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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. I've been thinking you've got the answer to the question is do you feel like you're letting go?
  2. Boogie Monsta

    V ...

    'twas rather amazing, I agree. I just wish they hadn't given everything away in the first episode and left you wondering about the intentions part. Memoria.
  3. >=D RAAAR. And now I have new coming-out-of-the-TV abilities! My cookie-eating skillz will be unmatched!

  4. Ok, so you know those mystery shows on TV where they have a serial killer and they interview people and they're like "Did you have any clue that he was a vicious killer?" "No, he always seemed like a nice man.. Family man.. Wouldn't hurt a fly." It's not like they're ever gonna say "Did you have any clue that he was a vicious killer?" "Well, I got a bit suspicious when I saw the blood trail leading to his door, and him walking around with a bloody axe and a hockey mask seemed a bit out-of-place.. But I didn't feel it was enough to come to the police with."
  6. Yes. Especially mounted to an aircraft carrier =D

  7. Based off that line it sounds like an awesome love song.. Almost Atreyu-ish. *looks it up*
  8. =D Yay! I've never actually known someone who made a pumpkin with that face, I like it! Memoria.
  9. is what happens when someone RIPS OUT YOUR PROVERBIAL BEARD D8 Memoria.
  10. Yeah, Bumblebee is supremely awesome. 'specially when the mask comes down. I didn't really like the movie Megatron and Starscream tho..

  11. That's so hard to chose.. I've always loved Optimus Prime, so I guess he's it.. But I love the twins too.

  12. So I bought some new transformers today, and Mudflap somehow became posed like he was playing electric guitar. So Turkii and I got the idea to make a full band! =D Memoria.
  13. Boogie Monsta

    T F 2

    DUDE. Transformers2 is just as amazing on DVD as it was in theaters. Except smaller. And transforming DVD case = win. Memoria.
  14. You have seven days.
  15. Boogie Monsta

    P I K A

  16. I seez it. He was hilarious, and had a lot of new jokes.. Such as the 70's in 5 minutes and using Lego bricks against terrorists. Memoria.
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