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Nathan Evo

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. I found this conversation foot-in-mouth.

  2. *grabs long stick*

    Who's up for Blade Titan974's hand shishkebabs?

  3. *extinguishes flames with a garden hose*

  4. brakelatabasaasta feed yourself

  5. Flame wars are too dangerous!

    *starts a garden hose war*

  6. New discussion has begun.

    So, who here likes vanilla pudding?

  7. haha lolz no 1 cann speek noob liek i kan!!1!!one!!

    Seriously, I think we should stop. . .

  8. *starts a flame war*


  9. Your profile is getting kinda sleepy...zzz...

  10. You know, sometimes you scare me. And then I have a stroke. And then I have to pay a load of money in medical bills all because you scared me.

    That's how amazing your banners are.

  11. That's "lolz i liek pie" TO YOU!

  12. *gasps*


  13. Hey, don't forget the Tabasco.

    I like it when it explodes.

  14. No, he means noodles without the last three letters.

  15. ohh noezz we dusnt has no muvsrumzezz!!lolz rotflz i liek pie

  16. No. That shop is currently closed.

  17. *eats money*

    *realizes is slowly turning into Steak Boy*

    *grabs random baseball bat and whacks on Blade Titan974 and Xaeraz*

  18. Hmm. Yoshi's my main in Brawl.

  19. Boy, you really are a Steelers fan, aren't ya?

    Actually, some of my relatives are from Penn., so I happen to be somewhat a Steelers fan myself.

  20. i blasttd da bad giys awayzezz!! ohh noezz itz dA pnut butr bombzezz!!lolz i liek pie!!1!!one!!

  21. liek zomg takum a hazezz for izezz!1!!@!!~!!exclamation!

  22. ...liek zomg hes trimin da bushs!!1!!@!!~!!guacamole!!

  23. ohh noezz its da launmoerzezz!!1!!@!!~!!squiggle!!

  24. *snacks on whatever Xaeraz has*

  25. What made you fall for the link trick?

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