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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Also remember:

    Duct tape comes in a wide variety of colors, from silver to blue to hot pink.

    Duck tape comes in a green package.

  2. Wanted to let you know you've missed, like, four comics, in case you were wondering.

  3. Well, there's nothing tape can't fix, right?

  4. and we are officially aware that the answer to question is....

  5. ...and I don't know if VTK was continuing the sentence or slaying it...

  6. Due to a lack of comments, I will say no one knows what to think of that previous comment.

    Hey, let's play the long sentence game!

    The sentence starts here...

  7. Wanted to tell you my new comic is up.

  8. Happy birthday, Thing!

  9. You're not part of the swarm anymore. You're drowning in protodermis. :P

  10. Well, then maybe it's one of those bootleg masks.

  11. No... wait... Which half does it protect again?

  12. No, that's the mask of Bad Protection.

  13. Whoa! How big is this mailbox again? I thought it was 1' wide, 6'' tall...

  14. *opens mailbox and a flood of mail comes out*

  15. It's actually been all male for over ten pages in the Comments section here...

  16. *money spews out of Blade's computer*

  17. An Interesting Bit Of Trivia:

    "Thomas the Tank Engine" was changed to "Thomas and Friends" because no one knew what a tank engine was.

    XD Nice name change.

  18. Happy birthday, guy with the epic win poster!

  19. I don't know. But he was stung by a Portugese-man-of-war (a very dangerous jellyfish).

  20. Hey, Comic Land Wikia isn't working!

    "Wikia is sadly having problems. Our backend servers are not responding. We are working to fix it as soon as possible."


  21. Wrong! You get a 0 for that exam, Ebba!

  22. "GAAH!



  23. No, he just gets upset when you say "clowns" or "elephants".

    Or "boo".

  24. Ever juggle seven GSs at once?

  25. You need to know the password to get in.

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