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Status Updates posted by Xingjio

  1. Good luck Ranna, I hope you win.

  2. *Steals pig from Necro.*

    Anyway, just dropped by to say hi. Even if you don't even know who I am.

  3. Don't be silly Ranna, the fanboys will make it for you.

  4. Welcome to BZP Ranna's little sister, if you ever need any questions answered... Don't ask me.

  5. Actually, I've had the posts for ages, Black Six gave me back my old post count.

  6. No, I'm still there, I just have writers block...

  7. I thought you were a guy, is that good enough for you?

  8. Tsk. Tsk. Such randomness in Omi's comment box.

  9. "Takua the Wander...

    I saw CLOVERFIELD before you. :P "

    Only by two days.

  10. ... Sure doesn't look like grant, looks more like Tori really. Actually, it looks like an annoyed me.

  11. Stop blowing up the the earth with forks! Honestly...

    *Goes off and pokes Kaptain Kopaka in the back with a spoon.*

  12. Don't I get a cool Munki name? Or am I not much of an RPG veteran?

  13. Anna's a ninja? Well that explains the dark colors she wears...

  14. We used to think that Turakii was a girl? That's news to me...

  15. I rest my case.

  16. So, these new profiles are shiny are they not?

  17. I have no idea what happened here, but it sure is shiny. Plus to quote you... "I just wasted 10 seconds of your life..."

  18. Actually, I believe that the elephant wasn't as much scared of the mouse as afraid that it might squash it, might also have something to do with suprise.

  19. So, so far have you found any promising prospects for companion ship? And are you going Classic Who and taking on more than one companion?

  20. *Pulls out ladle. Chases MM with said ladle.*


    Don't forget the Dalek acquaintance.

  21. *Attempts to throw net over Ranna, hitting Jord instead.*

  22. Sorry. I just love wasting 10 seconds of my life. And out of curiosity, what kind of cookie was that? It looked a bit like oatmeal raisin to me...

  23. Thanks (uchicha).

  24. *Steals necromantic bells.*

    Now... What to do with them...

  25. Right. Like me, You're not exactly honored, more like we were RPG buddies.

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