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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Doesn't cost a thing? Well, I guess I'll have to go buy a robot arm. =P

    >Haha, opposite directions

  2. Aye, the life of a pirate! If only it didn't cost ye an arm or a leg.

  3. Dang, man, when will the Hobbits take over your account? I need someone to fight the guys I've got!

  4. Say, anyone remember the "fully-organic Muaka" from Episode 13 of TMU? She eats the tails off my squids.

  5. Still what?

    Besides, I was making fun of those who use those links.

  6. ...and Lernan just ruined our sentence.

    Let's just stop this.

    It's supposed to be a bad joke. I put "The Most Overused Joke On BZPower:".

    And besides, instead of the usual "X", I put "Pickle Schnorzdworf".

  7. I don't need kraata credit anymore.

  8. *smacks with overused jokes*

  9. ...and knowing your comments I somewhat doubt you but it really doesn't matter...

  10. ...and this would be great as a game...

  11. ...and I deleted Xaeraz's comment because it ruined our sentence (or it's just rude)...

  12. Guys. Next time, let me handle stuff like this.

    As you are not Gerlicky.

    I am.

  13. ...and ~Ebba~ ruined our long sentence.

  14. ...and this sentence is really long...

  15. ...and Blade Titan974 is too lazy to read anything...

  16. Saaaay, there's something different about your personal pic and avvie.

    I think it's just the skin I'm using...


    Now I know what his name is.

  17. I remeber how my cousin had a demo version of Lego Racers (the original). Something about it creeped me out, though I don't remeber what.

  18. -JM-: What it its is it was originally going to be MisTiKa.

    Now it stands for Maximum Turbo K. The K now stands for zilch.


    Good times.

  20. I remember when I was lucky enough to defeat ten enemies in Cruel Brawl in SSBB. Good times.

    *notices pattern in comments*

  21. I doubt that, I've seen a lot of Xaeraz's comments and they're all pretty scary.

  22. Chokii first appeared in TMU.

    Actual first appearance: October 11, 2007

    Supposed first appearance: October 20, 2007

  23. It's weirdness.

    Anyway, I did some reseach on Chokii's appearances and I found where he first appeared.

  24. *gasps*

    I knew it all along!

    Mudkips ARE real!

  25. Hmmm, it's Xaeraz.

    Hey, Satogo!

    Go with the electric wiring as your new security system!

    Black and yellow wiring.

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