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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. *Puts on a black jacket, puts on greenish-black sunglasses, and puts on a blackish-green hair wig, then pulls out two guns* Yep, it's on. 8) *Shoots both of them at D-Exo*

  2. *Quote* IC: Neo (AKA Mr. Lighting) must be dead cause I haven't heard from him in a while... */quote* Then I must've resurrected! :-P I just didn't visit here. I thought you guys were moving to my profile page.

  3. *Raises eyebrows* He is? Wow; I kinda find that interesting; especially since he's only had one appearance mostly. Not that it's bad for me(X8's one of my favourite X games); and it kinda does make sense('three' boss battles... Right after one another... Epic win. =))

  4. *Raises eyebrows* Hey, you're just a few months older than me... That's pretty cool. *Is impressed*

  5. *Reads Necro's uber huge Interests list to the end* Well that was a good epic. So... What games do you have for your DS?

  6. *Refreshes Blog tab 1* Nope, nothing over there. *Refreshes the same page, albeit in a different tab* Nope, nothing new here either- ... Wait a second... =P

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      So have I. But I don't...

      Oh, wait. Now I get it! XD

    3. Taka Nuvia
    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      It's basically a case of 'now what did I do that for?'

  7. *Returns and opens up a big wound on Xaeraz's back* Don't mind us, just a little joke from Neccy's page XD

  8. *Rolls to the side, and slashes out with Z-Saber* You hear about the Megaman Zero Collection for the DS yet?

  9. *Runs away* Uh, why are you all attacking me? *Turns around and pulls out a Lewa Nuva '08 Sword* Time to fight back! *Charges up power and runs back*

  10. *Runs the opposite direction of Rakoua*

  11. *Sees about playing Pokemon* Wait; when'd you get a DS? =O

  12. *Sees Dex's sword slash through the armour of a Makuta* You did it Dex! Happy very belated Valentines day >.>' *Makes up for it by handing Dex TONS of sweets*

  13. *Sees name history* *Hands Nid +1 epicness points* For the EXE name. =D

  14. *Sees sets forum* Ah dang, didn't see that it had been revived... I probably wouldn't have posted if I saw it had been revived a few posts above XD

  15. *Sees that the 25th Anniversary for Megaman is happening on December 17th this year* *Looks at Capcom's track record* ... Uh-oh. Uh. Anyone happen to have a way to stop catastrophes, just in case? ._.;

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      It's funny how far from the original topic a conversation can become over time. XD

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Yep. xD It has that tendency, yes. =P

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Indeed it does. XD


      Oh, and so it ends how it began... Capcom should have finished Megaman.

  16. *Sees the Smash Ball, grabs it, and unleashes a lightning Slash that knocks everyone off the stage and kills them* *Yawns* Okay...

  17. *Sends out Gallade to randomly attack non-neutrals*

  18. *Shifts the fight to another world, then charges up a giant ball of energy, taking energy from all the Necrons just summoned* Can they survive a giant ball of energy, and I mean a ball of energy larger than anything the Spirit bomb that obliterated Buu is?

  19. *Shoots D-Exo again*

  20. *Shoots D-Exo once more*

  21. *Sighs* *Tries to revive TG again* Something tells me my spell might've run out and that's why he's not here xP

  22. *Slashes a Necron* Why are you trying to take over the profiles?

  23. *Slashes at Ka-Chan with sword embued with Turn Female Potion* Bwahahaha!

  24. *Slashes D-E in half for making me this*

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