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Everything posted by KNI4HT

  1. New signoff.


    You like?


  2. Yeah, ol' Wash is pretty cool.


  3. My fave character is Grif.


  4. Dunno. Just an observation. :P


  5. Wow, never knew you were 14. You don't act like it. I'm the same age and I don't act like it... you can see that by my just-now figuring that out...


  6. Have a good B-Day, Greg. Try not too work too hard today!


  7. Hey, you're an RvB fan? Cool!


  8. Another KH fan. Sweeeet.


  9. Who wouldn't?


  10. Thank you.


  11. Yeah... dead.


  12. Nobodies.

    Awesome- go Organization XIII.


  13. From my comment box...

    Which part of Episode 58? The beginning? 'Cuz I know that one- I had it on my phone. :P


  14. Hey. I see you like Red vs. Blue by your name. Come talk at the topic! Bring a quote though. :)


  15. Hey Popm. You do nice work- keep it up!


  16. Yayzers. Got you to five stars again. Welcome.


  17. [belated] POP!


  18. Thankys for stealing half of my name.

    :P Kidding!

  19. Man, so many posts...



  20. KNI4HT

    Blog Shop

    Thankys Zeddy; have a Merry X-Mas, at that, too! -Pyro
  21. KNI4HT

    Blog Shop

    Nifty avvies Zeddy... I think I'd like an av with a black body and crimson (almost dark-red) bandana; ooh, and add a Santa hat if you please. -Pyro
  22. You have like 3 days now man... I bet it's awesome though! Good luck!


  23. Nice new name. Bumblebee is sweeet.


  24. Wow, another "Pyro-in-display-name" user. Kewl.

    -the original Pyro

  25. KNI4HT


    Whoa. Kewl. But like everyone else, I'd like to know what that "desperate" thing was all about- the OoMN taking in anyone. Back to the positive, I loved this excerpt. Keep doing what you do, Greg! -Pyro
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