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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Haha, I only realized that after three tries.

  2. Pffft.

    Yeah, right.


    What's a purple-people eater? Is it purple and it eats people? Or does it eat purple people? Or what?

  3. Because he's got a link to her in his sig.

    Seriously, I don't know.

  4. Potatoes, maybe.

    I don't know.

  5. Xaeraz strikes again.

  6. Never heard of 'em.

  7. Wanted to remind you Episode 13 of TMU is up, finally. ^-^

  8. About Pillsbury cookies, quoteth Toast Busters:

    "They're even better dipped in spinach jelly!"

  9. Hmmm...

    Muffin-flavored muffins.

    Or maybe they're rolls.

    Muffins are better than rolls.

  10. That's... gotta be painful.

  11. It depends on the muffin.

    Muffins that taste like garlic would be considered not a muffin at all.

    Garlic ketchup, however...

  12. You can't compare cookies to muffins.

    It's unlawful.

  13. Reason? No. Cuz I duzn't do nuthin'.

    Actually, it's because no one's been rating me at all, nope.

  14. Sea Ponies don't help caffeine-crazed people like you who want popsicles!

    By the way, good luck trying to get it.

    It's all melty now.

  15. Don't you mean Lickety Split?

    That's his new name.


  16. *hops up and down*


    *goes and eats popsicle*

  17. Yeah, but still! It's fun to get taken multiple times!

    It proves who has the worst memory.

    haha i gettd takn 3 times

  18. SOS! SOS!

    I dropped my Popsicle!

  19. NOOOO!


  20. Bad news, Takuma! I can't cpoy anything that it says to copy and paste in your sig in your acronyms!

    ...Wait, what?

  21. Tin openers are even more dangerous!

    *starts a chainsaw war*

  22. Heh! It's Sunday NIGHT right now for me!

  23. Gah! T4 not voting!

  24. Note:

    It may not appear to work for you, but I can see Comic Sans MS clearly.

    Now how do I set my words to "Chiller"...

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