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Status Updates posted by Bluenuhvok765

  1. Ugh, here we go again with the "OH NO, HEIR WON'T ANSWER OUR PMS!" thing. :/ PM me a message when you're ready to step out of the shadows again, would you? :P BTW, please make that ASAP, I don't want my parents to think I gave my address away to somebody who scammed me. :P

  2. What freaky? /uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png" />

  3. There's something called a word filter that the moderators put up. I don't know how you went around it. O_o

  4. Wall-e and Up were THE best Pixar films, though. :P

  5. Ok. I'll contact you when ready. :)

  6. I don't get the meaning of your personal statement and I don't plan to any time soon. XP

  7. Ah, wait, cross that. I can't recieve anything until my parents come back. :P

  8. I dunno why, but your user name attracted me. 0_o

  9. Well, you're actualy one of the only REAL friends I have, most of them are hipocrates and only say they are my friends because of the games that I have. /uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png" /> I'm just concerned for a friend, that's all. Oddly, my dog has been behaving more ever since I read your comment.

  10. Anyways, aside from that, I'm ready to send next monday, so I'm expecting to get the Bohrok before then. :)

  11. Tomorrow night? But the movie doesn't come out until........... THE 12:01 SHOWING!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE ONE OF THE FIRST ONES TO SEE IT! I hate you....... <_< :P

  12. Now that you mention it, it is a bit catchy........ anyways, what's your favorite part in the Simpsons Movie? Mine was the one I already mentioned 2 comments ago. :P

  13. *fanfare* IMAX 3D!

  14. Oh! :P Well, funny you put a dinobot in, because a few dinobots are going to be in the movie! XD My sis *who barely answers her cell phone or gets in touch with us or comes to visit us!* decided to make up for the not-getting-in-touch stuff by taking us to see the movie in.......

  15. No. I just hate getting Rick Rolled. :P

  16. Yep. I came out with:

    I yelled at my sister because I can! In real life, I almost did RIGHT before you sent me that email!

  17. NOW I haven't spoken to you in a while. :P That was a pretty darn wierd email you sent, and I didn't get it until I read the bottom! XD

  18. The Simpsons movie was ROFL funny! XD I liked how Homer thought that the map was still on the car window and tried to take it off to find he was there! XD So funny.......

  19. Good, thanks for asking. I've been printing out multiples of your personal pic and hanging them on my dart board since December. You?

  20. I still have that "I know you from somewhere!" feeling! You used to hang out around the Imediate Assosiation Game, right?

  21. *gaspzors* You no have no raptor pic, no? :P

  22. If you want people to actually BUY your Bionicles, please put them in a REASONABLE price.

  23. I BEAT THE 3RD SONG! Now I can get Bit Trip Core when it comes out and know what's going on in the beginning! :D

  24. Oh, and BTW, welcome to BZP! Enjoy your stay! 10 posts will give the the "magical" ability of PMing people, hence the "magical!" :D

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