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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. *Behind Dark Lord* I have a Kualsi you know...

  2. Oh look, a Moon Stone! =D

  3. Wi-Fi: Working! Yay! Now I can play on wi-fi again.

  4. Oh, and I forgot... If I can, it'll be: Lewa, Tanma, Antroz, Gavla, Kopaka, Mutran, Pohatu, Icarax, and Ignika. Possibly higher or lower on the list I'll get those ;-)

  5. >.> I have no clue how that saved her Pwoto. 1. You don't lose Proto for spoilers, 2. It's still on page one of the comments >.>

  6. Yeah, 'specially since BMMS(Which I had asked to be locked) was reopened and run against my wishes and without the one I wanted to run it respectively.

  7. I don't have any of the EV reducing berries, I don't think.

  8. The joke is that I'm always on. Not fully true; but I'm that active. =P

    Though, I was Mafian last game. xD Don't expect to be one this time, though, because of that.

  9. Blog updated.

    Don't! *Teleports the planets all back before Disky can destroy them*


  11. Headless Ichigo: Oh boy, and I just LOOOOVE surprises...

  12. . . . I hate you, Global Link. I just get into my account for the first time in four months, and it's the freaking day after the promotion finishes. AND IT'S TECHNCIALLY STILL THE 11TH TOO. >_

  13. Heh, I find it funny that we can have 100 more characters and it's filtered, so the COMMENTING system is still a little better than the LMBs :P

  14. That's not good. =P

    You haven't gotten the PM from Than? Or you just haven't gotten around to posting it?

  15. Ok, ok, we'll skip your profile, but it was D-X who pushed me to try to convert you :P

  16. Pokemon: Starly might be easier, but I don't have any of those with those precise moves; could be wrong though. Haven't focused on breeding for moves. =P

    Stealth Rock: I don't know; how much are they? I've only got 6000 or so now, and that's mostly for my breeding stuff...

  17. Sweet; you won't be disappointed with those volumes of Bleach. =)

  18. *Dodges stab and plunges sword into heartlight, But is caught by the cordak blowing both of us into smithereens* OOC: Erm... Looks like Gecko'll have to revive us.

  19. I just got Defilak! He's a pretty cool Matoran... Useful parts too. Awesome mask...

  20. *Blasts the peanut with Midak SkyBlaster* AHHH!

  21. asdf. I like Blender and all, but it could really crash fewer times. >_>

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