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Status Updates posted by Trijhak

  1. I don't think you've ever told anyone your birthday...

    Almost two years and I still have no idea when your birthday is. Asides from the usual mafia games, how's it going?


  3. I hate sneezing.

    1. Overlord


      Sneezes will always hit you at one time or another, usually bad times.

  4. I have decided that I am something.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      As long as you aren't nothing I'm fine.

      What's better? 'You aren't' or 'You're not'?

  5. I have fallen victim to procrastination once again. And I have an exam in two days. And three days. Basically, about two almost every week until mid-june.

  6. I have nothing to say.

  7. I Imagine Everyone Is Confused

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I Certainly Am.

    2. Portalfig


      It's Okay, Taka. We Are Just Posting Filler On This Day Of The Filler


      For The Laughs

    3. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Happy Filler Day To You! :D

  8. I just looked at your birthdate...


  9. I know I'm the fourth person to say this but welcome to BZP, Ddude the Insane aka Ddude2964. aka many other names that I will not mention.

  10. I really do like what Orkahm's doing here. Hehehe.

    1. ToaTImeLord


      Not on my watch.

      *points Thornax Launcher at Orkahm*

  11. I remember you...old buddy.Haven't been active in a while,I'm afraid he's left.I'm Commenting.

  12. I summed you up well?

    Okay, I seem to be good at summing people up.

  13. I think I'll just say the same thing MTM said. MTM=thoron.

  14. I think you have mastered the art of ninja'ing people, Overlord. :P

  15. I will love and tolerate you.

  16. I wonder what happened to the Inika masks when the Inika transformed into Mahri. Remember, the Inika masks were living...

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      not anymore after the transformation, apparently.

      R.I.P. creepy living masks. :<

    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      not anymore after the transformation, apparently.

      R.I.P. creepy living masks. :<

  17. I'll stay away from them.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Overlord


      Never fear what you don't understand.


      ... Unless, of course, it's really creepy.

    3. Trijhak


      Well, you could consider it creepy. It seems to be all over this site. And it isn't LEGO/Bionicle.

    4. Toa of Dancing
  18. I'm very afraid.

  19. If you are to witness a display of insanity, back away. It is for your own good, since as of a very messed up experiment, insanity is contagious.

  20. INTRODUCING: BZP Heroes! Get points for reporting posts made by other members! Totally not a terrible idea! It'll work out, totally!

    1. Bonkle


      That awkward moment when you actually got +1 proto from reporting

    2. Makuta Luroka
  21. Is it not just me, or is there less staff than there used to be?

    1. Overlord


      Something like that... at least fewer ACTIVE staff.

  22. Is it weird that I keep expecting things to explode for no reason at all?

  23. It does look kinda stupid...

    Isn't it weird when comments serve an unintentional purpose? I looked at my last comment on this page and wow it does something else. Even though it was replying to your comments, Overlord...

  24. It is I To crisp:Toa of snacks who has had a name change.To -toa crisp phantoka-.

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