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Status Updates posted by Shyyrn

  1. Indeed it is! Thanks for noticing. :)

  2. Just saw your sig. Just to check, is the song you're quoting "Speed of Sound"? I can play it on the piano! :)

  3. That's good. I read Great Expectations a few days ago for school; it was pretty good. We also saw a film version in class; I want to have Herbert Pocket's hair from that version! :P

  4. Hello. Happy belated birthday! :)

  5. Hello. I take it from your name that you're a fan of Dickens. :)

  6. Why, thank you. :) It's a prime piece of work, courtesy the geniuses at Monty Python's Flying Circus.

  7. This is rather stupid of me, but...

    Happy very belated birthday!

  8. Hello! I read your comment in the "Funniest Post" topic in GD. Thank you so much for choosing me! I really appreciate it! :)

  9. Hello! I read your post in the "Funniest Post" topic in GD! Thank you so much for choosing me! I really appreciate it. :)

  10. Hello! I read your post in the "Funniest Post" topic in GD. Thank you so much for choosing me! I really appreciate it! :)

  11. Hello. Your "What?!?" story was awesome! Of course, it did break the rules, but I guess that's the sacrifice you pay for comedy. :D

  12. Hello. You seem to be a fan of the "9" short film, so quick question: did the cat-skull monster scare the Karzahni out of you?

  13. You seem to be a fan of the new "9" movie- but have you seen the original short film? If so, does the cat-skull monster scare the Karzahni out of you?

  14. RE The '9' short film: just wondering, does the cat-skull monster scare the Karzahni out of you?

  15. So, are you ever going to post the "Summon and Unleash" game, please?

  16. Your interests box is cooooool.

  17. Hello! Long time no see!

  18. I read your post. Do you live in India, or are you of Indian descent?

  19. Hello to you! And I've just realized... I'm 8 days older than you.

  20. Teebs, Vak... WHAT did I tell you about fooling around with the Spear of Fusion? :)

  21. In other words, good luck in the contest!

  22. Well, I hope your happy. Your little video has annihilated the S&T Contest #5 before it even officially started!

  23. Congrats about your new sister!

  24. Happy 99th birthday, old man! Keep on livin'! :)

  25. *sighs* Well, at least you're honest...

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