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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Yep. Or maybe it's a conspiracy =O ... =P

  2. Yep.I'll act on it soon.

  3. Yes ;-) That's the truth. Everyone says I should PUT ON weight :-P

  4. Yes I did actually =-P

  5. Yes I'm bored >.> How the heck am I offline when I'm typing this O.o The symbol on the page says I'm offline...

  6. Yes, but the Panda inside is now free and can live a normal life as a Pnda Bear =D


  8. Yes, the Groundhogs are in- Er... Arriving tomorrow. They will ru- err... Predict how long winter lasts and en- err... Go back into their houses or not. Three cheers for groundhogs :-D

  9. Yes, though I never actually used the name itself(Aside from Toa Blade); it's a derivation of 'Blademan'; which I've used different forms of. =P

  10. Yes, yes I am actually. =)

    We're no-where near the end, actually. xD things summed up: Giant undead dragon gets summoned, Apollo gets injured, we head off to different places to get him fixed up, Chimera blow up New York, we get him healed finally, we fight with the Cronusites, Apollo gets killed like five minutes after getting healed, Cronusites and Olympians briefly team up to a C

  11. Yes, yes, good accomplishment... *Puts on cute face* Will you convert back now please? :3

  12. YES! I can actually get the Zekrom C-Gear I missed! =D

  13. YES! YES! You're back to Premier =D

  14. Yo, E, you still playing FotT? Just wondering.

  15. Yo, Elem, your "Last Seen" thing is a little off, it says "Last Seen: 5th January 2009 - 02:13 PM

    Viewing Blog 'The Blah Blah Blahg'", yet, there, it says you were last seen when you made your latest blog entry ;)

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