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Status Updates posted by Bluenuhvok765

  1. Comeon, comment in your topic!

  2. What's the point of being on if you don't post?

  3. Oh, OK. Thank you! :)

  4. ..................................................

  5. Wow, I finally have something new that I know about in my life. :( What happened that may have caused your unfortunate events?

  6. Who was in that race to 10,000 posts, other than you?

  7. >:( You're in a lot of trouble! ............. It's DAUGHTRY, not Chris Daughtry! Chris Daughtry is the singer, but Daughtry is the band! :P

  8. Any advice on how to beat Growth?

  9. EX: I saw cars like 7 times over the weekend. :P Pixar is just so amazing........

  10. Well, if you like The Incredibles, you've GOTTA love all the other Pixar movies? Disney and Pixar DO make a legendary team, after all! I've seen every single one of their movies so far and never get tired of them, no matter how many times I've seen them!

  11. Hey, I just noticed that you're in NJ! My cousin lives there! :P

  12. HIGH FIVE! :D ZOMG! You reminded me that Bit Trip Core should be out by now! FORGET MATA-NUI, BTC is where it's *going to be* at! :D

    Anyways, Growth. Hardest song in the game! I've had it for like a month now, and I still havn't beaten it! :(

  13. Never mind on the deal. You just can't seem to be patient.

  14. The Beatles, The Eagles, Star Wars, Halo.......... ALL AWESOME! :D Another thing awesome is your new avvie. :P

  15. :P You said MUHA not MUAHA! :P
  16. >:o You offended my beliefs of Real Time Stragety games! O:

  17. Do you have Halo Wars?

  18. ˙uǝɥʇ 'pǝıp ʎnƃ ǝɥʇ ssǝnƃ ı *I guess the guy died, then.*

  19. ˙uǝɥʇ 'pǝıp ʎnƃ ǝɥʇ ssǝnƃ ı

    Try reading the text upsidedown. :P

  20. WOOT! ˙uǝɥʇ 'pǝıp ʎnƃ ǝɥʇ ssǝnƃ ı

  21. Do you play Portal?

  22. The best Pixar movie of all time........ :P Now there's a Toy Story 3 coming out next year. And the original 2 Toy Storys are coming out in theaters AGAIN in 3d this year! :P

    I still think that Up is the best....

  23. Wow, talk about self-centeredness. <_< If you're better than Greg, howcome you only have one star?


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