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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Actually, to be honest, I keep clicking on the Golem models but I don't get any gypsum. I think I have some sort of glitch on my MLN.

  2. zomg! omg wherd u get da spollurs vtk?!1Q!~!QW

  3. Now I lost! Looks like you're going up a rank, VTK.

  4. Hey, and I got the Giant blueprint too. Unfortunately, I have 20 clicks left. Original number? 36.

  5. Well, I've got windmill tilters.

    HA HA.

  6. Tire?! Where'd you get it, VTK?

    Also, Ebba, there's a totem pole and the final boss of MLN, the intergalactic cruiser.

  7. Man, I'm lost on LMN. First it's an electric dam, then a windmill, then... a giant hat? What?

    For now, my highest concern is Ebba's pipes.

  8. There's no such thing as "keeping comedies alive", Blade. Comedies have no revival date.

  9. No problem, Ebba! Thanks for the... Well, I'll call it the "thingy". Actually, as soon as I got that thank-you note, I got two more pipes! Check your mail.

    Oh, and Blade, my treason beavers are gone. I spent them on that dam of yours...

  10. Hey, Ebba. . . Did you block me for some weird reason? Or was it an accident? Anyway, be glad you unblocked me. . .

    I got a pipe!

  11. Proto is rather syrupy then, eh?

  12. liek zomg thakn u ebba!!1!!one!!

  13. Come on...

    Only ten clicks for my electric dam left! Click on it!

  14. His account is called "Blazanax974".

    If I ever get some pipes or gypsum, I'll let you know.

  15. I don't have any pipes and gypsum, Ebba.

    Whatever that means. I don't know how you're supposed to get it on Rank 2.

    Also, VTK, that might not be a glitch, as I had those when I joined.

  16. By the way, VTK...

    (Has a ring to it, eh?)

    Satogo has a Giant, so I'm sure there's a way.

    Speaking of which, I wonder why he's always on MLN but never on BZP anymore...

  17. Hey, guys! I need clicks for my electric dam. If you give me at least five clicks daily, I can probably get a way to make more blue bricks.

  18. No, Takuma Nuva does not have a Wii.


  19. MLN update: My electric dam is up.

  20. *continues video game discussion*

    I heard you can play as Luigi in Super Mario Galaxy. I haven't unlocked him yet. I may need to start a new file.

  21. What, Nashville Star? No. . . he was a freelance cameraman back then. He doesn't work there anymore.

    And I hated that comedy, personally.

  22. Oh, and since the server acted up...

    htank u vaakmatk!!! u shud gte a proto bosst!!!!!11!11!!Q!

  23. Wrong. I don't live in Memphis, I live in Nashville.

  24. liek zomg i wetn upp a rakn!11!!!!111!

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