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MT Zehvor

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Everything posted by MT Zehvor

  1. That's why I said somehow. Not entirely sure you got what I was getting at, but ok. -MT
  2. Welp. iBrow's a fat liar. GJ village. -MT
  3. To be fair, you don't really play MGS4 as much as you do watch and occasionally press a few buttons to continue to the story. -MT
  4. I was gonna go with Bigby Wolf, but I guess that works too. -MT
  5. Or, you know, alternatively, he could have just killed you because it was incredibly obvious you were a Mafian. -MT
  6. Welp, I gave my life proving the guilt of a Mafian. That said, this should thoroughly prove LJ's innocence. Pulse was the mafian in that scene, voting LJ is a terrible idea. -MT
  7. No, they voted before. I was in the Skype chat where LJ frantically got Mesonak in with a grand total of two minutes left before the deadline. -MT
  8. ...but that doesn't make any sense. Eljay was responsible for getting SV hung, as well as finding Mesonak, dragging him over here, and getting him to vote for SV just before the deadline as well. I could picture a Mafian, especially one as forgetful as LJ, possibly forgetting who was on his team momentarily and going along with something without realizing what was happening, but he was willing to contact Meso, grab him last second, and have him swerve to SV as well. -MT
  9. The one time you all jump on board the MT hype train... Sigh. Apologies to Unit. -MT
  10. ...well don't everyone jump on the unit bandwagon at once... -MT
  11. So we've got Cupcake: 3 Chro: 1 Eljay: 1 Unit: 0 Ehks: 0 I do believe, since Watcher's "vote" wasn't really. I'm inclined to believe it's not Chro, as he already showed up in a round where someone else was guilty. Cupcake's already appeared; certainly a possibility he could be it, but I'd be surprised if the Mafia sent someone else out before the cycle was complete. Which leaves me with LJ, Ehks, and Unit. I'll take Burnmad's word that Ehks is innocent, I've already explained my reasons for believing LJ is... ...and for those reasons I will vote Unit. Cupcake: 3 Chro: 1 Eljay: 1 Unit: 1 Ehks: 0 -MT
  12. It's more of a belief than an opinion. Opinion is entirely subjective personal preference; i.e. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are better than ham sandwiches, or Metroid is better than Zelda. Belief, meanwhile, is a fact that you think is true, and, were it to be proven true, no one could argue against it, i.e. I believe in God, or I believe that Bionicle will return in 2015. -MT
  13. I'll grab the last reserve spot. 10 players is a little on the small side, but ok. -MT
  14. If the death block runs by the same logic as the doctor role, then yes. -MT
  15. Don't worry, I won't. If no one objects, Just make the thread for me. No sub titles, just Mafia 0.7 Well, Unit's gone for the week, so you might want to ask someone else. -MT
  16. We'll see about that once this scene is posted. I know for a fact both Mesonak and Eljay are not Mafians, and Burnmad obviously wasn't Mafia. If Kaiser isn't a mafian, that leaves you. -MT
  17. Apologies to Kaiser, as I'm pretty sure this confirms him as innocent. However, that does confirm Pulse as Mafia. So your death will not be in vain. -MT
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