-X Hovoki(10-6) Sonicwind(8-8) West: #1 Tarakavaseargent(13-3)-X #2 XTRM(13-3)-X Gorgnak(4-12) Burningair(3-13) And, now the playoffs(VECOLITY'S, NOT MT's PICKS!! If you have a problem with them, file a complaint in Vecolity's inbox): Levacius 4, Tarakavaseargent 3(I'm thinking upset, mainly because Levacius wants revenge for having lost every single battle against TS so far) XTRM 4, Mesonak 3(So close to an upset, but XTRM's ten arms win it in the end) 5 Mask 5, Mr. Matoro 2(Another upset? Coffee powers are too much for the Super Battle 1 Champion) Brenmac 4, Sonu 3(Every single element is probably going to help out a little in the playoffs) Brenmac 4, Levacius 3(Brenmac has more experience, more weapons, and is a veteran at this sort of stuff as long as he doesn't run into Tahu) XTRM 4, 5 Mask 3(Another win for the titan. Coffee powers don't compare to being huge) Brenmac 5, XTRM 2(Yet another upset for the #5 seed. Brenmac takes the title of GS Champion and probably heads into the tournament with a #1 seed) Tomorrow: Mesonak @ Levacius Saturday: Matchups: Week 1 Mr. Matoro @ Dakama Sonu @ Frostbreeze Brenmac @ Rakshiking Sunday: Calypso @ Hovoki 5 Mask @ Sonicwind Tarakavaseargent @ Burningair XTRM @ Gorgnak
  19. I seriously doubt that, because first, Master Chief has armor, so one bullet definitely wouldn't kill him. Whereas the Jedi is wearing a cloak, and if Chief fires off about 10 bullets(using an Assault Rifle) a second, I seriously doubt a Jedi would be able to block them all, and since one good shot to the head takes him out....my money would be on Chief. As for a one on one fight with melee weapons, I don't know. There aren't any real melee weapons in Halo other than the Energy Sword and the Gravity Hammer(if you can even call it a melee, more like a giant shockwave), and you never have "swordfights" with them. I'm not sure about that. I think Master Chief would just stick the Jedi with a Plasma Grenade and run. -MT
  20. And we have a tie...again. 3-3 between Fallout and Left for Dead. Bioshock is ahead 5-1, SSBB and MGS4 are continuing the blowouts. -MT
  21. MT Zehvor


    Well, see, there you go. I'm cleared. -MT
  22. We(the Zehvor) had MoCs before the stupid board failure. And now they're gone...*sniff* -MT
  23. More than likely. Anyways, the games already started(or been posted) so you guys can I guess argue over copyrights here as long as it doesn't turn into a RPG or a flame war. -MT
  24. Please don't start this again. My guess is that, assuming the Jedi was fully trained in the force, he could pretty much beat anyone in man to man combat. But the whole force concept is A, completely ridiculous, and B, ridiculously unfair. It's like taking taking a Marine and a Fireman, handing the Fireman a rocket launcher, and calling it a fair fight because the Marine was trained better. -MT
  25. All right...the two TBD's for now are Gorgnak and XTRM. They'll be in the West Region along with Tarakavaseargent and Burningair. Vecolity's predictions(for when this all is over): "X" denotes moving onto the second round. North: Mr. Matoro(13-3)-X Mesonak(10-6)-X Levacius(9-7) Dakama(5-11) East: Sonu(11-5)-X Brenmac(11-5)-X Rakshiking(7-9) Frostbreeze(4-12) South: Omega Turtle(16-0)-X 5 Mask(11-5)-X Hovoki(10-6) Sonicwind(8-8) West: Tarakavaseargent(13-3)-X XTRM(13-3)-X Gorgnak(4-12) Burningair(3-13) Playoffs: #1 Omega Turtle 5, #8 Mesonak 2 #2 Tarakavaseargent 5, #7 5 Mask 2 #3 Mr. Matoro 4, #6 Sonu 3 #5 Brenmac 4, #4 XTRM 3 #1 Omega Turtle 6, #5 Brenmac 1 #2 Tarakavaseargent 4, #3 Mr. Matoro 3 GS Championship #1 Omega Turtle 5, #2 Tarakavaseargent 2 But how will it really turn out? Find out...after the video game tournament is finished. -MT
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