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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    You read correctly: I'm not entering.
    It was a very tough decision, but I had to make it in the end. Simply put, I just wasted an entire school day trying to finish it up (I'm homeschooling, so I'm flexible). Ok, not the whole day, but most of it. The whole time, I just felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. I couldn't figure anything good out for the arms with the pieces I had left. I can't tell you how aggravating that felt. Just making no progress at all really...
    Considering the deadline is tomorrow, I just decided (with my parents help) to just drop it.
    Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, this contest is not all that important. I don't want it to deprive me of sleep and my school work of quality (which is what it was starting to do). Canon story as a prize? Nice, but it won't improve me as a person. Neither will prototypes, for that matter...
    So... yeah. I can't wait to see how everyone else's turns out though!
    Oh, and don't try to convince me otherwise; I've made up my mind. Tomorrow is way too busy anyhow.
    Also, I am planning on finishing up the MoC in the future (but probably the summer). I might be able to get a WIP pic up over the weekend though. Heh, this is exactly what happened with Skotraxx.
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Ok, I'm about fed up with MoCing at the moment. I've used most of my good pieces and I'm running short on small technic connector pieces (specifically the (+O+) ones). Gah, I'm hitting a serious block for the arms. I think I may have something going, but we'll see. I love the rest of the MoC, but the tough part will be fitting in the arm's style with the rest of it...
    For those of you who do, prayers for inspiration would be wonderful.
  3. GreenBioGuy
    I made it into the FINAL FINAL Poll by just 2 votes!
    I'm not so sure that this is a good idea though (the extra poll, not my making it in ) It's liable that the results will change, in which case people will get upset and blah blah blah...
    Humph. BZPower has been rather annoying and stressful as of late.
    In other news, I got my second parts order in yesterday (you hit it right on the nose ~BD~, one week!), and the parts and in perfect condition and work wonderfully for the MoC. I have finished the legs, torso (for the most part), and the feet. I'm gonna work on the arms next. And then (in true GBG fashion) the head will be last.
    It's gonna be close for the entry period, but I'm sure I can pull it off.
  4. GreenBioGuy
    I received my first parts order today!
    The new trans-blue bohrok eyes looks swell on Certavus, as do his other new white accents.
    The other parts are nifty too, and I hope to put them to good use on my Robot.
    Seeing as I don't have the time at the moment, I can't upload pics, but I plan on it later in the week.
    Heh, they shipped like Saturday...
  5. GreenBioGuy
    I worked outside in the yard for 6.5 hours today...
    My legs feel completely drained of energy, but I feel very good about all I got done!
    Mowing, weed-eating (edge trimming), and hauling cut up wood (we had a huge tree fall in our yard)
    Now to work on my robot a little bit...
    Please send me mind waves of inspiration! I'm having a bit of trouble with the torso. >_<
  6. GreenBioGuy
    ... was just placed this evening.
    Yay! I am moving up in the world!
    80 pieces, 24 lots, $5.60 ( order A )
    4 pieces, 1 lot, #1.20 ( order B )
    Order A is coming from Washington, and order B is coming from the Netherlands. I'm not sure if the latter will make it here in time, but I'm willing to risk it (it's only for color anyway, I can build it with black) The order is actually mostly black pieces with a few lime ones and several white ones for replacing gray pieces on Certavus (just for my sake, I can't change it in the contest of course). CF, you will be happy to know that I am getting trans medium blue bohrok eyes to replace the light blue ice ones on my Certavus MoC!
    I will post pics when I get 'em in...
    Also, yes, it's LIME people. Personally, I think it fits the MoC perfectly.
    Sorry if it doesn't "strike fear" into ya, but that's just the way it's going to be...
    Yes, I do indeed want to branch out into knew color schemes, but that will have to wait for next MoC. (I'm thinkin' blue/yellow, orange/somethin' else, purple, or... teal!)
    The main reason I'm doing black for this entry is because of the size. The only color that I posses alot of is black. Thus...
    Also, the lime pieces I've got work wonderfully with the build.
    And I like lime and if this is gonna be canon something or other then I would like to have some lime in it.
  7. GreenBioGuy
    Got a quick question for ya.
    I'm planning on ordering some parts from (the you-know-which site), and the only shops from which a certain piece can be attained are located in the Netherlands. Considering that the deadline for the contest is a little over two weeks away, do you think that the pieces would have enough time to arrive on time? I know that it differs with each seller, but what has been your experience in the past? (for those of you who have ordered from this site)
    Thanks in advance!
  8. GreenBioGuy
    I'm just about done with the leg design, and I love it. Very sleekish and smooth!
    The color scheme is black with lime accents. <3
    Sorry, no WIP pic; I want to keep this one to myself until it's all complete.
    Also, this will be the first time I will have to go purchase parts separately for a specific MoC
    (at least I plan on it)
    Also also, moving text back to normal position; likey?
  9. GreenBioGuy
    This evening I've got a little MoC I'd like to show ya.

    First of all, however, I would just like to note that I threw this together in about an hour and a half.
    I didn't have much of a plan on what I wanted to build here, but my main reasons for making him were:
    1) try out a new shoulder/arm build which I had thought of earlier that day
    2) try out a new color scheme

    In other words, this wasn't that serious of a MoC.

    I'm planning on getting a topic done up sometime soon, but until then you can comment on him here.

    In other news, I bustaficated up all of my MoCs this afternoon (Including the G.B.G.) I left Certavus intact though.
    Why you ask? One reason:

    BBCC #53

    I need every spare part I've got. Seriously.





    (If they get a good winner)

    The prizes will include (most likely) Prototypes
    who knows what the BIONICLE Set designers will do with the winner!

    I've got an idea or two up my sleeve, but I'm gonna have to think on it some more...
    In the mean time, I going to sort out all of my freshly available pieces.

  10. GreenBioGuy
    I reached 1000 posts today replying in my Certavus topic. .:Toa Velox:., Major Marvelous, and ChocolateFrogs, I responded to your comments in detail if you are interested in taking a look at what I said!

  11. GreenBioGuy
    Made you look!

    jk. But on a serious note, I have some thoughts on the recent happenings around here.
    I hope to write up a good blog entry here sometime in the near future...

    Strike that. First of all, it sounds noobish.
    Secondly, I don't have the time to write a big blog entry nor to I want to get mixed up in this business.

  12. GreenBioGuy
    I'm wondering exactly how much of my Certavus entry must be custom. I've seen several other members (the good ones) make heavily customized body parts. I didn't do that because I felt that I wanted Certavus to look set like and yet still be very different from the other Glatorian. Ordinarily I would want a customized body/parts, but for this contest I'm thinking that it would be better to hold off.


  13. GreenBioGuy
    I have made an interesting observation. I was just posting in the Forums but after doing so my post count stayed right at 964, the number it was before. Why is this? Could it be because of the recent wipe of info around here? BZPower isn't picking up a surplus of new posts, so it's not raising my number? Not that I really care about post count, I am just curious.

    Figured it out.

  14. GreenBioGuy
    Yesssss!!! I have FINALLY gotten Metus!

    Do you want to guess what shipping is for a little Agori on LEGO.com + tax? All told, the total would have been about $13, the price of the Glatorian themselves. Rest assured, I did not go by that route! Rather, my mom found him this morning in Target. And thus, she got him for me! (I still have to pay for him of course. )

    So anyway, I now have the helmet for Certavus. I've tried it on, and I gotta say: I like it. I'm hoping to have him up some time next week during the break. He still needs a few tweaks, and I also need to send pics to a few select friends here on BZPower to ask for their opinion...

  15. GreenBioGuy
    All that I'm lacking is his helmet. I still can't find Metus anywhere, so my dad is ordering him this evening. He should be in before next week, which will give me plenty of time for photography (It's spring break!!! )

    Aside from the helmet, everything else is pretty much complete in my opinion. His color scheme is as follows: white, white armor, some gray spattering with light blue as his secondary color. In addition, he has some trans/light blue highlights.

    He possesses a crystal sword/blade, a white shield which is very Kopaka-esk, and of course a Thornax launcher. His build is an Inika based one, although I have done some modifications to it. The upper arms are 100% custom, and his chest armor is not traditional.

    All in all, I (personally) love him. He's fun to play around with, and I'm looking forward to sharing him with you guys!

  16. GreenBioGuy
    I'm wondering how to do my Certavus' color scheme. Currently, I've got a majority of white over light blue with a strategic spattering of trans-blue throughout. I have used as little black as possible (next to zero) and I'm using a bit of gray.

    However, I'm wondering: should I use something that I would actually associate with an ice Glatorian (like white and light blue), or should I do something completely different for uniqueness sake? I want to use white for sure, but what about the secondary of color? I thought about dark red, which I think would be super neat, but then I realized that I only own blue Glatorian heads, and seeing as I'm sold on using Metus' helmet as Certavus', I'm kinda stuck there.

    My main gripe with using white and blue is that that is pretty much what everyone else is going to do (mostly). But at the same time, that's what I imaging Certavus as being like. He's mostly white anyway though...


    So far, I love the design (Toa Mata Custom Torso! )! I haven't built a toa sized MoC in so long, it's been pretty fun!

  17. GreenBioGuy
    (A Glatorian I has)
    So, guess the color anyone? ...
    Green you say? WRONG! Mwahaha! I gotcha thar!
    It's white. And blue. And spiky. It's Strakk! Why Strakk you ask? One word: Certavus. Yep, I am planning on entering, and I needed some ice themed pieces, so... you get the picture. I wanted to get Metus as well (super cool snowflake thingy! ) but Target didn't have him (for once, couldn't you have them all?! :angry: ). I'm still gonna be lookin' for his little Agori companion, as I would love his ubber cool mask... er, helmet I mean.
    As to my thoughts on Strakk, he's ok, but I really dislike the fact that he has a mega sized axe, shoulder armor, and then a rather small head that juts out annoyingly far. Also, his color scheme is a bit mismatched. Two shades of blue? It's cool, but dark blue just doesn't associate with ice to me. Oh well. I don't really like him as a set, but he's got some nice pieces. His hands, armor, and Thornax launcher to name the main ones.
    Interestingly, in just about every other pair of pages in the instructions, all of the dark blue pieces are depicted as purple. It was so annoying reading it, seeing as those pieces looked rockin' awesome in purple! Get the colors right LEGO! Has this happened to anyone else? Also, his helmet has an interesting stripe of blue running down the middle of his face...
    Also, as a little FYI, I know that I said I was taking a break from around here, but I just wanted to come on and tell ya'll about my most recent purchase. I'm still... breaking... or something...
  18. GreenBioGuy
    I believe that one of the lessons that I learned with the recent happening over in BBC is that I have been siphoning too much of my time into BZPower. I put so much time and emotional energy into the contest, but then in a matter of minutes all of my hopes went kaput. It showed me that it all really just doesn't matter that much ultimately. As such, I have decided that I am going to take a break from BZPower this week. You can still leave comments or send me messages, but don't expect replies until Saturday.
  19. GreenBioGuy
    In light of recent events, I would like to request that no one judge me for an honest mistake. Yes, I broke the rules, but not on purpose. I have learned the lesson, and I am taking my medicine the way I should, so please don't rub it in my face. That doesn't help. I personally still want to participate in future contests and the community here, so please do not let this incident make yourself biased against me. I want to move on and have a great time with you guys (and gals!) I apologize for causing a problem, and may the best MoC win BBCC #52!
    An optimistic ~GreenBioGuy~
  20. GreenBioGuy
    Now in case you are wondering what a WAD pic is, it stands for "Work Almost Done", as opposed to a WIP: "Work In Progress". Anyway, here it is:

    This is my first 100% custom torso, and I've gotta say, I like it lots!
    It still needs a few tweaks, but it's pretty much done. Oh, and I need a name too... got any suggestions?
  21. GreenBioGuy
    I'm considering on purchasing individual parts from online stores (as opposed to sets). I'm wanting to expand my inventory a bit in terms of functional pieces and some flair pieces. Specifically, I would love to know what the best pieces for fusion building are. I know of pieces like the brick/socket and the brick/ball pieces, etc. Got any other suggestions? Of course I'll get some extra connector 1x3 +O+ and some of those 1x2 ++ pieces. I'm always needing more of those. XD I've also got my eyes set on some green dragon wings too. (Think big green dragon people! B) )
    Also, where is the best place to purchase LEGO/BIONICLE pieces for the best prices and quality?
    Thanks for your time!
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