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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. But, in your case, Tom, you're actually a decent human being who doesn't find fault in EVERYTHING and gripe about it all. That's the difference XP Memoria.
  2. The reason getting older makes us old-time Bionicle fans criticize it more is because as Bionicle progresses, it gets more and more different than what it was we originally knew and loved. And as a basest instinct, human beings don't like change. A fan who joined in '05 will likely love Inika and Piraka torsos, and think it strange when TLC does something different. Us old-timers who were fans in '01 loved the way things were then, and don't want anything to change from the way that was. We had the Toa Mata, the Bahrag, the Bohrok, the Rahi. So we want things to follow that formula: Small yet intricate Toa-types, and big, complicated titans with action-type mechanisms. We knew it, we loved it, and then TLC changed it. So many of us complained, while the new fans who had known nothing before Metru Nui loved every minute of it. The same thing happened with the Inika saga, and Bara Magna. And it'll happen again with whatever else comes for Bionicle. Memoria.
  3. Tight pants, Xero, tightest pants. Tight tight tight tight tight tight pants. Memoria.
  4. [images which contain the name of a site with inappropriate content may not be posted. -Shine] They are. Memoria.
  5. [images which contain the name of a site with inappropriate content may not be posted. -Shine] Memoria.
  6. *crouches behind couch*



  7. I found the 2nd or 3rd most awesomest thing ever. This. A practical lens degenerates beside the crisp. A luck smiles after its dance. The condemning pedant examines the daft astronomy. The disabling astronomy declines above the cream. The surprise accelerates a sympathetic particle under the weekday. Memoria.
  8. I'm more of a rocker.. I like it when there's more than 4 chords in a song. But that's just me =P

  9. 8D Yayz! You must give me spoilers sometime on MSN. Like maybe tonight. Memoria.
  10. Boogie Monsta


    Feelz like this.. Going to see Surrogates 2nite, hopefully that'll cheer me up. Memoria.
  11. I was doing this exercise on pronouns (like for people who don't know anything about pronouns) and at the bottom of the page, it said.. "STOP, and check you answers." Also I got the new Three Days Grace CD. Memoria.
  12. Boogie Monsta


    Fell in love with a girl at the rock show She said What? and I told her that I didn't know. Memoria.
  13. Boogie Monsta

    Uk Is The Epic

    Lulz no, hes a lawnmower. It was so obvious 8D Memoria.
  14. Yeah, so here's my uncolored entry for Taka's blog IAC contest. Zooming in helps with the light-lines issues Memoria.
  15. Tahu Mistika Srsly tho I'd rather Tahu stay Mata and Nuva. Tahu Agori just seems wrong to me. Memoria.
  16. Boogie Monsta


    And upgraded to 2 swords. He's like super-Idris now. Memoria.
  17. "Yo Chuck Norris, I'mma let you finish, but... You know what, I'll let you finish. Memoria.
  18. Boogie Monsta


    AVAST YE MATEYS No. I'm talking exactly how I always talk today. Yay. Memoria.
  19. Yes, I frequently what my friends too.. Memoria.
  20. Dude. That was amazing. The horse killed himself, and everything in the video was being found! AND THEN You have watched 72 minutes of video today! Please wait 33 minutes or click here to get unlimited access! Memoria.
  21. I love you, and I'm'a let you finish, but my career is the fastest sinking thing of ALL TIME. Memoria.
  22. I knowz who it is! But I won't tell.. *hides secretively in a nearby vent* Memoria.
  23. Lulz. Mine are usually the same way, except they have no replies at all. Memoria.
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