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Grandmaster Lehvorak

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Status Updates posted by Grandmaster Lehvorak

  1. Hello there!

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Hehehe you should suggest it! Might make this place more interesting.

    3. Creep Of The Deep

      Creep Of The Deep

      I'll make it tomorrow. I'm tired right now.

      I'll talk to you later Lehv, hopefully tomorrow!

    4. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Very well I'll talk to you later then, you gave a good night.

  2. Hello there!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      lol but I bet yours is a bit easier hahaha! in university it is a bit harder.

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      I will be having a hard time the coming years then, huh.

    4. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Well it is training you to get into the habit of university haha! I am currently writing a story for the short story section. I'm just going to test it out.

  3. I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Well, depends on how long you were gone.

      There were a few big things maybe.

      I just got my 500 post and 500 posts in my comics.

      Vataki has cool comics and such.

    3. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Maybe since 2011? But I didn't really stay long... just hopped in and glanced at everything back then. Now I'm actually replying to topics and making them.

    4. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Actually January 2012 but I didn't do much and just glanced at everything. lol

  4. I should have said this in my first post back here... lol "I HAVE RETURNED!!!"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      I can see that, and the kit forum is like almost completely empty... O.o Shocking it is. Maybe I should start posting things show off stuff I picked up over the years I was absent? I'm kinda curious... with the profile status things here... how do you link it to notifications because it would be easier for me to know if someone commented me and stuff?

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Go to settings.

      Go to Notification Options.

      And then there is one that says Status Updates, that will have the options to notify you when something happens.

    4. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Well, I gave it a try. Hopefully it works! I feel like I need like some tutorial of things here again hahaha!

  5. It has been a while since I last spoken with you, how have you been Taka? Still drawing and making stories? haha!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Lol same thing! Just with a fancier title :P. Welcome to the University stage! Hahaha I guess it is kinda late to say that, but oh well... cool thing with my degree is I can work on art almost everyday. So how's that treating you? Lots of All-nighters? Hehehe

    3. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      If you say so... ^^"

      Thanks anyway. :)

      All-nighters? Certainly not, I need my sleep and will do anything to get it =P

    4. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      I see! Lol I should try that but I end up reading something interesting which makes me stay up! How do you avoid that? Lol

  6. Our fate is not in the hands of others! You are in CONTROL!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katoris
    3. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      someone seems confuzzled! Dr. Giggles you can cure this gu since you are the DOC!

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      I don't speak Chinese.

  7. Just saying... I am still alive!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      hehhehe!!! so how've you been broooo?

    3. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Just been working on projects left and right! yup!


    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      that's cool!!! :D

  8. So, who is still alive out there! Please respond! Anyone still remembers good ol' me?

    1. Hukster


      I am sort of alive and I remember!

    2. ToaTImeLord


      I'm a newbie from 2015.

      Never seen BZP at it's height.

    3. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Yeah, the height of BZP back in the day was something. Now it is pretty much your average forum now... sadly... but how's it been?

  9. Bionicle is coming back??????? :o

    1. Taka Nuvia
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      The Great Prophets have ANSWERED MY PLEA!!! :P

    3. Jordboy1


      All of our pleas ;)

  10. Guess who is back here?

    1. Brappy Hour
    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Thank you! Thank you! You're so kind! hehehe

  11. It has been a while how are you?

    1. Jedi Gali

      Jedi Gali

      Hello! I'm doing quite, plowing onward. :D Not doing too much Bionicle writing or anything anymore. How're you?

    2. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      I had been busy working on finishing up my degree and been working a lot on making art and selling them in conventions!

  12. Hey Taka Nuvia!!! How has it been? It has been ages since I last talked to you! Are ya still drawing and stuff? :P

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Hey, nice to hear from you again! :D

      Of course I am :P

  13. I see Jordboy is still alive and well :P.

    1. Jordboy1


      Oh yes, I am very alive, and even more well than alive. :P

  14. I wanna be the very best... like no one ever was! :P

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid


  15. "Don't be sorry. I don't have any regrets. If I hadn't met you, my life would've had no meaning. I'm glad that you and I became friends."

    1. I love pie

      I love pie

      I'm glad to be you friend.

      Friendship is what keeps the world together.

  16. Yo! I haven't seen you in like awhile :P

  17. I'm good, what about you?

  18. hello there, I am Lehvorak

  19. Yeah I noticed you changed your name.

  20. You can say that if you want :P.

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