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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Guys. This is getting real RPG-ish, real fast.

    It's time we end this, and that won't be fun for all.

  2. Noobot says:

    ohqrge9iuh9puvhequihequhvweifbhvpequubhpiojb f

  3. im heer adn ur gonna loes!!1! haha lolz

    *Noobots fire lasers*

  4. no u misndusatdn

    wer noobs

    adn we debaet

    htats ar war

    but if u watn 2 fihgt hten ill satrt biuldign noobots

  5. evn htough he isnt a noob liek us

  6. ya htis noob war wuz vrey logn adn drak balzur olny ketp it giogn

  7. Oh, good. Thank you, Dark Blazer, you have been forgiven.

    *is reinfected by krana no*


  8. And lastly, go ahead and report. We aren't doing anything wrong, and I have a better alibi than you do a reason to report.

  9. That doesn't count as stopping, but rather recalculating the angle of the SHOOP DA WHOOP and whatever other LAZORs you may possess.

  10. Oh, and you missed and hit a tree.

  11. We aren't real noobs, you know. You're actually ruining the fun.

  12. *opens Ebba's mouth to speak to Dark Blazer*

    NO U

  13. You guys are starting flame wars!

    burn stuf!!11!!1!!

  14. ya ugo hter adn cordel waklur wll ruondhaus kikc ur faec

  15. ohh well htat xplaens it

  16. wai do u insits on hoeldign food hostul?

  17. i liek waffels


  18. lolwut? I read they were coming out with a new Mystery Dungeon in NP, but I could have sworn it was for DS!

    Also: My DSi sucks batteries dry.

    lol ryemign

  19. no i sed terryurs u no hte littel dog?

    i liek 2 eet mudkipz htey taest good wiht barbaq saus

  20. zomg we kant let terryurs hodl r naishun hostul or r alys hostul!1!!11!@!


  22. i liek boht of htos but freid potaot sknis ar bettur

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