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Everything posted by Ecto

  1. For the recurring theme, would the fact that all the Toa have a physical or mental obstacle or deformity count?
  2. Ecto


    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  3. Okay. I hope you have time! :)

  4. So, uh, will you keep doing the Duel?

  5. Ecto

    Calling The Icra

    Incredible chuckling (really) astronomists?
  6. Ecto

    Entry List

    Entry Name: Rangiporo Entry Pic: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3108/289337...3eee3d1f7_o.png Element: Air Entry Gallery: None Entry Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=299065
  7. Ecto


    Who the ###### cares if they do or don't stop? You're not seeing the words.
  8. Oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man I totally forgot, I had a party to go to, and oh man oh man I need to get to work...
  9. spit

    yuo is meh bestie

  10. I might actually kinda know you maybe

  11. Ecto


    *shakes head* I thought you were bigger than fat.
  12. yes i beeeeee

    I don't know you XD

  13. Wait, you don't need a blog? Me Velox Xero Please Choose Two other people as Zip and Draco don't need to be nominated to enter this challenge Oh.
  14. Ecto

    Quote Of The Day

    Ma'am? MAAAAAAA'AAAM please gimmeh my cheetoz
  15. Ecto


    iAgwee. Mohinder=scaly man fish.
  16. Okay. Here we go. =D expand/ I'm thinking lime green if I have enough unbroken parts. If not, Metru green. Never the two together. Kewl.
  17. Ecto


    And Adam, and perhaps Linderman, etc.
  18. You three indeed, Bionickel.

  19. Ecto


    Hey, there's only one of me =D Um, hello? Make that three. Okay, you're surrounded by three sadists D: All with different abilities. D:
  20. Ecto


    Imagine him in NYC. He kills a man with a gun, and suddenly the hundreds of people around him are terrified. Instant beast. KNOX ROX
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